What’s on your mind?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What’s on your mind?
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I would love to see Bernie and Marty gang up on Hillary something along these lines:
Bernie: I opposed the invasion of Iraq
Marty: Me too
Marty: I opposed the Wall Street Bailout because it didn’t bail out the American taxpayer
Bernie: Me too
Hillary: ?
Bernie: I oppose TPP
Marty: Me too
Hillary: ?
The two of them can set the norm and then have Clinton try to explain why she is outside of the norm. It would be a feeding frenzy if they could pull it off.
And maybe Lincoln Chafee can teach us how to shoe a horse.
Or how not to embrace a big ass war based on lies.
Watching the Bernie fight over at dkos between Markos and J Ash Bowie.
Kos wrote:
A bit of historical revisionism in that quote. Moulitsas was never “passionate” about Dean. At best he was lukewarm and that was only because Dean didn’t talk like the mealy-mouthed DC Democrats. Who he honestly favored was Wesley Clark, but was dismayed that Clark didn’t jump into the fray until very late. And he was quick to write off Dean for finishing a weak third in Iowa.
His response came off as just plain shrill.
Yes, but I don’t think many are getting why. They’re viewing this as a departure for Markos. Whereas if they’d been hanging around dKos from the beginning, they would have seen that Markos’ political impulses, to the extent that they were formed at all, were centrist. The layering of techno-geekism and small business owner onto that was only deceiving to those that didn’t bother to notice.
Billmon called it out in 2004 — Blogging Sells, and Sells Out and admits in the piece that he didn’t see it early on. (Historical note: Billmon showed up in the comments at dKos shortly after the 2002 mid-term elections. He immediately stood out because he’s a fine writer.) He was the first to withdraw from supporting Howard Dean, and not because he’s fallen under the spell of any of the other wannabes, but because Dean backtracked on I/P and “Israel right or wrong” is a deal breaker for him. As it should be for all of us.
I would like to know why we are still pumping tons of money into an airplane that has so many problems. Yes the F-35 you know the plane that can catch fire at any time and has no bite in a dogfight. Yet it seems Congress is in love with the thing.
Jobs. Because building a useless POS is seen as a better use of federal government job creating power than doing anything constructive. Like replacing ready-to-die bridges.
Speaking of jobs, I need one. Badly. Like, now.
Money that why
I’m thinking about what a despicable set of policies the GOP is going to have in its 2016 platform. It’s certain to be even worse than past years. The Birchers and Dominionists have gained much control of their Party now and they will not be ignored. Hell, the leading “moderate Establishment” candidate now has the phasing out of Medicare as one of his campaign promises.
Not the first time this has been subreferenced here, but there’s a reason many people are using this as a metaphor for today’s conservative movement:
Those choosing to see these expressions thru a partisan lens (IOW, we’re only raising these points because we’re supportive of the Democratic party above all else) are rather missing the point. Really, look at the Republicans now. They MUST be kept from full control of our government, and we MUST try to regain as much true liberal/progressive control of the Democratic Party.
In this vein, we see that Erick Erickson is even more unhinged than is his norm today. As documented at Martin’s other main hangout:
Within days, ten (!) GOP POTUS candidates will be kneeling to kiss Erick’s ring.
Gotta figure out college loan stuff for my sister. Finding a cosigner is becoming increasingly difficult.
I’m thinking I should start a captive-breeding program for armadillos. then I could work outdoors and live in a nice climate.
not to mention the great military contracts that will be rolling in