Can you articulate a positive case for Mitt Romney’s campaign?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
He will stop the takeover of White Christian America.
That’s what I’m hearing.
Do you have a half an hour to waste?
Someone tried to tell me yesterday that Donna quote “couldn’t sing”…
she couldn’t. She was like a screaming African tree-monkey.
Heh, my friend had a theory about the real reason she was in the band– but it was too hurtful to contemplate. I thought she added a lot to Europe ’72.
He will get the tyrannical government off of his friends’ back and drop the jobs-killing taxes on interest and capital gains to 0%. Once he does this, we’ll all get JOBS JOBS JOBS scrubbing the barnacles off of his friends’ yachts! And as soon as we get rid of that socialist ObamaCare, we’ll all get FREE healthcare at any Emergency Room that we choose with a chauffeured Ambulance to get there for FREE!
And he’ll remove the totally unfair tax on profits made by foreign subsidiaries of patriotic US corporations (people) so they can oh so patriotically “repatriate” all that money that they’re stashing abroad and the Fed will never need to print more money again!
And best of all, we’ll all get a FREE crash course on how to take personal responsibility for our own lives so none of us will ever have to acknowledge those pesky beggars living on the streets because they have a “safety net.”
Don’t you get it? We’re all gonna be RICH!
Oh shit. That’s what I get for watching Hannity tonight. I think I need a shower.
If your preferred form of government is Fascist Neo-Feudalism, you couldn’t buy a better candidate for President.
He has nice hair?
If that’s it, they should have gone with Rick “Goodhair” Perry. Not contest between Rick and Mitt on that personal attribute. Plus Goodhair has way more years in public office and more winning elections under his belt than Mitt; so, he wouldn’t sound quite as foolish when claiming that Obama lacks experience. An added bonus would be that unlike Mitt, he can drink coffee, tea, and beer.
He’s not blackityblackblackblack.
It’ll save America from having to undergo another impeachment farce.
He will appoint Rick Perry as Secretary of Education, providing YEARS of material for humorists.
Too bad about the kids, though.
He is not Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, or an of the other nutcake egomaniacs that couldn’t agree on a single “anybody but Mittens” candidate. Yet he has to appeal to the same base.
What’s not to like.
Of course.
A Romney win would undoubtedly be paired with Republicans taking the Senate. The era of obstruction will be over. Republicans will remember that “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” and immediately drop the austerity argument. The spigot of government money will open and taxes will go down. Particularly for the job creators, who will start spending so extravagently that millions of new jobs will open up in the luxury yacht and faberge egg industries.
The downside is that this will also involve voucherizing Medicare, ending Social Security and opening up a new war in Iran, but otherwise, it’s pretty much what Professor Krugman has been demanding for the last 4 years.
Here is the serious case.
The human race is under a fatal threat of mass extinction due to extremely fast climate change. The best models show that a “business as usual” case will result in over 6C warming by century’s end – and that includes no tipping point factors like warming the massive fields of frozen methane in the arctic tundra. But we are not on a “business as usual” trend – even worse than that, we are accelerating CO2 emissions globally (the US is actually down, but that is opposite the global trend).
Unfortunately, American leadership is needed to address this global crisis but neither party has the political chops to fix this. The confluence of carbon-based energy interests and the military industry make any such action impossible to fix. The US military (counting both public and private sector) is the single biggest consumer of fossil fuels in the world AND they justify their massive budgets primarily based on support of, occupation of, or potential occupation of countries with massive carbon resources still in the group.
The only hope at this point is a world wide economic and social disaster that might allow a new system to emerge. Romney and the GOP are the best bet for that.
I’m not arguing this, mind you, but that is the only serious case I can make for Romney.
Setting aside you argument for making things worse so they can get better, our military is the only part of our government that is serious about getting beyond fossil fuels. Like the internet, our energy breakthrough is likely to come from military research and development.
Yep. It pains me to admit to that, actually. The military is VERY worried about such scenarios, and they can’t pretend it’s not a real threat. One of the best communicators on this issue is Admiral David Titley, the Chief Oceanographer and Navigator of the US Navy:
True, but then the military is a humongous operation. The largest fields of solar cells in the Colorado Springs area are all on military installations. The military has done tremendous amounts of planning for climate change and analyzing the threat.
And yet – our military still is (officially) in 175 countries and is still by far the largest consumer of carbon fuels in the world. The massive operations in the middle east, central asia, and the support posts in Europe are there predominately because of the fossil fuel resources there.
Yes, a portion of the military budget is aimed at addressing CO2 problems – but it is dwarfed by the portion that worsens it.
Not really. Yet, he is a strong Mormon Patriarch who adores his wife. Having given her everything else she has desired, he has nothing left to give her but to be first lady of the greatest country in the world.
I’ve always gotten the impression that she doesn’t want the role of first lady AT ALL. Maybe it’s because she’ll be expected to pretend she cares about the unwashed masses, Those People. But Mitt has some insatiable NEED to obtain this trophy (the Presidency) so she puts up with it and pretends to be enjoying it. But the truth comes out from time to time.
No. I can’t think of a single thing. For ANYONE. Not even the 1%. They only THINK they want tax cuts and EPA dead. In reality, the only thing that would guarrantee some kind of revolution in this country would be a Romney presidency.
You win, that is a great reason for a Rmoney presidency.
Yeah. My wife has taken to calling me Leon, lately.
I could develop any number of positive cases for a Romney presidency, but they would all be fictional. Just like the Republicans do.
He wishes he was Latino.