This is just to provide a first international diary for testing purposes. Maybe the title will generate plenty of traffic for this site…
About The Author
Jerome a Paris
Energy banker based, yes, in Paris, France. Writing about energy, economics, international geopolitics, European and French stuff, and whatever else catches my attention. Very strongly pro-European. Liberal in the US, libéral in France and proud of both.
I thought it was just us fucking Americans that were so stupid.
“Stupid F@@@ing Americans”
Have affiliate shows all over the world with “reality themed” contests where local contestants try to convince a panel of local judges that they are the most like unto genuine Americans. The winners would be assembled into a “Team World” which would then be pitted against a group of “eliminated in the first episode” American reality show losers. Give each team their own cul de sac in a trailer park and assorted minimum wage jobs. The teams vie to be voted “most American” in respect to some particular theme- i.e the BB-Q episode, the Get Drunk and Schtup a Stranger episone, etc.
Winners get visas and cash.
there is NO WAY to lose money investing in that idea.
Say it out loud. That’s what I thought you were saying, at first, only with a stutter. “Supersize Me!”
all yours- provided you kick me the rerun rights in the EU.
Just to note that I can recommend my own diary; you may want to change that…
Hi Jerome-
Thanks for test running the site. You are right, we should probably disable people’s ability to vote for their own diaries. I guess. Will it make people feel better to have one recommendation?
If you have suggestions, there is a “Site suggestion box” diary where Andy is looking for feedback.
Thanks again.
What is the downside?
There must be one, I just can’t think of one.
You know, one thing I like about this site is how it defaults to a re:parent subject. It saves the hassle of having to think of a stupid title all the time.
Of course, it kind of sucks for people that like to display in a minimal mode. But those people are psychotic anyway, right?
Dunno what you’ve done differently than Markos’ Scoop configs but after viewing a few diaries on here I’m noticing there is a very discernable difference in load time on my dinocomp and my dialup. These are loading MUCH faster for me than dkos diaries do for some reason.
I thought it had to do with the level of traffic; after all, it’s a site that gets hundreds of thousands of hits. Also, I know that dKos “behaves” much better for me during low-traffic hours. Loads faster, doesn’t get “hung up” as often.
Some people would be too modest to recommend their own diaries and thereby would be placed at a disadvantage relative to others.
(just trying to come up with a plausible downside)
Comment allez vous ?
By the way.. Are there any dKos style Scoop sites in French that you know of? I used to read some blogs –
Window in Lebanon –
Brain Not Found –
but I have a really short attention span at times and prefer the interactive sites. It’s funny though, I first read these French blogs two or three years ago and now, not much has changed, they all link to the same blogs..!
I don’t read blogs in French!
Et voila, le premier en francais!
Bienvenue les europeens! Wilkommen aus die Europeaner! Bienvenidos a los europeos!
Tu ne <<blog>> pas en francais? et le raison est…?
Raciste !
So Jerome, you got some kind of attitude or what? Sometimes you seem kinda hostile or something.
(When in doubt, always reply “I do” ;-))
(loosely adapted from 4 weddings and a funeral…)
I do gets you in trouble:
“Do you take this [shopoholic] to be your lawfully wedded wife?” “I do!” (although I’m not one of them, I understand that shopoholics represent a very large percentage of the population, and not just female).
“Do you remember the bet we made on (insert wager here)”?
“I do” (they never ask unless you owe)
“Do you remember you said you’d take out the trash?” “I do” (you meant later, much later)
“Do you remember how you said you’d always love me?” “I do” (oh dear God, what did your significant other do now?)
It’s a term looking for a disaster.
Definitely a disaster waiting to happen….
Do you think I look fat in this (insert clothing item here)?
What is it with this race? They don’t have the sense to take care of the only habitable planet in the solar system and they keep squabbling all the time.
Congratulations BooMan. Kaloriziko. (Greek wish for new things, may they put down strong roots.)
Now, now. You don’t know for sure that it’s the only habitable planet. Of course, by the time we figure out if there is another one, we’ll be 100 years behind schedule to build the technology we’ll need to get us there en mass before the clock runs out.
the only habitable planet in the solar system. Mars may be terraformable in the long run but everything else is fairly close to various definitions of hell. Planets in other systems are too far away to do us any immediate good. If we survive the next century, we will get there in some form or other. If we don’t, then truly stupid fucking humans!
Well you see? I wasn’t limiting myself to the solar system. You didn’t say “in the solar system”. You said “the only inhabitable planet” and I took your suggestion to the furthest possible conclusion.
and I’m wrong LOL, jokes on me. I could have sworn when I read it again there was no “in the solar system” there. Did you sneak that in on me when i wasn’t looking?
Apologies, but I wasn’t limiting myself to the solar system anyway.
The Wombat explains it all in terms that dumb fucking humans can unnerstand.
is wise.
No, I hadn’t but the Wombat it indeed wise. Thanks.