Hello photo lovers.
We have a new frog pond, so it is time for a new foto flog series. To get a feel for the frog pond’s origins, make sure to check out this post.
Posting photos should be easy. Do you have images hosted somewhere? You should just need an url. Once you place an url of your photo into a comment, your photo should post just fine. No need for any code any more.
The Foto Flog was curated by a lot of people over the years. At one point, they were even themed – Foto Fairs. For now let’s keep it loose. I thought I’d start out with a simple rose since we are well enough along into spring that our rose bush is producing some nice ones again.
To participate, you don’t have to be a pro. I am definitely an amateur hobbyist. I’ve been taking tons of photos – mostly of landscapes and cityscapes – since I was in my early teens. Currently, I use my LG ThinQ 40 for everyday use. I do have a 35mm camera that is a good three decades old, although one of my daughters seems to have commandeered that one. I’ve always been impressed with the folks who have posted their work in the past. So, let’s make this come to life.
My yellow irises. A rabbit is dead center, in the background.
Got this shot of a Cooper’s hawk in the woods next to us:
Nice one.
We recently tore down our greenhouse and garage. Still need to replace the garage.
Reminds me that we have a few home improvement projects we need to get to at some point.
It’s been awhile since I’ve participated in one of these, but I have a ton of travel photos from the past few years I can share if people are into that kind of thing.
Here’s one I took of a double rainbow at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe a couple of years ago.

I take a lot of travel related photos as well. Would love those. That is a nice one.
Cool – I’ll try to start sharing a little more regularly!
Here’s one I took of the truck we had on our 3 week safari through Botswana. What an incredibly beautiful country.

Chillin’ in the Tetons with CabinGirl.
Gonna see if I can upload a photo direct from desktop, a bit of a derelict old shack. Yeh, just click on the little camera icon and follow directions.
Editing post:
Ha! After uploading and posting, I checked my post; clicked on it to enlarge it; noticed a little navigation arrow below it and a “1/2” so I clicked on the arrow and my photo switched to the hawk photo! Then I navigated back to mine. So apparently all of the direct-upload pix in the thread will end up in one whatchamacallit, cache or whatever.
A button quail that had no fear. Taken at our local arboretum.
Took this two minutes ago, the rabbit that lives in my back yard;
Here’s a family of turtles enjoying some sun in Nashville TN. Photo taken with my phone.
I could use some sun today.
When the scrape you took when you hit the ground hurts worse than the pitch that hit you.
New foto flog is here.