Its finally dawning on the “voices” of the GOP establishment, that D Trump is going to be their nominee.  As starting to filter through into the MSM, we are learning that Trump as gotten more votes during the primary than any other Republican, ever.  That while sounding tough, his foreign policy has points.  That he will tone down his demeanor for the General Election….etc….   All the things you would think you would hear when your daughter brings home an arrogant, ignorant,  bigoted, SOB to marry.

“Well, he dresses nicely.”

She (the GOP Base) loves him and the parents will just have to get along or miss seeing the grandkids.

Of course, the caveat thrown in is that he has the highest negative numbers for a Presidential candidate in recorded history.  What is occasionally mentioned is that the presumptive Democratic nominee has the 2nd highest.

As we have discussed here before, the notion that Trump can’t win flies in the face of the whole primary season.  I call it, “whistling past the graveyard”  His ability to shrug off attacks on character, history or policy positions astounds the average political reporter.  Add to that, HRC is disliked by the reporting herds and gets her back up whenever confronted with a contradiction or a question about past actions and decisions.  Her face sets in an expression that must be well known to Bill and Chelsea, her posture stiffens, and she shuts down … freezing the questioner with a stare that communicates, “How dare you doubt me.” then begins to stonewall. Just the thing the average voter wants to see on TV.  And they will see it more and more as the election advances.  Because to the moderately informed observer, there are questions about past decisions and positions.  We and reporters can Google flip flops easily.  

Whereas Trump is entertainment.

So we have this to look forward too.  A wealthy buffoon who appeals to a large portion (perhaps majority) of the electorate and who appears to be made of Teflon.  And a woman who reacts negatively when pushed and criticized, hides things, stone walls and then wraps herself in the “Woman” flag.  And you know the more she reacts, the more Trump and reporters will push.  Its called bear baiting and we have months of it to look forward to.  If only we could see a play by that new actor “Shakespeare?” next door when the spectacle is finished and the bear is drug away.