Author: Oscar In Dallas

Hail Mary

I know the GOP is in trouble when I start getting emails about how it is my Christian duty to vote Republican. I recently received the following email: This is the best political advice I have received. WHO WOULD JESUS VOTE FOR?...

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The Audacity Of Hate

Over the last few weeks there has been much Sturm und Drang regarding some of the sermons of Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Immediate-Past Pastor of Chicago’s Trinity Church of Christ, church-home of Senator Barack Obama. The...

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The Chocolate Migration

There are some things so secret, so shameful, that people dread the day when their inner thoughts and desires are aired for all the world to see. There are some activities that are so perverse that no human being should ever...

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Family Business

Originally posted at The Underground Railroad The only remaining question about the Democratic primary for Senate in the state of Connecticut is how just wide Joe Lieberman’s margin of defeat will become.  The MSM is...

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Payday Someday

Apparently, there are Democrats who have a problem with filibustering Samuel Alito, primarily out of fear that the Party doesn’t have a plan to win the overall campaign against Scalito. My response is this: if the...

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