What if HRC doesn’t win Calif ?

Recent polling casts doubt on the one time sure thing.

Public Policy Institute of California-
Registered Democrats, HRC over Sanders- 49% to 41%

When including independents or, “… likely Democratic voters. Clinton had 46% support, Sanders had 44%, and the margin of error was plus or minus 5.7 percentage points. “

Independents and Democrats, just the mix needed to win the General Election in California.

So the question becomes, what will happen if Sanders wins Calif?  I know, each will get a proportional share of delegates, but psychologically and politically, what will be the action in the Convention?  Just shrug?  I doubt it. She will be severely weakened by a 74 yr old Jewish Socialist. Think what could happen with a 60+ yr old semi-fascist.

In previous threads I suggested that the Super Delegates will have a Road to Damascus moment as to HRC as the Party’s standard bearer.  Will they shift to Sanders?  Unlikely.  Will they impose a vice president on Hillary that will attract Sanders voters and give them (her) a real portfolio of responsibility in the Admin?  That sounds more like it.  

Whatever happens, the convention and supers can not ignore the fact that Hillary couldn’t win the country’s largest state in her own primary.  I think Clinton campaign would throw anyone under the bus to get out of Philadelphia alive.
