This clown took Eric Cantor out in a primary. And that’s really what he is- an absolute clown.

Rep. David Brat (R-VA) on Thursday, during a conversation with Lars Larson at the “Hold Their Feet To The Fire” conference, blamed Obamacare for moving America away from a free market system and making the country more like North Korea.

During the conversation, Brat responded to a PolitiFact article, which took issue with a statement he’d made on March 17. Brat had said repealing Obamacare would save America more than $2 trillion, a statement that PolitiFact, a fact-checking project run by the Tampa Bay Times, disputed and said was false.

Brat disagreed with PolitiFact’s conclusions and told Larson that moving away from a free market economy was endangering America.

There’s really nothing to do but laugh in this guy’s face. He doesn’t care what he says. He isn’t remotely serious. Anyone who believes anything he says is a gullible fool. And, yet, he is completely typical of the type of politician that is getting produced by the modern GOP.