I know a lot of people who have quit Facebook over the last several years, and there’s no single reason for it. Some were pissed off about how the platform was used in the 2016 election, others had privacy concerns or serious qualms about how their data was being used, a few just hated some update of the interface, and a few others have quit more recently due to some feature or another of Zuckerberg’s attitude. I even know a couple of folks who just couldn’t take the Trumpy posts of their relatives and had to shut the whole thing down.

I’ve stuck around Facebook because it helps me promote my writing, but I’d quit it in a second if a equivalent alternative came along. There’s a breaking point for everyone, and I could be nearing mine. I really do think Facebook is in danger of getting itself branded as the “racist” social media platform. It’s partly because they can’t figure out how to police fake news and, contrary to the president’s assertions, conservatives dominate the dissemination of racist bullshit on Facebook. But it’s mainly their tolerance of Donald Trump. He is so unbelievably racist that allowing him to post is basically indistinguishable from allowing the KKK to post. He should be banned from every forum, and not solely for his racist commentary. He posts nothing but lies, and he’s abusive and insulting too.

I don’t think the time is far off where I’ll have to conclude that sharing any forum with Trump is a form of complicity that I can’t stomach, and when enough people feel that way, Facebook will either have to respond or earn the racist moniker themselves. We’ll see how they respond to having a slice of their own workforce take the day off in protest.