Donald Trump should get off the pot and run for president as a Republican. I am for this.
Donald Trump announced plans Wednesday to form a presidential exploratory committee.
“I am the only one who can make America truly great again,” the Republican businessman and reality television star declared in a statement announcing the move.
While a step short of a formal campaign launch, the formation of an exploratory committee allows him to begin raising money and hire staff as he weighs a White House bid.
He’s threatened to do this so many times that’s it is easy to dismiss him now, but he did recently announce that he’s not looking to re-up his contract from The Apprentice, so he’ll be needing some way to get the attention he craves.
I’ll wait to celebrate until he actually starts campaigning in Iowa.
He should pick W’s former Chief of Staff as his Veep candidate. Trump / Card 2016. Can’t lose.
NO. Trump Wolfowitz. Then the 2 dumbest men in America will be teamed up to lead the world.
That level of narcissism is scary. However, the first question I’d ask ‘the Donald’ is exactly when was ‘America truly great’ in the past?
I wonder what he claimed for his mileage expenses last year?
I’m holding out for my favorite: Herman Cain.
No drives the Klown Kar better.
But “Mr. Bus” was funnier. Difference in funny bone tastes: Keystone Kops or Chaplin.
i was visiting my close but altogether really conservative cousin in Atlanta last week. The cousin has one radio tuned to Limbaugh (now that Neal Boortz is no longer broadcasting) and in the breakfast/kitchen area she had Herman Cain on another. So early morning before my cousin came into the kitchen, I overheard Cain talking about that radical extreme and far left Elizabeth Warren. On and on and on. Unlike Limbaugh, Cain wasn’t mean and vindictive when saying that about her. One could almost hear the smile in his voice.
This cousin, along with a similarly politically oriented female friend in my town (both of these ladies are around 80 and are sharp as tacks) both play conservative talk radio in the background all day long. Beyond those two, so many folks I know who used to be moderate in their views are now so far right that they think Elizabeth Warren is a radical leftist. They, literally, have been brainwashed.
Or Donald Trump should get ON the pot, devote himself to watching TV Star Trek episodes and eating Cheetos, and leave the rest of us alone.
Can’t wait for him to climb into the clown car.
Very much looking forward to this. I’m glad Trump hasn’t let the Jebya juggernaut roll over him
The key part of that quote is “…to begin raising money…”
I’ll believe he means it when he submits his financials…umm, that’s assuming he doesn’t decide to completely thumb his nose at that rite of passage?
I’ll celebrate when “we” gain the White House, both sides of the isle, the Supreme Court and make significant inroads into the GOP lock in what were, until recent times, historically blue states. Not before.
Perhaps he will invest in a Hairpiece 2.0 while he’s about it.
He probably has his eye on subdividing the White House grounds for construction of high end condos.
With casinos at both ends operated by Adelson because Trump has demonstrated that he sucks at that.
Based on The Donald’s MO, he will be looking to change the “White House” to the “Trump House”, with royalties paid to him in perpetuity.
I’ve long suspected he was never too great at real estate, simply burning through his inheritance until he gained enough name recognition to slap his name on real estate as his major source of revenue.
Show us your financials, Donald.