Sock It To Me??? Nixon on “Laugh-In” 1968 –

Nixon was too humorless to get the joke, but being game enough to display it (unlike HHH who declined the invitation) made him more likeable to some people.  Perhaps swing voters who didn’t get the joke either.

A fine sense of humor is an asset for presidential candidates and Presidents.  Standouts on this qualifty are Lincoln, FDR, and JFK.  Thick-skinned enough to take and make jokes.  Those in the second tier– better at making than taking — include Truman, Reagan, and Obama.

With the exception of Bernie, the 2016 presidential election was dour.  (Despite the efforts of the Clinton comedy writers.)  Even mild chiding of Clinton or Trump instantly became another verbal war with accusations of “fake news,” sexism, etc. by the candidates and/or his/her supporters.  They not only can’t take a joke, they don’t even get it.

Hillbots have completely lost their cookies over a VF humor video — mostly mild chiding and not LOL funny that any losing presidential candidate gets, particularly if she/he appears to be considering another run.  (Wasn’t there similar ha-ha jokes about Romney after the 2012 election?)

Six New Year’s Resolutions for Hillary Clinton

As I try to avoid as much filth as possible, I’ll take GG’s word for the worst of the hillbot responses to the VF video (but the ones I’ve seen are similarly unhinged):

[Frm GG] One of the reporters for the “don’t-run-again-Hillary” video has locked her account after being subjected to the most foul vitriol and abuse, endlessly, over several days.

(Hillbots also fail to comprehend that their abusive behavior is straight out of the McCarthy playbook.)

What seems to have raised the ire of hillbots and their standard, go-to charge of “sexism” is the suggestion that Clinton take up knitting.  As if that were an off-the-wall recommendation to engage in a sterotypical form of ‘women’s work.’   It was a joke — their very own symbol — and they totally failed to get it.

How To Knit: The Pussy Hat Project

How demeaning to suggest that Hillary actually engage in making one of the approved symbol of her Resistance, tm