In a new piece in the Atlantic, Emma Green explores whether or not American Jews can be considered “white.” Apparently, the election of Donald Trump has given this question new urgency since white supremacists supported his campaign and one, Stephen Bannon, has become Trump’s chief adviser. Bannon’s ex-wife alleged in court that Bannon would not let their children attend one school because it had too many Jewish students (who he referred to as “whiny brats”), wondered why another had so many Hanukkah books in the library, and opposed a third because it used to be housed in a Jewish Temple. Bannon did not contest the allegations at the time (“it would serve no useful purpose to refute each of the critical comments Petitioner has directed at me.”) and some of them have been independently corroborated by reporters who tracked down the school administrators who interacted with Bannon at the time.
It’s pretty hard to define whiteness, but it’s probably good to put things in perspective by asking why the Irish were not originally considered fully white and how they became so. In some ways, both Jews and the Irish have always been white, as least as far as immigration and citizenship laws are concerned. But they both experienced discrimination in housing and employment, as well as social estrangement and politicized racism.
The controversial Noel Ignatiev explored the Irish’s journey in a 1995 book called “How the Irish Became White.” Maybe you won’t fully embrace his thesis, but however it came about no one, including Irish-Americans, questions their “whiteness” today.
American Jews overwhelmingly self-identify as white when forced to choose, and secular Jews seem to blend in and certainly don’t experience police harassment or suffer from other disabilities suffered from darker-skinned minorities like being treated as presumptive shoplifters. I haven’t forgotten that former Chief Justice William Rehnquist had restrictive covenants in the deeds of two of his homes that barred their sale to Hebrews or nonwhites, but I think housing discrimination against Jews is mostly a thing of the past (correct me if I’m wrong).
In a lot of ways, then, Irish-Americans and Jewish-Americans have become white over time. I was doing some research recently on the Ku Klux Klan’s presence in Indiana during the 1920’s, and it was quite clear that the organization at that time in that state was much more anti-Catholic and anti-Jewish in its outlook and priorities than anti-black. I don’t think that legacy has simply disappeared on the far right (or Alt Right), but it does seem like anti-black racism has more power at the moment.
I don’t think you bother to ask if Jews are white, though, unless you think they’re under some kind of renewed threat. Stephen Bannon sits at the left-hand of the president, and he’s known for making anti-Semitic remarks, not for bashing Catholics.
Of course, most Latinos and certainly most Mexicans are Catholic, but their religion seems like less of an animating factor for Trump’s anti-immigration supporters than their race, their language, and the perception that they compete for low wage jobs. I guess for the Klan, their Catholicism is one more mark against them, but not the first and most important one.
In any case, Irish-Americans aren’t feeling threatened, which tells you that there is still something that distinguishes them and their whiteness from the whiteness of Jewish-Americans.
There is no definitive definition of whiteness, nor could there be. But I think you can’t really consider yourself fully white until you are completely free of the sense that you aren’t fully accepted. If you think you can be denied something that a white person would never be denied, or that you could become a victim for a reason that no white person would ever become a victim, then you’re still somehow on the outside looking in.
And I think it’s kind of absurd to think that anyone wants to become white. What people want is to have their identity be a non-issue. But those are basically the same things.
And if you look at it like that, people or subgroups can become more white and they can become less white.
It’s possible that with Trump’s attacks on media and his faux-populist attacks on the finance sector, along with the increased influence of his white supremacist supporters, we could see being Jewish become more of an issue and a disability and a risk than it has been in the recent past. Through Trump’s actions, American Jews could become less white, at least for a time.
But, again, it’s not the relative level of whiteness that people are concerned about. It’s discrimination and hate-crime and alienation that are worries.
From that perspective, I think Jews, unfortunately, have more in common right now with blacks and Latinos and Muslims and Asians and gays than they do with Irish-Americans and WASPs.
And I don’t think that was true before this election cycle.
Marshall obviously has been talking about this for sometime though I would think he’d perfectly blend in.
But I think 2 things set aside American Jews from Irish or Italians. For one the group sense of otherness is magnified. Not only because Jews historically went to great efforts to keep their distinct culture alive, but because Israel as a religious/ethnic polity is constantly in the news. We are concerned about the Jewishness or Israel but the Irishness of Ireland or Italianness of Italy is not why those countries make the news.
