Michael Bloomberg Will Not Enter Presidential Race

Michael R. Bloomberg, who for months quietly laid the groundwork to run for president as an independent, will not enter the 2016 campaign, he said Monday, citing his fear that a three-way race could lead to the election of a candidate who would imperil the security and stability of the United States: Donald J. Trump.

Translation: HRC’s got it all locked up and Trump may be on the downswing. Even if Trump does win the RatPub nomination, he will have had his brand so damaged by the Rat elite (read: PermaGov RatCentrists) that he will go down harder than Goldwater. No need to run now…the PermaGov’s got it all tied up.

Sanders? Not worried. The nomination is already safely in HRC’s basket.

Cruz? HRC would trounce him even without any help from the Rat elite.

                              Thank you Michael!!!

            The Empire is once again safe from usurpers!!!

And so’s yer mama!!!
