As the dynamic duo spreads out across the country to spread their lies and false fear on Social Security, Senator Corzine tweaks ‘Big Time’ Cheney, and gets a big hand from the BooMan.

While Cheney campaigns in California and Nevada, the president was stopping in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico before returning to his Texas ranch Tuesday afternoon. Bush appeared with his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush, in Florida on Friday.

In a conference call with reporters Monday, Sen. John Corzine, D-NJ, one of the leading opponents of the president’s plan, said Cheney had “a virtual career of disdain for Social Security,” and compared his appearances to sending Saddam Hussein to campaign for democracy in Iraq.

“He’s certainly not being sent on the road to convince Democrats, moderates or Baby Boomers,” Corzine said.

Having met so much resistance to the proposal from older Americans, the White House is focusing now on persuading younger people that changes are needed to the Social Security system. Under the Bush plan, only workers born after 1950 would be eligible for the individual investment accounts.

The Press Enterprise