I’m never certain that hosting big security-heavy events is really a money-maker for the local community, but I have to say that I am pleased that Duncan’s urban hellhole will be hosting the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

And even if Duncan’s welcoming committee is typically Mid-Atlantic, I promise that at least some of us will be friendly.

Just so you know, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Club for Growth) will be up for reelection, possibly against Joe Sestak. We also need to win back three suburban House districts that have been gerrymandered out of our reach, but which could fall to us in a landslide election. So, locally, we have some elections to win and they’ll matter more than Pennsylvania’s Electoral College delegates. After all, if a Democrat, particularly Hillary, cannot easily win Pennsylvania then we’re in for a long national nightmare starting the day The One leaves office.

In any case, I will be able to cover this convention in a way that would not have been possible if it had been held in Columbus or Brooklyn, let alone places like Charlotte and Denver.

When Philly hosted the 2000 RNC, the police were extremely heavy-handed with the protestors, which is something I will probably have plenty of opportunity to write about over the next 16 months.

In the meantime, you’ll need to book your table at Chez Cabin immediately, as we only have a couple spare beds and a couch.