The second is that Jews as a group have strong prescenses in the elites and influencers. Jewish humor is woven through a lot of older sitcom humor for instance etc. That is as a group they punch well above their weight. Compare that to Irish Americans who by all accounts dwarf the population of Ireland.
I would argue that if Jews overwhelmingly check the “white” box on forms, it’s because we are overwhelmingly a pragmatic lot. I know I benefit from white privilege but I also grew up with extreme other-ing inflicted by Christianist society. My dad was a career military officer and it was understood that as a Jew he could only advance so far and no farther. I grew up constantly subjected to proselytizing by “friends”, forced to mouth Christian prayers and sing Christian songs in public school, subjected to the occasional ethnic slur. So yes, Jews do have more in common with POC than with Irish-Americans and WASPS, and yes, it was true before this election cycle.
As an American Jew of East-European origin, I don’t identify with the category “white”. Sure I check the “white” box, basically because there isn’t anything else to check. As in so many things, you can only fit yourself to the categories you’re presented with.
yeah, I was thinking that things have gotten a lot better than they were, so I’m comparing to the recent past, not 30 or 40 years ago.
Yeah, I thought that’s what you were thinking! But things never entirely changed. Anti-Semitism in the US never went away. Thank you for the article; it’s really thought-provoking and rings true to me.
To people who make sweeping statements about the shortcomings of whites, Jews are white. To people who make sweeping statements about the virtues of whites, Jews are not white.
My parents weren’t white as kids or young adults, and are only secondarily white now. They’re immediately identifiable as Jews, and that’s how they see themselves. As a kid I remember being baffled by forms with lists of possible ‘races’ that didn’t include ‘Jew.’ I checked ‘other’ until I realized I was meant to check white.
Also, as I’m sure you know, there were laws passed in the 20s to curtail Jewish (and to stop Asian) immigration, and 30s to prevent Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis from coming to the US.
“White” has always been defined by the privileges that law and custom extend to the people arbitrarily (on a case-by-case basis) identified as “white”. Yes, it has always been sort of a circular argument that can abruptly change over time or space.
It was so contentious that Southern legislatures eventually created the “one drop” rule for invalidating formally “white” because of one drop of Negro blood (metaphorically speaking). Actually, it was finding one African-American in the genealogy that did it–or even the rumor of such an ancestor.
Another way of looking at it is that it was the consensus of who the local community sought to strip of the privileges of equality under the law or social customs.
The pressure to assimilate was a rationalization and an elaborate form of hazing, as most who successfully assimilated found out. For those who refused to assimilate, there was little tolerance.
Controversial? Ya think? ” Ignatiev asserts that the Irish were not initially accepted as white by the dominant English-American population. He claims that only through their own violence against free blacks and support of slavery did the Irish gain acceptance as white.”
James Muldoon shows convincingly, in The Indian as Irishman and other writings, that in the 17th century the English were much more racist towards the Irish than they were towards American Indians.
Early on, Philadelphia received mostly Scots-Irish or Ulstermen, who were Protestant and professional and well assimilated.
The poors were the late 1840s wave and they were Catholics with little English escaping the Famine.
Don’t know when the Irish supposedly became pro-slavery, seeing as they provided the majority of over 40 Union regiments. Don’t forget the Irish Brigade. And they vastly outnumbered free blacks in the industrializing north before the war. So that claim is kinda confusing.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the Irish became pro-slavery”, but perhaps you’re referring to the draft riots in northern cities.
The poor Irish were pro-slavery and pro-confederate because of the new Civil War draft laws that made it much more likely that a poor working man would be drafted …
And because they feared that if the slaves were freed they would flood the cities and compete with the poor white workers for even lower wages.
These ideas were promulgated at least in part by Confederate agitators in the norther in cities.
Consequently, a feature of the anti-draft riots was attacks on (free) blacks in the cities.
The Ulstermen, the Scotch Irish, were Scottish settlers in Ireland planted there by England to hold the land stolen from the Irish. Of course, England were racist against the Scottish too, but they had a higher position then the Irish.
I’m not sure how this played out in America, but it’s likely to have mattered.
It played out like this:
and this:
and the like.
Somebody ought to ask us how we feel about the Jared branch of the Kushner family … Or maybe not, some things are better left unsaid.
“Jews have become white over time.”
It wasn’t really as gradual as all that. There was an actual moment when it definitively happened.
“Following Israel’s stunning victory in the Six Day War, a euphoria set in around the world and strong support for the state of Israel developed in the United States. American public opinion swung dramatically in favor of Israel and for the first time in history, a majority of American Jews became Zionists, that is they supported the concept of a Jewish state.”
That’s the moment American Jews became white.
From my comment to “The Conservative Movement Died Tonight” posted here on Wed May 4th, 2016 at 06:52:07 PM EST”
“When I was a kid, I wasn’t really white. I remember the Italian kids in my high school, they weren’t really white either. “Saturday Night Fever” was supposed to be New Utrecht, but we were the next high school over.
“Then one day I became white. didn’t actually have to do anything. It was back in 1967, the Six-Day War. For some reason, just after that we were granted honorary whiteness. I remember it well, because my mother’s social-climbing cousin, who (as she later told us) was contemplating converting to the Episcopalianism, suddenly decided it wasn’t necessary, as it was now OK to be Jewish, at least in Queens.
“Now I’m writing this from TX, where once again I’m not really white.”
My recollection is it began with the Six-Day War, deepened with the Yom Kippur War and, finally, any remaining doubt was dispelled in the 80s when evangelicals embraced us. In the late 70s people still used euphemisms like “dual loyalty.” By the mid-eighties that way of thinking was gone.
Yes, I think you’re right.
The Six Day War made a huge difference in the way Jews perceived themselves, but I was a kid in 1967 and I had never had any concern before then that I wasn’t white. I knew I was white.
No offense, but I’m not sure you get what we’re saying here. That’s OK, one of my kids asked me what I was writing, and I tried to explain it and he didn’t get it either.
My parents were both born in this country, but only a few years after their families arrived from Europe. They ived in totally ethnic communities. I am old enough to remember the older people. That’s why I can sympathize with those communities today.
Yes, we’re genetically “white”, but the point is, that didn’t used to mean anything. We weren’t culturally white.
“White” is not a category in Jewish culture. Like all traditional cultures, the basic division was between “us” and “everybody else”. Informally, though, I think we also divided “everybody else” into those who were more like us and those who were less like us. “Culturally white” people were less like us than a lot of others.
Nor did we want to be treated “white”. We wanted to be treated equally.
Is everyone forgetting the impact of “Exodus”(1960)? That was one blockbuster film.
Yes, it’s the same myth. Huge subject here. This very short column will put you right into the image-complex and suggests some of the complications.
I would say that “negation of the exile” (shelilat ha-galut) is a big part of the issue. Other people honor their grandparents and great grandparents, and their identity as a people is embued with actual history. Zionism tells us that our “true” identity is based on negating our actual history and being ashamed of our grandparents and great-grandparents.
According to this view, the movie Exodus is where “kosher” history begins, after a period of 2,000 years that is best forgotten. Sorry, I just wasn’t brought up that way.
My wife can get a cab like me, is not stopped for driving because she is not black like me, and is not at an increased risk of stop and frisk in New York.
So one night in Frankfurt I can’t sleep and stumble across a movie called “Conspiracy” about a meeting in Germany about the planning of the Holocaust. There is a point where they deal with mixed race children – and the conclusion is that the children of a mixed race couple go to the camps.
And I listen to this and realize this is my son and my daughters – all of them were small at the time. And I am in Germany – and for the first time I really feel that sense my wife has spoken of – a vague sense of never being safe.
Ask my wife who she is and she will say she is Jewish. She is largely agnostic and always goes to Christmas Eve service – which she loves.
But she says before anything else that is who she is. Before she is my wife. Before she is a mother or an academic.
She is white – to say otherwise is to denigrate the unique experience of the African American.
But she is not like me for reasons I have grown to appreciate through the years. And I am not entirely like my children for reasons I have come to understand.
Make of it what you will.
My wife was born in Portugal of German-Jewish asylum seekers. Her mother and father left the day after Krystalnacht. Her grandmother came later. All others died.
She is currently terrified of the US, Italy and Britain. The only thing I’ve found so far effective against her blind terror is the argument that the Nazis, Falangists, Estado Novo and Fascists is that Trump and Co. are priviliged and STUPID. They have no working class roots and will fall because they have no idea what working for a living actually means. These are the guys who think Ben Carson is a qualified representative of the Black Experience.
I hope I’m right.
On Jews as a distinct, non-white race in America, this is a fascinating article from The Atlantic, June 1941:
“[In a Midwestern town in the 1920s], the Jews regarded us as an Occidental people among whom they had chosen to live, and appreciated whatever merits we were able to show as such; they took us as we were, associated with us in a perfectly free, friendly, and considerate way, with no effort or pretense at Occidentalizing themselves. We saw them as first-class representatives of an Oriental people with a great history and a great tradition, worthy of all respect and cordial good will, which we unfeignedly gave them.”
And the same author describing how the Irish, unlike the Jews, became white:
“For example, in the period following the Civil War great hordes of poverty-stricken Irish arrived on our shores… We had a full-sized Irish problem in those days, but it was Irish, pure and simple; it was an Occidental problem. Therefore when in course of time, perhaps twenty years or so, the economic aggravations got themselves ironed out in one way or another, the Irish promptly became acceptable as Occidental people living among Occidentals, and they have remained so ever since.”
Kamala Harris. Not just African-American, but Asian-American, and Native-American, as well. Could I, please, have a chance to vote for this woman in 2020? Pretty please?
It’s distressing to me, that when I go to look for the future of the Democratic Party, all I can think of (with national visibility), is this. Doubtless she’s at least as great as Hillary was, because, not only, in addition to her accepted genitalia, she’s also of, not only African-American extraction, but also, as well, Asian- and Native- as well.
All sensational. But not a lot to go on there.
Was she featured at the Democratic convention last summer? If so, I missed it. I look at her (a sixty-year-old gay guy) and I suppose she’s attractive. I suppose that’s half the battle. The other half is marketing. Right? But, thankfully, the kids aren’t buying (though clearly the Asians and Africans are). Nor should they.
I remember, so far, that I walked house-to-house for Bill Clinton, candidate for the presidency in 1992. And all I can remember beside that, is that he got caught with his pants down in the oval office. Am I wrong? And then they tried, they insisted, they cheated to enforce the nomination of Bill’s wife to try to assuage their guilt.
The Democratic Party is sclerotic.
What does it take to be “white?”
Light skin and straight hair.
If you can walk into a white, lower middle class/working class bar sometime after working hours, you are not dressed or otherwise gotten up in physical cues that set you apart from the majority of people in that bar so that you do not not stop conversation in your immediate vicinity, you are “white.”
The Irish, the Italians, many Jews, the Poles and other Central Europeans figured this out about one or two generations into the American experience. So have many light-skinned latinos and mixed-race people.
But…there are still kickers lying in wait there.
I had an interesting experience today in my Bronx neighborhood….Kingsbridge. It abuts one of the few truly “Jewish” neighborhoods remaining in NYC…upper middle class Jewish.
I rarely go there because…well, because the prices are too damned high for most of the things that I buy. It’s only a 10 minute walk from where I live, but a 10 minute walk in the other direction brings me to a totally mixed-race neighborhood along Broadway where the prices are decidedly lower for exactly the same goods.
Better stuff, even, in a few stores.
Anyway, I went to Riverdale today because a friend had seen an item in one of the stores that she knew I needed. I am on a sort of Thanksgiving/Christmas “holiday,” a time of the year where my work usually slows down a bit, a time where I often just chill out on a lot of levels for a week or two. As part of that chill time, I decided that I would get breakfast at a relatively new upscale café in Riverdale after my purchase. It is an overpriced, chi-chi little joint but the baked goods and coffee are good and I feel pretty comfortable there because…Irish as I am…I grew up in a largely Jewish suburb of NYC where most of my friends were intellectual, middle class Jews and I spent a couple of years in Boston hanging out a lot of the time with the same kinds of people at Brandeis University. As part of my “chill” time, I made no effort to dress in a blending-in kind of way. I didn’t shave; I wore a hoodie because of the weather and a fairly funky, stained baseball cap.
Now…I am by no means an exotic specimen of grown-up American manhood. I often get stopped on the street, etc. by people who mistake me for the actor J. K. Simmons…
…but neither am I identifiably an upper middle class, Riverdale-style middle aged Jew, especially when I dress a little down.
