I guess the Senate Republicans realized that they were acting like children and caved. Good for them. They will allow the Senate to pass four bills by unanimous consent:

— H.R. 2319, the Native American Veterans’ Memorial Amendments Act,

— H.R. 623, the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Land Transfer Act,

— H.R. 767, amending the Energy Policy Act to modify the Pilot Project offices of the Federal Permit Streamlining Pilot Project, and

— S. 1614, the Accuracy for Adoptees Act.

They will also stick around to hold votes on the nominations for IRS Commissioner, the deputy secretary of Homeland Security, and a judge for the Middle District of Florida.

Janet Yellin’s nomination to be chairman of the Federal Reserve has been postponed until January 6th.

This is better than what the Republicans planned, which was to skip town after the Defense bill was authorized and leave just enough senators in place to screw the Democrats out of Christmas with their families.