Not that it makes up for any of the times Bill Kristol has been wrong or the way he got so many innocent people killed in Iraq, but his organization, Republicans for the Rule of Law, has a good ad up. They rip Russian asset and traitorous piece of garbage Mitch McConnell a new asshole for refusing to protect our elections from Putin. Moscow Mitch is pretty upset about all the attention, so it’s worth sharing for that fact alone.
Again, none of this makes up or cancels out the fact that Kristol told lie after lie, leading us to invade Iraq, get a lot of people killed, leave American soldiers with mentally and physical disabled, and ultimately breeding the kind of cynicism that resulted in the election of Donald Trump. But it ain’t nothin’ either.
Image courtesy of Matt Johnson
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Glad to have a prominent conservative agreeing on election security. Even if we disagree on literally everything else to date.
And this is how political change happens. No permanent enemies, no permanent allies, just permanent interests. It’s possible, even desirable, to welcome the support of neo-cons like Kristol and Boot into a coalition aimed at removing Trump from power, knowing full well that when/if that happens, we’ll go back to disagreeing with them on virtually everything else.
It is just possible that Boot, and maybe Kristol, have been so disgusted by what the republican party is supporting that their break with republicanism will be permanent. Boot certainly seems to be making noises like that. Not sure where they would land if that were to be the case, but for now their voices are helpful in making a sliver of traditional republicans ashamed of their alliance.