Casino Mogul Adelson who funded Newt Gingrich and now has promised another $100 million to Romney must be very pleased. He’s got the Republican candidate in his back pocket. Israeli peace with the Palestinian people? NEVER! See also my previous comment on Adelson who shot down Ehud Olmert in 2008 when he suggested a negotiated peace settlement.
SECRET VIDEO: On Israel, Romney Trashes Two-State Solution
(Mother Jones) – At the private fundraiser held May 17 where Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney candidly spoke about political strategy–noting that he saw half of the American electorate as freeloaders and “victims” who do not believe in personal responsibility–he discussed various foreign policy positions, sharing views that he does not express in public, including his belief that peace in the Middle East is not possible and a Palestinian state is not feasible.
FULL TEXT in article Mother Jones
Mother Jones has obtained video of Romney at this intimate dinner and has confirmed its authenticity. The event was held at the home of controversial private equity manager Marc Leder in Boca Raton, Florida, with tickets costing $50,000 a plate. During the freewheeling conversation, a donor asked Romney how the “Palestinian problem” can be solved. Romney immediately launched into a detailed reply, asserting that the Palestinians have “no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.”
Romney spoke of “the Palestinians” as a united bloc of one mindset, and he said: “I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there’s just no way.”
Romney was indicating he did not believe in the peace process and, as president, would aim to postpone significant action: “[S]o what you do is, you say, you move things along the best way you can. You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem…and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it.”
Meet the Press – Netanyahu decries ‘tinderbox of hatred’ plus transcript
Iran on brink of nuclear bomb in six-seven months: Netanyahu
(Reuters) – Netanyahu said that by mid-2013 Iran would be “90 percent of the way” toward enough enriched uranium for a weapon. He again urged the United States to spell out limits that Tehran must not cross if it is to avoid military action – something Obama has refused to do.
The unusually public dispute between close allies – coupled with Obama’s decision not to meet with Netanyahu later this month – has exposed a gaping U.S.-Israeli divide and stepped up pressure on the U.S. leader in the final stretch of a tight presidential election campaign.
It was the clearest marker Netanyahu has laid down so far on why he has become so strident in his push for Washington to confront Tehran with a strict ultimatum. At the same time, his approach could stoke further tensions with Obama, with whom he has had a notoriously testy relationship.
Netanyahu showed no signs of backing off and equated the danger of a nuclear-armed Iran with the Islamist fury that fueled attacks on U.S. embassies across the Muslim world last week and shocked many Americans.
Were the attendees those that actually plunked down their $50,000 investment in “tax cuts for the rich?” Having to listen to Mitt’s dribble would be one definition of hard work.
Would be interesting to know who the attendees were. Probably not too many among the 1% with such a big head of long blond hair.
Christian Dem in NC has a diary up about Nassralla talking (at AtlasShrugged which I prefer not to link to). Diarist’s conclusion that it doesn’t pass the smell test isn’t unreasonable but he/she has no information to back that up. However, there is a comment worth noting:
The Geller-Nassralla link appears to have been established in 2010 with the protests against the Park 51 project.
Daily Mail headline – Could French victim of the Alpine massacre have been the main target? French police admit cyclist may have led ‘double life’
Very interesting development the Daily Mail headline, this is what I wrote in my diary @Booman some 12 hours after the horrific shooting.
Discussion with some 200+ comments has continued on a French blog – Chevaline …the forgotten victim … Sylvain Mollier.
Some background information why a chance meeting of a British/Iraqi aeronautical engineer, a French cyclist Sylvain Mollier who worked at Areva/Cézus in Ugine, a Brit Brett Martin former BA pilot and RAF veteran led to such an horrific end: four citizens massacred. Could blue prints of gas centrifuges or use of zirconium alloy in nuclear plants be involved in an spy thriller gone wrong?
How to make an atomic bomb
Pakistani science student Abdul Qadeer Khan stole the uranium enrichment documents from Nikhef and Urenco in The Netherlands in the early 1970’s. The CIA under Ford, Carter and Reagan were aware of this fact, however allowed Pakistan to develop the Islamic A-bomb because India, a Soviet Union ally, had developed the A-bomb. Later Khan Enterprises proliferated the nuclear plans to Libya, Iran and North Korea.
Many parts used in centrifuges are tooled to a high engineering quality which is not often present in these countries. Of essence are the rotor blades in its precision and strength. Unbalance will destroy the centrifuges, Iran has this problem. As you are aware, Sylvain Mollier was doing well, a new partner a pharmacist and a new born child the reason of his “parental leave”. Apparently Sylvain Moller has been at the local plant in Ugine for many years, did his father also work there? The Cézus plant specializes in metallurgy research & development for highly specialized alloys needed in nuclear installations. Areva is a nuclear power house and supplier of nuclear and enrichment plants, named after Georges Besse a former CEO of Renault and Eurodif.
For Iran enrichment is the key to getting high enriched uranium (HEU) to get to the 90% level for which Netanyahu warned about in his latest rhetoric. BTW Netanyahu was part of the Israeli smuggling ring which bought the essential triggers for a nuclear detonation, the Klystron in the US.
Motive: money. Location: where a sample material Hafnium or Zirconium alloy or the engineering plans would be handed over to Saad al-Hilli, an Iraqi by birth with family [and loyalty] ties to the Shia and Iran? Witness for the intelligence community: British cyclist Brett Martin. Assassin: agent from DGSE, MI6 or Mossad who wanted to foil handover plan, tracked cyclist Sylvain Mollier.
Much of so-called bits of evidence, I suspect is false information. A Skorpion sub-machine gun and the Luger P08 have little in common, except both are not the weapon of choice in this murder execution style. The Skorpion, plenty of kick back, is nice to spray a car full of bullet holes Al Capone style and the Luger P08 basically is prone to jamming.
Informed Comment on Benjamin Netanyahu – Top Myths about Iran’s Nuclear Enrichment Program.
Red Lines or Netanyahu’s Red Area
I don’t see mentioned Netanyahu’s red line is NO ENRICHMENT whatsoever by Iran. Obama has stated he cannot prohibit a nuclear program for civilian use. Current negotiations reflect an acceptance of Iran’s nuclear rights under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Iran is signatory to the NPT, Israel is not.
The essence of uranium enrichment – link. The Iranians claim they need the 19.75% enrichment for production of medical isotopes in their Tehran Research Reactor linked to Argentina and build by the US for the Shah of Persia.