Good Morning everyone.
First, Booman. I spoke to Cabin Girl, his spouse, yesterday. She said Booman is doing okay, but no one is sure when he will resume blogging. When he returns, it will be his decision regarding what to tell us here about his absence. In the meantime, she asks we respect the family’s privacy. The family greatly appreciates all the support for Martin you all have shown.
For the record, what I know about Martin’s health is no more than what I just wrote. I have no problem with that. He, Cabin Girl and his family are entitled to their privacy while he recovers.
Now regarding yours truly, I am having a recurrence of my autoimmune symptoms, so I will be resting most of the day. However I will be promoting diaries to the front page, quite excellent ones, in my opinion, in a little bit.
Since this blog has never shown the slightest resemblance to The Enquirer I’m more than fine with knowing only that BooMan and CabinGirl are concentrating on their private lives right now.
The diaries have been so great over the last week and Steven you’ve done a remarkable job so please do take good care of yourself. From an old agnostic’s perspective it has been wonderful to see a group that instead of offering endless prayers has instead stepped up to the plate and DONE SOMETHING.
May BooMan find his way to health and CabinGirl some much deserved rest.
Thanks, Steven. Take care.
Glad to hear Booman is doing better
We do miss him, and yes Steven is doing a great job
Get better, BooMan!
And stay well, Steven D!
Thanks, Steven! Take care of yourself. Hopefully BooMan will be back with us soon.
Thank you. Even that tiny bit of information is reassuring. Best wishes for good health to all of you.
Thanks for the update! My best wishes to health and happiness to Booman and his family.
Keeping Booman, Cabingirl and their family in my thoughts. Sending wishes for healing and wellness for all of them.
Continued prayers for BooMan and Family BooMan.
“BooMan is doing okay” seems like good news to me!
As for diaries… I’m a decent enough writer, I guess, but I’m not sure that I have anything to say that is front-page material, so I’m really grateful that so many others have stepped up.
The best thing I had come up with was maybe starting a conversation where people here could talk about how they keep up the good fight in the face of what sometimes feels like a near-constant barrage of discouraging news. So anyone who wrote a diary this week, see what you have saved us from? Pat yourselves on the back!
There have been many so good diaries this week that I’m thinking that even with Boo back, whenever that is, maybe he can take a day or two off every week, or a week off every month, and front-page some of the great diaries you guys have been writing.
That would be a great idea. Do it.
Your diary would generate some good discussion; hope you do write it.
Steven, take care of yourself. I’ve noticed that having many voices seems to improve a lot of blogs. One reason is that there are fresh ideas-a lone blogger can burn out easily after a while and run out of ideas. Balloon Juice is a good example of having multiple bloggers works. The site is more interesting with multiple regular bloggers. This allowed John Cole to take time off to take care of himself without missing a beat.
Wishing for a quick return to good health for BooMan and some serenity for the Boo household. Hoping for some relief for you, Steven. You’re wonderful for keeping the pond together so well. Thank you! Also, thanks to all the diarists who jumped in to help. You were all great!
Hoping Booman returns soon! Meanwhile, the front page is doing well. Enjoying the diversity of posts.
I love the way the community has come together to keep the pond green. At the same time, we all acutely feel Boo’s absence. So glad to hear he’s getting well. Would love to know it’s nothing life threatening or long-term serious but clearly his right to privacy (and that of his family) trumps our right to know.
Thanks, Steven, for all you’ve done and to everyone who’s taken the time to write articles.
Thanks for the update, Steven. Reassuring to hear. You have been doing great, diaries are interesting and provoke good discussion. Thanks for keeping all going.