Especially for the nemesis of BooMan’s frog pond …
○ HRC: Compulsive Misrepresentation – Unfit to Lead
○ Clinton’s 21st Century Statecraft and the Land of the Two Rivers
FYI the Republican nominated candidate for US president is just …. stupid. HRC has shown to be a conniving politician during her political career. She has no interest whatsoever in people and can’t communicate with the citizens of Mainstreet USA. If she becomes president, God forbid, her administration will leave a trail of more victims of war around the globe. Same as she has accomplished as Secretary of State. Just look at her chosen advisors and her fancy with the powerful still walking on planet earth: Henry Kissinger. A war criminal pur sang who gets elevated into “knighhood” by president Obama.
« click for more info
Hillary Clinton Touted Henry Kissinger, War Criminal, as Character Reference (Truth-out)
Obama was a disappointment in stopping the foreign policy tragedy initiated by 8 years of his predecessor George Bush. HRC will be much more aggressive in countering the threat of terror coming from the hornet’s nest stirred by decades of ill conceived US policy from both Democrtas and Republicans in the White House.
[This diary was inspired and motivated by nemesis calling all toasters who sees fit to attribute “1s” here at the pond, now that her candidate defeated Bernie Sanders. At least Bernie is a person who understood the wrong-headed direction of America in the 21st century. Thanx Bernie, you gave it all and made a heck of a journey this past election year. I absolutely hate coronations and political dynasties in America.
The Next Revolution: War on Inequality is unstoppable!
○ Emails expose close ties between Hillary Clinton and accused war criminal Henry Kissinger | Salon |
« click for more info
Obama Administration Honors War Criminal Henry Kissinger With Distinguished Public Service Award (The White House / the Pentagon)
○ Obama’s Victory in Libya of 2011 Became Clinton’s Failure in 2016
Posted earlier in Arthur Gilroy’s diary – Fools to the left of us, clowns to the right. And here we are, stuck in the middle and nearly broke.
Excellent AG … much appreciated.
In the country of the blind, cyclops is king.
A two party system leads to apparatniks as we always witness in dictatorships. In the US? Democracy my a$$ …
Integrity is the opposite of apparatniks who weasel out of responsibility by just obeying orders.
1992 Campaign: Presidential candidates less favorable than U.S. Congress or how 25 years in history has deteriorated democracy as we knew it. Political machinations, corruption and the evil virus of voter suppression. A New York Times article from April 1992:
○ Bill Clinton’s campaign strategy: The Southern Lock
Good idea to often touch back in real time. The reality is some much different than the myth that WJC was young, dynamic, exciting and a once-in-a-generation phenomenal politician and orator. May tick him off that the ‘generation’ marker hadn’t passed before a candidate came along and received higher marks for dynamism, generating excitement, extolled for his political and oratorical skills. The two may be comparable on one of those criteria/measures. No question on the other three.
○ Once an ally, Donald Trump now heaps scorn on Bill Clinton
Trump is much closer to the European view about economic cooperation with Putin …
○ Atlantic Council / NATO’s Yvo Daalder: Make Russia a Pariah State (2013)
Ann Garrison – Rwanda. So many deaths and so many lies. And Americans have limited information on the former and are oblivious of the latter. “We” didn’t fail to get on the right side — if there was any right side — but we were always and remain on a murderous side.
Angie Beeman nails it in Why Doesn’t Middle America Trust Hillary? (Except for at the end when she talks about what HRC can do to fix this. She can’t fix it because she’s never been there and she’s far too old to get from a listening tour or summaries/talking points from her “help.”
One possible misinterpretation from the piece is that working class classmates envied those like HRC. Sure, some did and made an effort to be like them and hang around with the in crowd. Most didn’t have the spare time to be that engaged in clubs, etc. They had responsibilities at home and scrabbled for some jobs for pocket change or more. But mostly, they found the cliques dull and superficial. If anyone flip through my jr/senior high school yearbooks they would see that I too was on the student council or school newspaper. Never both in the same year because that required more spare time. And never any clubs or extra-curricular sports or activities. I had too many other things to do. Including reading other than “girl” books.
Those roots (if respected) never leave one. A college education, a white-collar business, and a little suit aren’t off-putting to those that work physically more demanding and gritter jobs. They can see through that if one is remains authentically with them. They even like and respect those that managed to get more education and work with their heads as long as they can see that you’re still one of them.
I don’t think it’s anything having to do with being too old. My auntie is super-conservative and did a 180′ on war and gay rights a few years ago.
A simpler explanation is that the Clintons are enamored with money and status. They don’t want to change because reinventing themselves to become trustworthy would require them to give up on those things for who-knows how long. If the path to money and status somehow involved embracing full-throated leftism (not liberalism) they’d be doing that.
Lots of “old” people have recently done a 180 on gay rights (same sex marriage has been the law of MA for a dozen years now and nationally since 11/14), including HRC, and lengthy and seemingly meaningless wars does push a number of “old” people to shift from their long held position (was seen during the later stages of the Vietnam War). So, I wasn’t saying that “old” people are incapable of reframing on an issue by issue basis, and what prompts that change varies by individual (Sen Portman did a 180 on same-sex marriage).
I was speaking of a more fundamental and complete change in orientation. That’s not common for people of any age and becomes increasingly uncommon as one ages. And that’s the level of change that HRC would require. Otherwise it’s just window dressing and doesn’t alter her deficits with a large number of people across the political spectrum.
I could be wrong but money, per se, is not what I view as the impediment for HRC to change. It’s power and status. If she and Bill could get another eight years in the WH and end up with no more than their generous pensions, they’d take the deal. Their foundation is also about power and status. That requires hobnobbing with the super-wealthy and they prefer to hang with those like themselves and also get something in return for their donations. A “feel good” payoff is enough for some. Irrelevant to others.
From an objective standpoint, the Clintons as private citizens were financially set within a few years after leaving the WH (a reality for all ex-presidents from Nixon on depending on how much they choose to milk it and how long they live). That was the “thank you Bill” money. Since then it’s been investing in a second Clinton presidency money. “That’s what they offered” according to HRC. Their home trusts are what all wealthy people do on the advice of their financial planners; so, not unique to them and therefore, not a detail that I criticize. It’s the money given to them personally and through the foundation that I take issue with. (It’s even difficult for me to be critical of them for preserving a rarefied existence for their daughter. Who hasn’t really known anything else. Less Amy Carter and more Caroline Kennedy.)
(At HuffPo — not bothering with link for this one.)
Hey Harry, how about you come clean wrt to how you and your buddies stacked/rigged the casino caucuses. You did it because you damn well knew that HRC was in trouble in NV. So, nice try putting the entire onus on DWS.
On foreign policy, HRC will be a disaster. On domestic issues and crucial appointments through U.S. Congress such as the Supreme Court, any Republican in the White House will turn back the clock decades on Equality and Freedom of the individual on women issues. As a male I don’t really know why the term is “women” issues, it’s important for society as a whole and especially for “family” values.
○ Cracks Showing in Democrats’ Stance on Israel as Many Back Push for Palestinians | The Forward |
○ Bill Clinton’s Hebrew Lapel Pin at the Convention
○ Hillary Clinton Instructed Advisers To Ensure Pro-Israel Democratic Platform
William K Black – Hillary-Kaine: Back to the Center . (Wouldn’t agree that it’s “center,” but that’s how putting public policy issues on a simplified continuum distorts our reality.)
Micah Zenko tweet:
Relevant excerpt from DOD release:
(Six3 Intell is a subsidiary of CACI
Trying to wrap my brain around the horror that we don’t experience here.
That’s 300,000 in esat Aleppo to 40,000 in four years. That would be comparable to decimating St. Louis, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati to pull just three cities from the list of those with populations in the 300,000 range.
From a caucus99%diary
I’m sure I’ve heard variations on this before. Where, when could that have been. thinking thinking.
(a break from in one)
The Guardian – Jeremy Corbyn fights off court challenge over Labour leadership ballot
Glenn tweets:
Man, that article must have pained The Guardian to report. Several paragraphs used to explain something, something that the court ruling can’t be viewed as evidence that Labour was trying to fix the election.
Nice interview.
Rolling Stone – Jane Sanders: Why Bernie Voters Shouldn’t Get Over It.
Nice lady.
Okay, I’m going to say it. Sometimes elections and momentum are lost by millimeters. Who knew that Tipper’s rock music censorship project in the 1980s would cost Gore votes in 2000? Possibly the critical votes that was he needed to win? Similarly, when Sanders was unable to deliver his tax returns, he lost momentum. Bernie and Jane really should have known that if he came anywhere close to HRC that their tax returns had to be released. That he couldn’t dismiss it as Mitt did and Trump is doing. His openness and honesty was his asset and not how much or how little he’d acquired in financial assets over his lifetime.
Although spread out over a few week, it was almost like the moment in the 2003 Cubs playoff game when everybody “knew” that game and possibly the series had flipped.
ACLU – Chelsea Manning Faces New Charges, Indefinite Solitary Confinement Related to Suicide Attempt
Let give one USG torture (those that approved it and those that administered it) a pass, and future USG torture is permissible. Solitary confinement = torture.
WaPo: “By November, Russian hackers could target voting machines.” (1)
Boing Boing (1)
Comment from MOA thread:
Well, we could always go to hand counted paper ballots and defeat those darn Russkies. Collateral damage for that fix would give us some of our democracy back.
(1) References cited but no linkie to this crap. Feel free to give them a page view that undeserved.
Almost missed the big brass that spoke on behalf of the MIC (the big bad wolf is coming to get us) for HRC.
Speech for those with a strong stomach or loves them some more war.
Kevin Drum accurately described 4-Star General Opens Up a Can of Whup-Ass on Donald Trump and a thrill went up his leg like it was 2003 all over again when GWB was “kicking some ass.”
This General Allen:
Yeah, because there was nothing to see in a General engaged in email “sex talk” with an Army groupie and that was made an Honorary Ambassador to United States Central Command’s Coalition Forces for no discernible reason. (Good thing he didn’t send dick pics.) Guess Petraeus wasn’t available.
“Stand with Iraq and Afghanistan vets who went there because they love their country”* No they went there because of LIES. Lies that the General Allens et al were too busy cheering cheering for a war that they publicly pretended that they weren’t lies at all.
*not quite verbatim but very close.
Most famous, throwing softball questions …
○ Townhall Meeting Ms Clinton with CNN’s Amanpour
○ Bloggers Call BS on NY Times Benghazi Article by David Kirkpatrick