(Emphases mine)
Why Aren’t Democrats Walking Away With the Midterms?
Democrats miss Trump’s political gifts and the real threat he represents.-Bret Stephens
The night Donald Trump was elected was supposed to be, for most liberals and a few conservatives, the beginning of the end of the world. The economy would surely implode. The U.S. would probably blunder into a catastrophic war. The new American president would be blackmailed into conducting foreign policy as Putin’s poodle.
None of that has happened — not yet, at any rate. On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported the fastest rate of annual wage hikes in almost a decade, depriving Democrats of one of their few strong arguments about the true state of the economy. Unemployment is at its lowest rate since Vince Lombardi coached his last game in December 1969. The North American Free Trade Agreement has been saved with minor modifications and a new name.
Oh, and: The Islamic State is largely defeated. Tehran has not restarted its nuclear programs despite America’s withdrawal from the Iran deal. U.S. sanctions on Russia are still in place. Democrats badly damaged their chances of taking the Senate with their over-reaching and polarizing crusade to stop Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. What more could Trump ask for?
In normal presidencies, good news, along with your opponents’ mistakes, is good politics. It’s your Topic A. In normal presidencies, the politics of cultural anxiety, social division or ethnic scaremongering — that is, of proposing the end of birthright citizenship and demonizing elite media and militarizing the U.S. border — is Plan B. It’s what you turn to first when you don’t have enough to say for yourself otherwise.
But that’s not how the Trump presidency rolls. In this campaign, fear is what’s on the Republican menu. Peace and prosperity? Mere side dishes.
The mystery of Donald Trump is what impels him to overturn the usual rules. Is it a dark sort of cunning or simple defects of character? Because the president’s critics tend to be educated and educated people tend to think that the only kind of smarts worth having is the kind they possess — superior powers of articulation combined with deep stores of knowledge — those critics generally assume the latter. He’s a bigot. He’s a con artist. His followers are dumb. They got lucky last time. They won’t be so lucky again.
Maybe this is even right. But as Trump’s presidency moves forward, it’s no longer smart to think it’s right. There’s more than one type of intelligence. Trump’s is feral. It strikes fast. It knows where to sink the fang into the vein.
This has been Trump’s consistent strength from the moment he entered the Republican race until the second he got wind of the migrant caravan. Yes, his administration doesn’t even have an ambassador in Honduras, and if the U.S. has any kind of coherent Central American policy it would be news to me. Also, the idea of deploying thousands of U.S. troops to repel and even fire on the caravan is repellent, fascistic and probably unlawful.
I have written previously that the real threat of the Trump presidency isn’t economic or political catastrophe. It’s moral and institutional corrosion — the debasement of our discourse and the fracturing of our civic bonds. Democrats should be walking away with the midterms. That they are not is because they have consistently underestimated the president’s political gifts, while missing the deeper threat his presidency represents.
There’s a lesson here worth heeding. Our economic GDP may be booming, but our moral GDP is in recession. The tragedy of Pittsburgh illustrates, among other things, that the president cannot unite us, even in our grief. Whatever happens on Tuesday, Democrats will only win in 2020 if they find a candidate who can.
Like dat.
Another day, another opportunity for AG to parrot wingnut memes on the Tribune.
I’ll let Krugman dunk on you:
I do not “follow” Brett Stephens, marduk. I “follow” no one. I simply come to my own conclusions from my own takes on things and agree or disagree with what others might say. In point of fact, I do not know…nor care…about how Stephens is viewed by political hustlers of any stripe. His observations in that article are precisely the same as have been mine for a number of years.
Who do you “follow,” marduk?
Chuck Schumer? The rest of the neocentrist DNC controllers?
Most likely…
Your rating and posting tactics mirror theirs on a smaller scale. They’re never wrong, and the opposition is never right.
Hmmmm…that sounds fairly Trumpian as well.
Well gee whiz!!!
Whadda surprise!!!
Go try to Tweedledum and Tweedledee some other person. They’re almost all Scylla and Charybdis as far as I am concerned.
P.S. “Overdetermined”
Did you get some sort of memo/talking point from DNC Central making that the buzzword of the week? Or are you just “following” whatever others are mouthing that crap?
Probably the latter.
You follow so well!!!
Now there’s a buzzword for the times!!!
Twitter and other social media systems rate people on how many “followers” they have.
Hmmmm…that sounds fairly Trumpian as well.
Well gee whiz again!!!
What another surprise!!!
Go try to Twitterdum and Twitterdee some other person. AG don’t play that game.
