Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Time to advocate open carry in the legislatures. For anyone. And maybe in Congress. You know how bent out of shape committee members get with freedom of speech from Code Pink. Don’t you think respectful open carry would not intimidate Congress at all but to celebrate the 2nd Amendment. And then there are the NRA offices.
It’s not long before those will be the last gun-free zones left.
on July 26, 2015 at 5:16 pm
Jeez, Boo, what could possibly go wrong? Except maybe if they don’t put on enough butter.
Those opposed to gun free zones are not entitled to live and work in gun free zones. Nor any protection beyond want they can supply with the pistol they pack.
If The Hill wasn’t “gun free,” Democrats and liberals would be at higher risk than Republicans for getting shot by a homicidal gun nut. OTOH, Reagan’s would be assassin was “one of their own.”
Adding guns to a dark, loud environment couldn’t go wrong. Especially if some sort of escalation were to occur, and a true hero packing a handgun was there to intervene.
BooMan, you with your incessant reporting of the Everclear proof pure grade insanity of the Republican Party base and their leaders, all the way up the scale. I wish you would start listening to the wise, perspective-filled people on this blog who are informing us that if Democratic Party leaders became less moderate and corrupt, our governance and electoral challenges would be solved. Pretty promptly, some say.
I find it tragic that we cannot legislate any kind of meaningful gun control in this country. Just the other day, a mentally ill woman in the community where I live killed her husband and baby. In her delusional state, she thought she was saving them from God-knows-what. Had there not been a gun, there’s a good chance the husband could have stopped her. It’s so much harder to kill with a knife or a bat.
Every year, thousands and thousands die because of guns. When people are frightened or depressed, their ability to make intelligent decisions disappears. The chances of defending oneself with a gun are vastly outweighed by the chances of an accidental shooting or a spur of the moment murder or suicide. For this reason, I’ll never have a gun in my home.
A federal judge in California has ruled that the Obama administration’s detention of children and their mothers who were caught crossing the border illegally is a serious violation of a longstanding court settlement, and that the families should be released as quickly as possible.
In a decision late Friday roundly rejecting the administration’s arguments for holding the families, Judge Dolly M. Gee of Federal District Court for the Central District of California found that two detention centers in Texas that the administration opened last summer fail to meet minimum legal requirements of the 1997 settlement for facilities housing children.
Christopher A. Reed, 28, of Lancaster, was charged with discharging a firearm in the city limits, and was issued a summons to appear in Fairfield County Municipal Court on Tuesday, according to the police incident report.
Reed told police that he was holding his rifle outside the recruitment center when someone asked if he could take a look at it. Reed agreed, and while he was trying to clear the ammunition from the weapon, he accidentally fired one shot into the asphalt pavement.
The only damage was a hole in the pavement. The rifle was taken from Reed pending his appearance in court, the incident report says.
Conviction on the fourth-degree misdemeanor is punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail.
Reed was convicted of the same offense in 2013, and was fined $50, court records show.
Second offense of discharging a weapon and he walk out until his trial. Sandra Bland is held three days in jail (and it probably would have been much more) for failure to signal a lane change.
N.B. She was from Chicago. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone signal a lane change in Chicago. maybe it was in the 1970’s.
He’s also a hero to his neighbors, according to a comment from a friend on my Facebook posting of this:
I work in Lancaster, and only live about 15 minutes away from where this happened. Locals are OUTRAGED that the plaza owner doesn’t want them there! (Bangs head on desk)
Time to advocate open carry in the legislatures. For anyone. And maybe in Congress. You know how bent out of shape committee members get with freedom of speech from Code Pink. Don’t you think respectful open carry would not intimidate Congress at all but to celebrate the 2nd Amendment. And then there are the NRA offices.
It’s not long before those will be the last gun-free zones left.
Jeez, Boo, what could possibly go wrong? Except maybe if they don’t put on enough butter.
Those opposed to gun free zones are not entitled to live and work in gun free zones. Nor any protection beyond want they can supply with the pistol they pack.
If The Hill wasn’t “gun free,” Democrats and liberals would be at higher risk than Republicans for getting shot by a homicidal gun nut. OTOH, Reagan’s would be assassin was “one of their own.”
Adding guns to a dark, loud environment couldn’t go wrong. Especially if some sort of escalation were to occur, and a true hero packing a handgun was there to intervene.
BooMan, you with your incessant reporting of the Everclear proof pure grade insanity of the Republican Party base and their leaders, all the way up the scale. I wish you would start listening to the wise, perspective-filled people on this blog who are informing us that if Democratic Party leaders became less moderate and corrupt, our governance and electoral challenges would be solved. Pretty promptly, some say.
Start clapping, damnit.
So we should become more like them?
I find it tragic that we cannot legislate any kind of meaningful gun control in this country. Just the other day, a mentally ill woman in the community where I live killed her husband and baby. In her delusional state, she thought she was saving them from God-knows-what. Had there not been a gun, there’s a good chance the husband could have stopped her. It’s so much harder to kill with a knife or a bat.
Every year, thousands and thousands die because of guns. When people are frightened or depressed, their ability to make intelligent decisions disappears. The chances of defending oneself with a gun are vastly outweighed by the chances of an accidental shooting or a spur of the moment murder or suicide. For this reason, I’ll never have a gun in my home.
NYTimes: Judge Orders Release of Immigrant Children Detained by U.S.
There is absolutely no reason to house detainees in sub-standard conditions. We are not a nation of Marquis de sade’s or Sheriff Arpaio’s!
Ooh! I googled the name to check the spelling and found this two hour old news item.
We are not a nation of Marquis de sade’s or Sheriff Arpaio’s!
Actually, Where the nation’s 2.5 million homeless children live, we are.
Who could have predicted this?
Didja notice this?
The derp is strong in this one.
Second offense of discharging a weapon and he walk out until his trial. Sandra Bland is held three days in jail (and it probably would have been much more) for failure to signal a lane change.
N.B. She was from Chicago. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone signal a lane change in Chicago. maybe it was in the 1970’s.
Shoot, here in northeastern Ohio nobody signals turns, let alone lane changes.
This fellow is a walking billboard for gun control.
He’s also a hero to his neighbors, according to a comment from a friend on my Facebook posting of this: