The Affordable Care Act offers money to expand Medicaid services in all 50 states. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court ruled that states were not required to accept the federal funds necessary to expand Medicaid services and up to 25 states, all with Republican governors and/or Republican majority legislatures have refused these supplemental funds to increase coverage.
Now a new study by “Harvard and CUNY researchers” estimates that the failure to expand Medicaid benefits in those states will result in thousands of unnecessary deaths because millions of people will forego necessary medical treatments because they will not have acces to healthcare coverage. Coverage that would have been available to them had those GOP politicians chosen to accept the federal supplemental funding for Medicaid expansion:
Based on recent data from the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment, we predict that many low-income women will forego recommended breast and cervical cancer screening; diabetics will forego medications, and all low-income adults will face a greater likelihood of depression, catastrophic medical expenses, and death. Disparities in access to care based on state of residence will increase. Because the federal government will pay 100 percent of increased costs associated with Medicaid expansion for the first three years (and 90 percent thereafter), opt-out states are also turning down billions of dollars of potential revenue, which might strengthen their local economy.
The ACA’s tax subsidy for insurance purchase on the Exchanges is only available to persons with incomes above 100 percent of FPL. People below this threshold in opt-out states (the so-called low-income “coverage gap”) will see no benefit as the law goes into effect. They may even see harm because the ACA cuts disproportionate share (DSH) funding to safety net hospitals, reducing the resources available to care for the remaining uninsured. […]
We estimate the number of deaths attributable to the lack of Medicaid expansion in opt-out states at between 7,115 and 17,104. Medicaid expansion in opt-out states would have resulted in 712,037 fewer persons screening positive for depression and 240,700 fewer individuals suffering catastrophic medical expenditures. Medicaid expansion in these states would have resulted in 422,553 more diabetics receiving medication for their illness, 195,492 more mammograms among women age 50-64 years and 443,677 more pap smears among women age 21-64. Expansion would have resulted in an additional 658,888 women in need of mammograms gaining insurance, as well as 3.1 million women who should receive regular pap smears.
Why did these states chose to opt out? One reason only, the desire of GOP politicians to eviscerate the benefits to their constituents (and also to their local economies – small businesses as well as hospital and healthcare systems) in order to claim that the ACA failed to deliver on its promises. It certainly isn’t for economic reasons:
With fourteen states opting out, we estimate that 3.6 million fewer people would be insured, federal transfer payments to those states could fall by $8.4 billion [note: this was before an additional 11 states chose to reject federal funding for Medicaid expansion, so these numbers are already too low], and state spending on uncompensated care could increase by $1 billion in 2016, compared to what would be expected if all states participated in the expansion.
Unfortunately, millions of Americans must suffer so these Republicans can falsely claim “Obamacare” is a failure. As more and more studies show, the actions of these Republican officials, both on the national and state level, to deny their fellow citizens health care coverage, thus shifting the financial costs to their constituents is the real failure.
The “Right to Life” party? Just another empty slogan brought to you by people who don’t care if millions of people are denied even a bare minimum of health care coverage. Increased death and suffering by our fellow Americans, people of all races (predominantly poor white people I might add, not that it matters other than the fact the GOP political figures have consistently implied these benefits are primarily provided to lazy, shiftless, big guvmint mooching non-whites) all to score political points? What a surprise.
I’m sorry if you need healthcare coverage but will not receive it simply because you live in a state where the Republicans have chosen to refuse to expand Medicaid. The fact that millions of you that will fit into this category are children makes the actions of these Republican officials even more despicable, immoral and just downright evil.
Maybe some of the poor and lower middle class people who vote for these Republicans in opt-out states ought to reconsider who really is looking out for their interests. Because, thought the ACA is not perfect, the major reason people in those states won’t be seeing any benefit from it is a direct result of voting for Republicans at the state level.
We threw out the constitution, started two wars, and spent trillions of dollars not so long ago to avenge a fraction as many deaths.
Just sayin’.
OK, these creatures are trying to kill me. I think that meets Dick Cheney’s one percent standard – if there is a one percent chance of a threat – I can preemptively act to my defense. I can Stand My Ground. Fucking Retards need to walk on eggshells.