Exactly. No daylight between AG and Brett Stephens. Glad we cleared that up.
You write:
In that article.
Can you not read?
Are marduk and the Gang of Several here stupid or brazen, neocentrist/DNC Dem hustlers?
Most likely a combination of the two.
I await tomorrow’s results of your DNC-ness with bated breath.
My own prediction?
A semi-wash, with the DemRat hustlers and the RatPub hustlers each claiming “victory” in the Government Media Complex.
And the beat goes on.
“That article” is a bunch of bullshit Republican talking points followed by effusive praise of Trump’s “genius” racist demagoguery and criticisms of the Democrats for not… well he doesn’t actually have any coherent criticism of Democrats, he’s just really impressed with how effective Trump’s Racism and Fascism is at winding up the Republican base and wonders why somebody else won’t do… something… about it.
Exactly like literally everything you post, as a matter of fact.
Everything that criticizes the woeful state of the current DNC-controlled Democratic party is not necessarily only a “Republican talking point,” marduk, although you and your little brethren here at BooTrib work very hard at making it seem so.
Tomorrow night I’m going to settle back with a couple of glasses of good wine and watch the returns . I would be delighted should the Dems clean the RatPublicans’ clock, if only because the more the two parties play hide the salami with one another, the more the game starts to become either plainly visible or at least unbearably boring for most of the population of the Untied States of Omertica.
And…I would be particularly delighted if Beto O’Rourke were to send Ted Cruz back to Antarctica or wherever he came from, someplace where he can fraternize with his fellow penguins until the killer whales get extra hungry.
The rest?
More clickbait, I fear.
Click clack on, media addict.
I await your next set of DNC talking points with great interest.
Every Democrat running tomorrow won a primary election to represent the “woeful state of the current DNC-controlled Democratic party”.
Except for a previous few.
Maybe O’Rourke.
Not many more.
Let’s see exactly how the neocentrist-supported Dems do.
Gonna be an interesting day.
Bet on it.
“Precious” few.
A busy day…
Did Ocasio-Lopez and O’Rourke not win primaries?
Not with much help from the DNC they didn’t.
You can’t parody this stuff, folks.
That’s true, marduk. You do keep trying, but it’s impossible to successfully parody the truth.
Keep trying, though.
You are…entertaining…to say the least.
Between you and centristfield, you probe the limits of neocentrist fooldom.
It’s like having my own private clown company.
Thank you…and soon the news.
Inventing your own personal and elaborate vocabulary and political mythology has turned your brain into tapioca pudding. You can’t even understand the simplest elements of electoral politics once you’ve filtered it through the mushy sloganeering you use in place of reason.
. . . an apology.
Everything that criticizes the woeful state of the current DNC-controlled Democratic party is not necessarily only a “Republican talking point,” marduk, although you and your little brethren here at BooTrib work very hard at making it seem so.
Tomorrow night I’m going to settle back with a couple of glasses of good wine and watch the returns . I would be delighted should the Dems clean the RatPublicans’ clock, if only because the more the two parties play hide the salami with one another, the more the game starts to become either plainly visible or at least unbearably boring for most of the population of the Untied States of Omertica.
And…I would be particularly delighted if Beto O’Rourke were to send Ted Cruz back to Antarctica or wherever he came from, someplace where he can fraternize with his fellow penguins until the killer whales get extra hungry.
The rest?
More clickbait, I fear.
Click clack on, media addict.
I await your next set of DNC talking points with great interest.
This double post?
A click-clack mistake of my own. Sorry, all. It’s been a long day.
I fear tomorrow is going to be even longer.
Was a good day here in Illinois. Actually weather was bad (it’s November in Illinois, duh!)
Wall Street hedge fund manager, union-buster and poor imitation of a human being, (R) now ex-Governor Rauner was beaten (as a friend of mine is wont to say)”like a red-headed stepchild”, Not one, but TWO knuckle-dragging suburban (R) Congressmen were dumped and replaced by young Democrats, one of whom is a black woman (very surprising in her rich district).
Hultgren is described by Vote Smart as pro-life.[70] He favors a prohibition on embryonic stem cell research.[71]
Sex education
Hultgren sponsored legislation to allocate $110 million per year in federal grants for abstinence education in schools.[106][107]
LGBT rights
Hultgren opposes same-sex marriage.[70] He voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act.[108]
He has voted in favor of terminating funding for National Public Radio.[71]
Internet privacy
In March 2017, Hultgren voted to reverse a Federal Communications Commission privacy rule that prevented internet service providers from to selling their customers’ browsing data.[65]
And the odious bible-thumper Peter Roskam:
nation’s first suburb-to-suburb commuter rail line.[75]
In interviews on National Public Radio, Roskam stated his opposition to the Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 and stated support for the House immigration reform bill, H.R. 4437 the Border Protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. During the interviews he said that his constituency did not support amnesty and wanted stronger border security.[76][77]
When U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order to suspend the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and suspend the entry of foreign nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries, Roskam said the “implementation was bumpy” but that he supported “the underlying theme.”[78]
Social issues
Roskam opposes abortion except in cases where the life of the mother is at risk, making no exceptions for cases of rape or incest.[79]
Roskam has a “D” rating from NORML for his voting history regarding cannabis-related causes. Roskam opposes to veterans having access to medical marijuana if recommended by their Veterans Health Administration doctor and if it is legal for medicinal purposes in their state of residence.[80]
Roskam opposes same-sex marriage.[81]
Roskam supports adult and umbilical cord stem cell research. He has argued against embryonic stem cell research in the Illinois Senate, even if privately funded,[82] and voted against the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act in Congress.[83]
BTW: They are not boomers, they are GEN X’rs
There is effective good news everywhere, Voice.
But…there is also effective bad news, and I do not just mean Republican and Trumpist wins. They are a given in this culture at this time.
I mean the mainstream, neocentrist Dem wins. And the government media complex’s hyping of those wins. Most voters do not have much of a clue about what is really going on. Hell, many of the people on this politically committed blog don’t seem to understand the ongoing buying and selling of the U.S. government…buying and selling by the controllers of both parties.
I cannot predict how this situation is going to change over the next two years. I believe that it is going to change, simply because this country cannot maintain its stability in the throes of such failure and turmoil. But how? In what directions? Too many variables.
I hate to say this, but the time is rapidly approaching where many of us will be faced with two stark choices…either hunker down and let the opposing gangs fight it out or get the fuck out. Rational talk is useless when continually outshouted by the blaring media.
So it goes…
Have to admit that, at least in Roskam’s case, demographic changes leading to more Asians (albeit rich Asians) and Hispanics combined with Roskam’s supporting Trump on immigration probably is what did him in. Like the Puerto Rican lady in New York beating the old white guy in the primary. Although Sean Casten is miles ahead Roskam socially, he did beat out a more progressive Berniecrat in the primary with Durbin’s support.
Supports both your thesis that Centrists are winning purely on social issues and my thesis that the Religious Right is now a drag on the Republicans except in the South. But I hate those self-righteous bastards. The more they pound the Bibe and shout about sin, the more you can be sure that they are either porking every woman in sight or abusing young boys like Denny Hastert and Jim Jordan.
. . . with ag, just as I keep tellin’ y’all. The NYT is fake news (cuz Judy Miller dontchaknow) unless/until one of their rightwingnut-welfare opinion columnists agrees with ag’s opinion. Then, miraculously, it’s gospel, aka “Right”.
Conversely, any Reality that doesn’t confirm ag’s deeply-held-but-shallowly-considered-and-often-Reality-Denying opinion (including NYT at all other times) is fake news, regardless how well grounded in fact.
Yet another way in which he’s a Trump clone.
It’s ag’s Law in action:
I have covered Bret Stephens / Rupert Murdoch a number of times here @BooMan …
Stephens is the worst from Murdoch’s stall AG!! You should know.
Bret Stephens is full blown neocon and part of the IsraelFirst! crowd … horribilis AG.
He fits well at the NY Times with occasional neocon supporters.
I do not “support” Bret Stephens, Oui. I do agree with much of what he said in that article. Were his motives crooked? Could be…I really don’t pay much attention to him or the Murdoch crowd. I read things with as little pre-prejudicial attitude as possible. Had his name not been on that article, I would have agreed with the points that I mentioned just as I did while knowing something about him. Sometimes I feel like almost everyone in the world is only paying attention to the supposed reputation of the people who are commenting on what’s happening instead of what they are actually saying.
I won’t do that. I suppose that’s what being an “independent” really means. I feel equally free to agree or disagree with various points from anybody on any side of the political spectrum. I largely support what people like Noam Chomsky have to say. I have also found merit in much of what Ron Paul…and before him Ross Perot…had to say.
All outliers.
In today’s world, the truth is an outlier.
So it goes.
Find it wherever you can do so.
So that goes as well.