Comparing ObamaCare to the Holocaust isn’t racist in any straightforward way, but it’s hard to see how a politician could fail to understand how the comparison is offensive to both blacks and Jews. It’s offensive to Jews primarily because it diminishes the extent of their suffering. It’s offensive to blacks because it’s just one more example where a black president is shown a staggering degree of disrespect. He gets access to health care to millions of people for the first time, including many people living in black communities, and he gets compared to Hitler for his troubles.

This offense-giving is probably totally unintentional. Except in the limited sense that conservatives enjoy saying things that (they think will) annoy liberals, this clown’s comment was probably not intended to give offense. It was just intended to get attention and prove his “conservative” and “anti-ObamaCare” credentials.

But, as one Republican after another makes these kind of inane and insensitive remarks, there is a cumulative effect. They wind up just pushing everyone way from them.