Hopefully, you understand the Constitutional, institutional, and legal reasons why America is pretty much condemned to have only two national political parties. If you dispute this, or you have some kind of solution, I’ll address your ideas in the comments. I think of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as basically vehicles. Think of two empty cars. They can carry any kind of people. They can carry abolitionists or Tom Tancredo. They can carry segregationists or John Lewis. There really isn’t any reason for the cars to prefer one kind of ideology over another, but what they’d really like to do is finish in first place. Right now, the two cars have done a good job of segregating liberals from conservatives, but the conservative car doesn’t get the gas mileage or have the quality of pit crew to have much hope of beating the liberal car in a presidential race.

Keep this in mind when you read about conservatives who argue that the Republicans would do better to lose principled stands than lose their reason for being. It’s not true. Republicans would do much better if they abandoned many conservative principles that don’t poll well in today’s America. The losers would be conservatives, who wouldn’t have ownership of one of the two major parties anymore. Conservatives figure that it’s better to be permanently shut out of the White House than to lose control over the GOP. They’re right. It’s better for them that way, but it is certainly not better for their vehicle, or for the country.