Anyway…I walked into this very crowded café full of foodie-type, quite identifiably (if you have the right antennae) Jewish women from the neighborhood at about 11AM, and the “Jewishness”of the place nearly bowled me over. Maybe my own antennae are on high alert because of the recent Trump revolution or maybe I was just on high alert for other reasons…whatever…but I felt like a shark who had bumbled into a school of silverfish. I could feel the (muted) alarm in the room. Subtle but quite plainly there.
I went out of my way to be extra polite but I was so uncomfortable…as were many of the people in the space as their eye movements and body language plainly told me…that I ordered my pastry and coffee to go and ate it outside.
No big deal, right?
But it got me to thinking of “Jewishness.”
Of “otherness.”
Of what black people commonly call “passing” and so on.
Then I went down to Broadway to shop for other stuff…food in my absolute favorite NYC store, Garden Gourmet, a little-known Bronx treasure. My antennae were way up from the Riverdale scene, and as I walked along the …mostly Latino and mostly female…midday crowd on Broadway in the mid-230th streets area…I noticed some more unexpectedly jumpy eye movements, especially from the younger female passersby. These were so different from what I had seen in the Riverdale area that I really had to stop and think about it. Much more…defensive. Much more fearful of “the other.” Maybe they were…maybe the whole thing was…a reaction to a sort of cop/authority figure in an unexpected place at an unexpected time. I have been mistaken for a policeman so many times in my life…by civilians and cops alike (as have both of my brothers, one of whom is a policeman) that I generally just ignore the reaction and keep on keepin’ on. Then…in the store, which is patronized by many smart Jewish women from up in Riverdale…i got the same damned reaction that I had gotten in the Riverdale area from two identifiably “Riverdale” female types who were shopping there. A subtle fear reaction…an almost submissive stance and pose…that had no real reason for occurring.
But why today?
Why now?
I looked no more or less “cop-like” than I have looked hundreds of times in the 15+ years that I have been living in this neighborhood.
Why now?
And the only answer that came to me was this one:
Trump’s success has upped the paranoid ante among people who have been more or less successfully passing as “not-the-others.”
So here we are, brethren and sistren.
At the beginning of the Trump Era.
It’s only gonna get worse.
Wait’ll he actually does something!!!
This comment is now a stand-alone post.
Bronx Life At The Beginning Of The Trump Era
If you wish to comment upon it, please do so there.
Thank you…
Won’t anyone speak up for the African albinos?
Don’t be one in Africa, for sure.
I recently obtained a copy of my grandfather’s application for naturalization from 1951, and was surprised to see that there were separate lines for “Color” and “Race”. His color was listed as “W,” and his race as “Hebrew”.
Of course, Judaism is a religion, and so there are Jews of all races.
It’s interesting. Certainly, in my experience, Irish Americans are considered “white” by essentially everyone in the modern US.
But in speaking with people in the Irish community around Boston where immigration is still significant Trump is widely viewed as an existential threat to the values of America and to immigrants in particular. So many of these people hold The New Colossus in the same kind of esteem reserved for A Soldier’s Song. Trump is the antithesis of the Irishman’s idealized America.
“…and he’s known for making anti-Semitic remarks, not for bashing Catholics.” Bannon is an Irish name (from O’ Banain, which in turn derives from the Garlic word “ban” meaning “white”. So go figure.)
. . . construct.
Disclaimer: I’m a reasonably genetically literate ecologist, not primarily a geneticist. Further, I’ve come across, but not delved deeply into, these concepts.
That said, it’s my “professional impression” (if that’s even a thing) from such experience that “race” is barely even (if at all) a thing.
One way to say that would be that the genetic component of indicators of “race” (as commonly perceived), relative to all the other genetic variability within the human genome, is superficial and insignificant, . . . practically disappears in that sea of infinite variability, including infinite blending of typically perceived “races” (to which I say “bravo! ‘hybrid vigor’!”).
With that literal superficiality (i.e., external visibility) being its (our) curse.
If, say, a disproportionate likelihood of sickle-cell anemia were the only not-externally-visible distinguishing trait of African-Americans, I’m virtually certain they would not have been so persistently subjected to the abuse and discrimination they (and their slave ancestors before them) have suffered.
Skin color, though, that’s right out there for everyone to see (along with other superficial markers of “race”).
And what are we if not superficial?
(This understanding, btw, almost certainly informs the revulsion that racism always evokes in me.)