It’s Wednesday, but on a holiday week. For some of us that means a shortened work week. Maybe a quieter news cycle. Many of us here in the US will spend the day with family (hopefully minus the bickering). I’ll be out of town Thursday. But I will be dropping by a bit throughout Wednesday. In the meantime, let’s start things with a collaboration – Herbie Hancock and Foday Musa Suso recorded this lovely piece for the 1984 Summer Olympics:
In a lot of ways it is a product of its time, but it was track like this that paved the way for what would follow. Plus this is just so catchy.
Bar is open, and hopefully we’ll see our favorite bartender return. Jukebox is ready as well. Plenty of room here so sit a spell if you are so inclined.
To get things started, I propose a toast to Yulia Tymoshenko on the occasion of her birthday.
If I knew Ukranian, I would give a more appropriate toast. Cheers will have to suffice.
What happens when the president shows no leadership? Apple grants Russia the Crimea.
Of course. Apple really knows how to take a stand.
I hope Neon Vincent won’t mind my usurping his role here. In honor, if that is the right word, for Bloomberg entering the primary race, here is how to make a New York Sour:
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Thanks for floating around the Frog Pond and pass the mashed potatoes.
Pretty sure this is a bad idea.
Yeah, I wouldn’t exactly recommend that.
Sticking with Foday a bit longer:
This was released around 1985 – an LP collaboration between Foday Musa Suso and Herbie Hancock. I doubt the suits in marketing knew what to do with this one. Beautiful track and a beautiful album nonetheless.
Here’s a quirky historical artifact: The Gorbachev Pizza Hut Commercial, circa 1998.
As we know Sestak is one of the latest among the crowded field of Democratic primary contenders to drop out. His drink of choice? Yuengling.

So yeah, we are serving Yuengling on tap. The Froggy Bottom Cafe discount applies.
And Kamala Harris dropped out. A shame. I liked her ideas.
Here’s a drink in her honor:
I’m pulling double duty as bartender this week.