This clown took Eric Cantor out in a primary. And that’s really what he is- an absolute clown.
Rep. David Brat (R-VA) on Thursday, during a conversation with Lars Larson at the “Hold Their Feet To The Fire” conference, blamed Obamacare for moving America away from a free market system and making the country more like North Korea.
During the conversation, Brat responded to a PolitiFact article, which took issue with a statement he’d made on March 17. Brat had said repealing Obamacare would save America more than $2 trillion, a statement that PolitiFact, a fact-checking project run by the Tampa Bay Times, disputed and said was false.
Brat disagreed with PolitiFact’s conclusions and told Larson that moving away from a free market economy was endangering America.
There’s really nothing to do but laugh in this guy’s face. He doesn’t care what he says. He isn’t remotely serious. Anyone who believes anything he says is a gullible fool. And, yet, he is completely typical of the type of politician that is getting produced by the modern GOP.
Ok, but I wish we weren’t using PolitiFact as an arbiter of the facts. They do a better job than the average journalist (not that that’s saying much), but every once in a while they get bitten by the bipartisanship bug and blow a big one. Such as selecting “If you like your health plan, you can keep it” as the Lie of the Year.
“Anyone who believes anything he says is a gullible fool.”
With that one line you just described the TPGOP base. They love their politicians to be NUTTIER than chunky peanut butter.
Yeah well he was elected to congress by a majority of the voters, not just GOP primary voters. Do keep that in mind.
And the clown, appropriately, is an ECONOMICS PROFESSOR at some Southern clown college.
No one in the modern american political system is remotely serious about anything except murder, war, torture, assassination, etc.
Yes… the two parties are both enablers of the very same national security apparatus. That is the only consensus among the political elite and, to me, nothing else actually matters.
Mr. Brat is a sideshow clown distracting you from the evil. And BooMan fell for it… again.
“…to me, nothing else actually matters.”
And to many others, the real differences between leaders of the two parties, both inside and outside of national security policy, are thoroughly consequential. People are literally suffering and dying every day because of policies executed and laws interpreted and passed by the radical right-wing movement, policy executions which, in whole, are not taking place in areas of governance controlled by people who have the Democratic Party to thank for their positions of power.
Name a bull goose looney anywhere in top leadership on Democratic Party side who wants to screw up the U.S. health care system like Rep. Brat, for example. That may not matter to you in your worldview. But it MATTERS, all right.
You can be furious with Obama all you want and pretend that his Administration’s policies in whole are as bad (OR WORSE!!) than Cheney/Bush’s. Your perceptions do not encompass the whole of truth.
You do realize what happened in Baltimore the past few days, right? Google Freddie Gray. And Baltimore has a Democratic mayor.
spinal column 80% severed at the neck- …
Each of these took place before the Gray killing:
While agreeing that Baltimore’s policing has been a big problem for a long time, we must say that these responses are not the same as what we see from Republican Mayors.
Elected leaders from the two Parties are not the same when it comes to identifying causes and seeking solutions to the problems which create violence and bad policing in poor and minority communities.
Listen to the details in the last video report. Explains a lot.
And of course, none of this touches directly on the large differences in the two Parties on policies which direct the military, health care, and other programs.
I’m at my parent’s house for the weekend. On my way home from the gym I saw a truck with bumper stickers: “Extremely right wing”, “Don’t believe the liberal media” and “Dave Brat for Congress”.
So nice to be in confederate America’s neck of the woods.
So, whereabouts do your parents live?
In Brat’s district, bordering Fredericksburg. Across the street is a civil war battle field. Down the road is Robert E Lee Elementary. A few miles is the Stonewall Jackson Shrine. Right near Jefferson Davis Highway.
Don’t you love it?
IOW honoring traitors and treasonous symbols on US soil if not US public lands. Should have banned this crap in all public and commercial spaces. And enforced that separation of church and state thingy. Let them hold their delusional reenactments of the civil war that the south one on their own private land.
His supporters want reinforcement of their own warped notions, which may or may not be consistent with reality.
Middle-school unseriousness is what charactierizes the Republican Party and its most faithful followers more than anything else — more than the racism, misogynism, xenophobia, bravado, homophobia, religious hypocrisy, crazy moralism, ammophilia, or warmongering. The by far most dangerous characteristic for the nation is their deranged juvenile thinking. Only the sabotage of actual political discourse seems to matter.
Interesting point. Middle school mentality is the result of Koch (and the like) sponsorship of so many. What Kochs look for in their candidates is obedience with emphasis on lack of questioning and medium intelligence, also too, optimally, weaknesses with which they can be controlled [e.g. something close to black-mail level seriousness]. (my conclusion based on past decade). the result is middle-school type mentality which is fostered in a kind of group think (e.g. in the Koch retreats). also too – they have neither the depth of knowledge nor intellectual resources to actually participate in governing, so what to do with all their free time before they actually have to cast votes along prespecified lines? well, there’s decorating the office, going on junkets, substance abuse, harassing staffers, shiny objects and I don’t know what else but I assume they have pretty short attention spans and they must be kept occupied lest they stray from the group think.
The Sis is my information source for upper-middle-class Republican, irrational group think about minutia that does filter down to the Faux news and Rush set. They are so daft that it doesn’t occur to them that Republican members of Congress would be howling if Michelle Obama’s staff numbers and costs exceeded that of the last FLOTUS, if the Obamas’ travel expenses were out of line with GWB’s, etc. As Charles Pierce often mentions, these are mole people.