In The New Republic, Jeet Heer says that it is much less accurate to call Donald Trump a “liar” than it is to simply refer to him as “a bullshit artist.” As soon as I saw his lede, I knew he’d be relying on the popularized scholarship of Princeton philosophy Professor Harry G. Frankfurt. I remember seeing Prof. Frankfurt make an appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to promote his 2005 book On Bullshit.
Frankfurt sought (with some success, obviously) to create a new definition of bullshit which distinguished it from simply saying things that you know are not true. A liar is fully aware of what is true and what is not true. They know whether or not they paid the electricity bill, for example, so when they tell you that they have no idea why the power is out, that’s a lie.
A bullshitter, by contrast, doesn’t even care what is true. They’re not so much lying to deceive as to create an impression. Maybe they want you to be afraid. Maybe they want you to think that they are smarter or more well-informed than they really are.
It’s a useful distinction to make, I think, although I also think people who engage in a lot of bullshit probably lie their heads off, too.
What’s probably more interesting than a fine-grained examination of differing types of prevarication is to take a look at the audience for the stuff. Who believes it? What does getting bullshitted do to them?
That’s why I found the following to be the most interesting part of Heer’s essay:
The triumph of bullshit has consequences far beyond the political realm, making society as a whole more credulous and willing to accept all sorts of irrational beliefs. A newly published article in the academic journal Judgment and Decision Making links “bullshit receptivity” to other forms of impaired thinking: “Those more receptive to bullshit are less reflective, lower in cognitive ability (i.e., verbal and fluid intelligence, numeracy), are more prone to ontological confusions and conspiratorial ideation, are more likely to hold religious and paranormal beliefs, and are more likely to endorse complementary and alternative medicine.”
That’s a lot of academic language that basically says that stupid and gullible people are easy to fool. I think we knew that.
But the real key is that, although there is never any shortage of credulous people, they need to be lied to first before they are led astray. If you don’t exploit their cognitive weaknesses and you lead them toward the truth, they aren’t so misinformed. By constantly bullshitting them, you’re making them less informed and probably more cynical, too.
As a personal observation, I’d add that due to the cheerleading aspects of “team sport” American politics, if one party consistently resorts to bullshit as a core strategy, and they have some electoral success doing it, then the fanboys and girls of that party are going to start liking the play call.
“Hey, this bullshit works like a charm! It works every time!”
And, then, you get a post-truth party.
“Iraq has WMD”: lie or bullshit?
“Iraq has WMD”: lie or bullshit?
Insufficient weasel, 12 year penalty, no first down.
It’s “We KNEW Iraq HAD WMDs”…as in, back in 1988, when Poppy&Rummy&Darth gave them to Saddam.
Too soon to tell. Still searching Syria for the WMD that Saddam hid there. (For those that have forgotten, that was where the rightwing rubes went when the WMD weren’t found in Iraq. Sort of like what we saw from them wrt to the CS PP siege — “a bank robbery that went wrong and PP was just in the way,” to “PP wasn’t targeted,” to “the guy is mentally ill.”)
Remember Baghdad Bob. Every day he would have a presser where he would declare stuff like, “Hundreds of American solders are committing suicide just outside Baghdad”….or “Thousands of American soldiers are surrendering every day”. That is the Donald.
OT: McCarthy out as Police Chief in Chicago.
After last night’s revelations, it was inevitable. Alvarez needs to go too. She lied as well. It’s about time everyone else besides us DFH’s find out what an awful POS Rahm is.
Rahm is the one who fired him.
Check out the NYimes article — Cover-Up in Chicago. Alvarez may be like John Mitchell, but Rahm is echoing Nixon.
Rahm is a particularly smelly POS and I would like to see him turned out. The only thing I’d like better is to see him ride out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered. But he will never be turned out if he is opposed by, one white candidate, one latino candidate and two black candidates. Just splitting the black vote is enough. Chicago needs a run off election or better yet IRV.
There are about three layers of commanders yet to go through before the CPD gets the message. And then there’s dealing with the police union. And then there’s Rahm himself and the States Attorney’s office. Augean Stables indeed.
BTW, did the patrolmen’s unions in Chicago ever desegregate or are they still separate?
We are all living in a lie.
We are all living in bullshit.
There are a LOT of business people who bullshit like Trump. They can actually go very far. First, they will take on projects that most people would deem too risky and, by sheer bravado and empty promises, get teams of people to work crazy hours to somehow get them to work. Of course, many of those people become disillusioned afterwards, but the bullshitter just moves on to the next group of people.
Second, a big part of business success is getting people to invest in you and getting people to hire you. As you can guess, the bullshitter is great at this. Most people who invest or hire way overestimate their ability to judge character – in fact they are usually very gullible and easy prey for people like Trump. They have old-fashioned rules like “people who don’t look you in the eye are lying to you” – in fact, people on the autism spectrum have great difficultly looking people in the eye and also are the least likely to lie, whereas carnival barker-types like Trump have zero trouble looking you in the eye and swearing on a stack of bibles while telling whopping lies.
Third, people like Trump are conflict-seeking. Most people are conflict avoidant – it generates stress and heartburn and bothers them for a long time afterwards. This is a HUGE advantage in business negotiations. The conflict-seeking guy actually loves to prolong a difficult situation while the conflict-avoidant guy will instead seek a way to stop the conflict, meaning giving in to ridiculous demands. If you’re conflict avoidant and you are willing to walk away without an agreement you’ll need to walk away at least once during the negotiation if you are to be successful – when you take the ball away from the game – that is stop negotiating, thus taking away the conflict the bullshitter seeks – the leverage shifts to you, but only if you can keep it after the bullshitter comes back with a better offer.
