An alliance between Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden in the Iowa caucuses would make a lot of sense for both campaigns. If the polls are correct, Klobuchar is generally going to fall below the 15 percent needed for viability, and if Biden can bank her votes he will get a nice boost that could propel him into first place.

The benefit to Klobuchar would depend on her actually doing better than Biden in some caucuses. In those precincts, she could boost her numbers if Biden did not reach viability. In cases where neither reaches 15 percent in the initial vote, throwing support to the stronger candidate could help that candidate  reach viability.

Back in 2004, Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards worked out a similar agreement, and it is generally understood to have benefited Edwards to some degree. He wound up running a strong second ahead of Howard Dean who flamed out that night with his famous “Aaaaargh!” speech.

Of course, neither Klobuchar nor Biden wants to admit that they are considering this alliance. It comes across as somewhat sketchy and underhanded, although there is nothing technically wrong or unethical about such agreements. Presumably, the main victim in this scenario would be Pete Buttigieg since he is more likely to be a second choice for Klobuchar/Biden voters than either Sanders or Warren.

It also looks like Klobuchar is really the only candidate who is available for this kind of deal. All the other candidates are either vying to win or far too distant from viability to benefit from such an arrangement. So, it would be a coup for Biden to be the one to team up with her. She could just as easily strike a deal with Warren or Buttigieg, but Klobuchar has no interest in helping either of them as she needs they to flame out quickly if she’s going to emerge was the alternative to Biden and Sanders.

So, don’t believe the Biden and Klobuchar camps when they deny this alliance. I’m sure it will be in place, and it will be mutually beneficial.