Poor Steven D had our Fantasy Football championship sewn up until the Seattle Seahawks took the field and Russell Wilson and Marshawn Lynch took his trophy away. Congrats to Viera Manatees!!
The family demands that I make this on holidays and birthdays. I think I made it for the 10th time yesterday.
As far as I can tell, Mark McKinnon was a Democrat who got a man-crush for George W. Bush but soon learned two things: the Republicans are nuts and he had a lucrative career working for them. He seems kind of stuck.
Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho got drunk, ran a red light, and got a DUI. He’s a Mormon who tells people that he doesn’t drink. Oops.
David Koch is going to get run out of the tri-state area if he persists in opposing federal relief for the victims of Superstorm Sandy.
Have you finished your Christmas shopping, yet?
David Koch can go f*ck himself. In the best spirit of the season, of course.
Not only was the Mormon Crapo busted for DUI but it was in VA. Wonder what he was doing there instead of being home for Christmas.
There goes my theory that his drink was spiked by the last remaining Democrat in Idaho…
Maybe he and the other the Mormon bishops were celebrating the season?
to see my daughter for the week+.
David Koch Now Taking Aim at Hurricane Sandy Victims
Lee Fang on December 22, 2012 – 2:35 AM ET
Billionaire David Koch’s prime political organization, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), having failed in its $125 million quest to oust President Barack Obama, is now aiming at a slightly less sophisticated political target: victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Hurricane Sandy was the second most costly in American history, leaving 100 lives lost, over $50 billion in devastation and tens of thousands of damaged or destroyed homes. Legislative efforts to help those who survived Hurricane Sandy’s wrath will reach a major stumbling block.
Earlier this week, AFP, which is chaired by Koch and believed to be financed by several other plutocrats from the New York City region, released a letter warning members of Congress not to vote for the proposed federal aid package for victims of the storm that swept New Jersey, New York City and much of the surrounding area in October. An announcement on the group’s website says that the vote next week for the Sandy aid package will be a “key vote”–meaning senators who support sending money for reconstruction could face an avalanche of attack ads in their next election. Already, opposition to the bill is growing, although it passed one procedural hurdle last night.
There is some legitimate criticism with aspects of the legislation, including the fact that some of the money will go to non-Sandy related reconstruction efforts in disaster areas. For AFP, however, the whole bill must die and victims of the storm deserve no help from the government.
Koch’s top deputy in New Jersey, a surly gentleman named Steve Lonegan, who heads the local AFP state chapter, called the aid package a “disgrace.” “This is not a federal government responsibility,” Lonegan told reporters. “We need to suck it up and be responsible for taking care of ourselves.”
I hope that Tri-state GOPers really follow Koch’s advice. If they do, and if Democrats are smart, they’ll get run out of office so fast come 2014.
Two firefighters were shot and killed responding to a fire in upstate New York this morning. Looks like we’ll need armed guards on fire trucks too.
Also, somebody shot up a bar in Seattle. You can see where this is going, right?
Maybe just put armed citizens every fifty feet or so in urban and suburban areas.
This approach is obviously too expensive to implement in rural areas, so for trips out to the countryside, be prepared to shoot your own way in and out.
Where “this is going” is more hang wringing among the sane and more gun sales among the crazies.
Guess that means the $60 billion-dollar check is in the mail from David Koch, eh? Taking care of the local folks.
Hmmm. so volunteer firefirghter respond to a fire alram and 2 of them get shot by snipers as they respond to the fires. The fire blazed out of control and started lighting other houses, and residents had to be evacuated. BUT HEY WHY DO WE NEED GUN CONTROL!!! If only those firefighters were armed…oh wait, they were busy trying to stop a fire from blazing!! Our coutnry really need to wake up and do something about gun control.