Excellent Coverage at Moon of Alabama

Syria: Erdogan’s False Flag Invasion Plans Revealed

The Turkish prime minister Erdogan and his foreign minister Davutoglu have further plans. They allege that the Tomb of Süleyman Shah, a small place in Syria 25 kilometer from the Turkish border but under Turkish sovereignty, is threatened by Jihadist group Islamic State (ISIS). They say that Turkish troops are ready to go to protect it. This clearly is a threat of invasion under some attack on radio Gleiwitz reasoning. Today leaked tape recordings of two phone calls (in Turkish, UPDATE: English transcript of first part) between Davutoglu, the chief of the Turkish intelligence MIT Hakan Fidan and others, seem to confirm that this is indeed the plot. According to a preliminary translations by Firat Gunay (for which I can not vouch):

    •  Fidan offers Davutoglu to send men into Syria to fire missiles on Turkey.
    •  After Davutoglu rejects that, Fidan offers to bomb the tomb of Süleyman Shah.
    •  Talk about the needs of the Jihadists which is more about ammunition than guns.
    •  Fidan states that they have delivered 2,000 truckloads of weapons to the insurgents.
    •  Davutoglu says Kerry had asked if the Turks would invade Syria and had pressed for it to do so.
    •  Davutoglu also says they have plans for a no-fly zone over Syria and have delivered such plans to NATO.
    •  Davutoglu assures Fidan that Erdogan has agreed to all the plans.
    •  Fidan says things do not go well for the insurgents and that Turkey has send a general to help them.

Shortly after the calls were leaked on Youtube Turkey blocked local Internet access to Youtube. It is now also available on Vimeo and elsewhere. The tape release, only the latest in a larger series, came after Turkish police raided a holding company related to the religious Gülen movement, an earlier ally of Erdogan which has become his fiercest enemy. A TV station related to Gülen was also taken down.

More translations by blogger Pirouz_2 here.

Please note Erdogan’s Turkey is a NATO partner and fully supported by US President Obama to make waves in Syria. On the border are NATO Patriot missile batteries manned by The Netherlands and United States. I understood in the leaked conversation Secretary Kerry was mentioned and the fact all costs of rebel support would be funded by the emir of Qatar.

My diary last year –

[Update1] : Another source of translation by efe kerem sozeri. plus his twitter account.

MofA: Media Neglect Turkish False Flag Attack Leak And Its Implications

[Update2] :: efe kerem sozeri @efekerem – 9 h
#Turkey’s renowned diplomacy columnist @MuratYetkin2 writes that the #Syria leak was recorded on 13 Mar 2014 in #MFA Ankara şokta: Gizli Suriye toplantısı dinlenmiş

efe kerem sozeri ‏@efekerem – 1 h
@MatthewKeysLive @TorEkelandPC ..and this is the complete English translation of it, with screenshots: ELECTION DRIVEN WAR PLANS – I :: v batu mulligan @castizbey

efe kerem sozeri ‏@efekerem – 2 h
via & many thanks to @EFF which hosts a #Tor mirror
EFF: When Is a Tor Block Not a Tor Block? :: More info and links @#youtubeblockedinturkey