What a state .. what a nation .. saw interview with dad of the attacker who targeted Dallas Police with an arnoured van and pipe bomb explosives. During interview, Jim Boulware blamed the left who had taken over government in Washington and the socialist laws that could take away a man’s son. His son couldn’t find any help because he was a white man.
- Jim Boulware last saw his son hours before the attack, when James visited to cut his father’s grass. Jim said there was no hint then of the trouble to come. He said he noticed his son had a new van, but that fit with what James had said once before about buying a van he could live in and use to travel to a friend’s home in West Texas.
Jim Boulware said his son’s struggles had been especially intense since April 2013, when James was charged with assaulting his mother. “I’m not saying he doesn’t have some problems of some kind … but you can push someone so far and everybody will break.”
Sniper’s Bullet Kills Dallas Police’s Attacker | VOA News |
Authorities in Texas said Saturday that a gunman in an armored vehicle opened fire on police headquarters in Dallas, puncturing windows and police cars with bullets, then drove off in a hail of police gunfire before being killed by a sniper.
Police surrounded the armored van in a Dallas suburb early Saturday. Authorities did not move in on the suspect immediately because of fears that the vehicle might have been booby trapped with explosives. But after an exchange of gunfire and a three-hour standoff, snipers fired into the vehicle to disable the engine.
Dallas Police Chief David Brown said that when his snipers glimpsed the suspect inside the vehicle a few minutes later, they fired through the van’s windshield. More than seven hours after the shooting began, a Dallas police spokesman posted on the department’s Twitter account that the suspect had been found dead in the vehicle.
Brown said the suspect identified himself to authorities as James Boulware, and he blamed police for having lost custody of his son and for “accusing him of being a terrorist.” But authorities declined to officially identify the suspect until a medical examiner verified it.
○ Exposing Communists n U.S. Government
Suspect in Dallas police HQ attack ‘heard voices,’ says mom
The man identified himself as James Boulware, 50, who has a history of family violence and blames authorities for his losing custody of his son, Dallas police Chief David Brown said.
Boulware’s mother, Jeannine Boulware, declined to comment Saturday morning when she was reached at her Dallas home by phone. “I don’t want to talk to the media. I want to talk to my son. I want my grandson to talk to his father. Do not call this number again,” she said.
Mesquite’s bomb squad was at James Boulware’s last known address to check for explosives because of devices that had been found and detonated by Dallas police at their headquarters.
Suspect in Dallas Police Attack Was Well Known to Police
The suspect in the attack on the Dallas Police headquarters was mentally ill and “heard voices,” his mother said.
James Boulware, suspected of attacking the headquarters of the Dallas Police Department Saturday, was arrested in 2013 for choking his mother “to the point of unconsciousness,” police told NBC 5.
“We apologize to the police for his behavior,” Jeannine Boulware-Hammond said of her son, “We loved him and will remember him as the man he was before all of this took place. We are so grateful that no other families are having to bury anyone because of his actions.”
At the time of Boulware’s arrest in 2013, police issued a public alert that he was armed with guns, a large amount of ammunition, and also had body armor, and might go on a shooting spree.
According to an arrest report, the incident began when Boulware attacked two family members and went on a rant. His mother “had gone into the kitchen to make her something to eat when the suspect began making comments about North and South Korea, and began talking rudely about religion, Jews and Christians,” a police affidavit said. “The suspect suddenly grabbed (his mother’s) throat with both of his hands and began squeezing.”
Judge says of Dallas suspect: ‘I knew he was going to do something’
The suspect in the attack on Dallas police headquarters had a record of domestic violence and a history of custody issues, but authorities have found nothing in his past to indicate he would target police, Chief David Brown said Saturday.
Boulware’s father, however, told CNN that police told him that James was killed during the standoff that followed the shooting. Jim Boulware said he thought his son would have directed his anger not at police but at his mother, who was granted custody of James Boulware’s son in April.
The execution:
Dallas Police Depart @DallasPD
One shot into susp veh windshield just went in with .50 cal. #DallasPDShooting
4:48 PM – 13 Jun 2015Jeannine Hammond said her son was “was obviously a very troubled young man.” The mother said in a written statement released by an attorney that she thought her son’s legal loss factored into the attack. Hammond said her son showed during the trial that he was delusional.
‘I knew he was going to do something’
Apparently one of those judges he was referring to was Kim Cooks. She told CNN that police had checked on her Saturday morning to make sure she was OK. Cooks, who said she was threatened multiple times by Boulware since the custody trial, told CNN she was “in shock” after hearing of the attack at Dallas police headquarters — but only because of the target.
“It doesn’t surprise me that he did something like this,” Cooks said, “I knew he was going to do something, but I always thought his target would have been me.”
On Cooks’ Facebook page days after an April custody order, Boulware posted incomprehensible remarks about Osama bin Laden and accused the judge of “blocking testimony about the cartel and the KLU [sic] KLUX KLAN!!! … She even stacked the jury against me.”
Elsewhere online, Boulware commented on a list of “25 reasons to never go to Texas,” referring to Child Protective Services “as the Hitler youth program [that] steals people’s kids with impunity.” He also said the police and FBI were working with the Mafia.
That first link “blamed the left” leads to a story about Bill O’Reilly.
He sounds nuts, but I see these sort of comments every day on Yahoo Finance. Tea Party morons. American education really has failed.