No fear, nothing left to lose.
All true. As Terrance Heath stated, now we know who the death panels are.
In addition to those arguments for Obamacare, I think Dems (both the politicians and the rank and file) need to push one other argument at GOP and independent voters. And that is that Obamacare is restructuring financial incentives in health care that will save us all money.
Part of the funding for expanded Medicaid came from diverting the disproportionate share hospital funds. The purpose those served was to directly reimburse hospitals for extra costs treating those who could not pay. The funding for this has been growing quickly.
So hospitals relied on that plus elevating prices for insured patients to cover their expenses. And these expenses are huge. What rank and file GOPers don’t appreciate enough is that either way this all comes out of their pockets. And the deals are done between hospitals, insurance companies and the government.
Now however there will be fewer people who can’t pay. The upside? The healthcare system will cost us all less to support.
No, the GOP rank and file do not care if people die. They do not care if this programs gives low income people a little choice and a little dignity.
But even the “new replacement” plan from GOP politicians leave in the feature I just mentioned. It’s a smart financial move.
Unfortunately for the people in those states, their hospitals are coming under pressure and more will close before long.
Hopefully, the Democrats running for office use PPACA and Medicaid like a cudgel to beat the Republicans over the heads with, from now until November – and then, afterwards.
Keep pointing out how sociopathic that Party has become – EVERY SINGLE F*CKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and especially on Sunday’s, when these Christian hypocrites are praying to a Jesus they know nothing about.
This is not a surprise to anyone.
But, it does need to be repeated, because there are dunces out there who give the sociopaths of the GOP the benefit of the doubt.
The GOP doesn’t care if you die?
The GOP loves dead Americans. Especially if they’re poor, or brown, or female, or libruuls.
And they can’t get enough of killing innocent foreigners.
The GOP doesn’t care? Oh, they care alright. They want Americans to die.
Republicans “believe that life begins at conception and ends at birth.” — Barney Frank.
What Steven D shares here is only the half of it. Add to this Medicaid immorality all the massive piles of bullshit the GOP tries to pile on top of the ACA-created private health insurance exchanges.
The Republican Party’s State Of The Union address was given by the horrible, ambitious Cathy McMorris Rodgers. She related the sad, sad story of one of her constituents in Washington State whose monthly premium payments went from $552 to $1052 a month Because Obamacare.
But, of course, that was a lie, a total lie. A lie outed by a reporter who only needed to go on the Washington State health insurance exchange to discover that this constituent has a plan option on the exchange which has lower premiums and deductibles than her previous plan, and covers a more comprehensive set of total coverage from her previous catastrophic plan.
The reporter called McMorris Rodgers’ constituent to share these facts with her. The constituent’s answer?
“Grenier said she had flatly refused to even investigate her options on the exchange. “I wouldn’t go on that Obama website at all,” she said. “We liked our old plan. It worked for us, but they can’t offer it anymore.””
OK, then. Our President is blah, so she’s compelled to make ridiculously bad consumer decisions, and her Representative is compelled to use her story for political expediency INSTEAD OF INFORMING HER CONSTITIUENT OF HER BETTER OPTIONS UNDER THE LAW. No choice in the matter, apparently:
And then there’s the Republican Senators and Attorney Generals who have co-authored an amicus brief to the D.C. Court of Appeals, claiming that the ACA does not allow American citizens to receive federal tax credits to help them buy private insurance if they live in States run by sociopaths who refused to set up their own exchange.
So, as a commenter summarized: “This isn’t like the Medicaid expansion aspect of the ACA where the states would still have to pay something, even though feds would pick up most of the cost. This is about federal tax credits for the citizens of these states at no cost to the states. In sum, these state attorney generals are so blind with hatred to “Obamacare” and the Affordable Care Act, that they are actually suing to prevent these citizens of their states from being able to obtain health care insurance, since these individuals almost certainly would not be able to purchase it on the exchanges without the federal tax credits.”
Pure sociopathy. Thanks, Republican Party!