However, for all their success in business the bullshitter has a key fatal flaw that he (or she) is allergic to bad news. First denial, then blame others, then rationalize it’s not so bad. Many a bullshitter CEO has been carted out kicking and screaming after yet another horrible quarterly report blaming others and yelling that the turnaround is already underway. Unfortunately, the bullshitter is then inevitably hired somewhere else to repeat the failure.
First rate summation. Encountered too many BS business people over the years, but fortunately, never found it difficult to walk away from their offers/negotiations. Always the right call, except for one. Scrape away the BS of that one guy, which I was unable to do, and his business was solid.
Bullshitting, conflict-seeking, and a huge bladder typically contribute to success.
The allergic to bad news is best exemplified in this cycle by Carly Fiorina’s insistence that she is still relevant. Wonder what’s financing her continued grift; it’s not the former HP employees for sure.
Here’s some of the early big money
As of July 31
I heard a Republican Iowa caucus-goer on the radio yesterday explaining why she was leaning toward Cruz: “He’s just an honest Christian man.”
Amazing. Ted Cruz oozes snake oil, and that woman thinks he’s honest to the point of standing out from the rest of the crowd.
Not so amazing, it’s what the Christian religion is all about, certainly not the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.
It is quite amazing. When I see a picture of someone like Cruz – be it a preacher of a giant fundie church or a southern politician – I immediately take in the polished appearance and fake smile and figure that he’s certainly cheating in most of his life – business partner, customers, spouse, accountants, etc. Because it’s what they do. To me people who look and act like that are the LEAST trustworthy people in appearance on the planet.
Yet the Gullible Old Party members just fall over themselves following them.
Yet another key difference between the left and right.
One man’s bullshit is another man’s strategy for political success. That other man now goes out of his way to offer bullshit because it has been so successful.
“Bullshit” and “strategy for political success” are not mutually exclusive. Obviously they can be both. In fact, a bullshitter presumably thinks he or she can gain some form of success by bullshitting.
But I’m curious: do you not think “bullshit” can be defined and determined according to an objective standard?
One of the problems with the truth is that it’s often ugly whereas bullshit can crafted to be quite lovely, at least on the surface.
It’s a lifelong task to teach everyone that in the long run, truth is beauty (although sometimes a harsh and stark beauty) but bullshit is just…shit.
Yeah, there is a degree of “Tell me pretty lies.” to it.
So it would seem Obama was merely applying a recent academic theory when he called Rmoney a bullshitter, ha-ha. But I’m not sure the distinction has much practical significance at least in our failing politics.
Try contrasting the rhetorical devices of the two Repub leaders now. Der Trumper seems not to have a stump speech as far as I can tell. It’s just his bloviations of the day, usually reacting whatever the top headline might be. He always has a comment on whatever the hated negro prez might have recently said. Trump just seems to be spontaneously gassing on and loving to hear himself talk and talk and talk. He’ll basically say anything and get called on it later. His style is shoot from the hip, refuse to apologize later.
Of course he is likely to repeat some conspiracy theory or other because he is at bottom a credulous know nothing, a vulgarian, as someone here called him the other day. Trump is presenting himself as someone who has very little solid knowledge about very much of consequence. As Haffner said of Hitler in his great biography, his intellect is that of “a dedicated reader of newspapers”. Spittle flies when Trump talks.
Cruz is much more in the mode of the smoothly smiling calculated liar. The Iago. One well schooled in lying about facts in debates in order to “win” the match. He has thought very clearly about how he is going to present each particular lie or falsehood and does so in a way that he thinks allows it to be defensible. He strives to be seen as highly intelligent and intellectually serious because he was weaned on the ludicrous conservative tenet that conservatives were the real hard-thinking, rigorously reasoning “intellectuals” and lib’tards are motivated solely by weak, ignorant emotional pap. So he is clearly much more calculating and studied in his manner of misleading the rubes.
What’s the ultimate difference? The bullshitter Trump seems more likely to be challenged by the corporate media, but that could just be that their bosses want to stop him. Cruz as the conservative “intellectual” gets much more of a free pass (so far), and his style of deceptive rightwing extremism has already been seen and approved by the VSP.
But in the final analysis, they both are at the top of the Repub pack, getting set to notch some primary wins. So any style of lying is fine to the Repub base as long as they are told what they want to hear. And since the rubes want to hear it, it has to be true–whether one is a carnival barker or a champeen collich dee-bater. Their desire to be misled trumps all, I fear.
Cruz took a page out of the Trumpster’s playbook on this one: Think Progress Ted Cruz Describes Alleged Planned Parenthood Shooter As `Transgendered Leftist Activist’. He should not be allowed to run from or forget this one.
From the always first rate, Barbara Ehrenreich, Dead, White and Blue. (One of the few feminists from the early seventies that fully appreciated what feminism is about and have never lost that.)
She ties together so much current data and strands that an excerpt would be misleading. It is very much an issue that many of us have been struggling with of late and has led to some rancor. Read her piece, it might come in handy for future discussions here.
It does seem as if some of the emotional grooming that the the tea-party sector used to enjoy is being withheld these days. Or economic reality is rendering it less soothing. That was an observant essay.
That is exactly what I am seeing locally. Her warning at the end is exactly on target.
Then we should examine well whether their words are true or bullshit.