this insane turn of events with terri schiavo’s case has me so angry and so disgusted i am damn-near unable to cobble together complete sentences that require more than two words.
so, i started on trying to resolve some of this stuff as i usually do, by making an image or two dealing with it. i made three so far, and they are below the fold.
Update [2005-3-24 1:17:37 by dadanation]: there are now just two images here as i edited out one of them because it was not 100% accurate.
mind you, i don’t even have the faintest sense of detachment to be able to get a feel for which image is the best piece of agit-prop. maybe by tonght i will, maybe i won’t.
anyway, i’m just going to put them here and leave it at that.
Number 1: March 19, 2005 Memo
Numer 2: Liar, Smug, Snake
i feel the need fr a bath after re-reading all te facts of this case. and a long nap.
am the only one who finds the parents and their behavior downright vile?
The top one is the best IMHO, absolutely on point.
I can’t fault them. It’s congress I can’t deal with because they have chosen to take sides in a family matter, and have helped the parents demonize the husband nationally.
All because of partisan politics.
That’s what I can’t deal with.
there is the abuse of power and then there is the utter contempt of the american people and the law and order we have. power abused is power wielded, sadly. but this congressional contempt for our constitution, our legacy, our reputation is beyond. just way too beyond.
to be so baldly greedy and self-serving makes my skin crawl. so, it goes wth out saying that every time i see rep. tom deLusional on tv, i feel like i’ve been slimed.
You’re a braver man than I. I have not been able to bring myself to do any artwork on the Schiavo case. I’m too upset.
I did however manage to do a couple of other pieces today.
I’m behind in posting on my blog, I’ll get them posted soon.
Hey, did you get my email? I’m worried about you.
[lays prostrate in front of Booman] “Don’t hurt me, I was on Kos today. I’ll never do it again” ::crossing fingers:: LOL
I did threaten to leave for awhile if I got too much mojo on that free mojo thread, I did say I was there to give and not receive. ::winks::
Great images, great impact and no, you’re not the only one who finds the parents behavior vile. I know it probably sounds heartless to say so but really, when they say that even if their daughter had left written instructions/ a living will they would have ignored it? How loving is that?
Well, they all are, but that’s my favorite.
And no, you’re not the only one. Believe me.
John Fucking Warner.
Sometimes one wants to go drown oneself in the water trough.
that about sums it up for me. Have to tell you folks after watching the congressional debate last night about something they had absolutely no business debating and then voting to over rule the law of the land I am totally drained. I have been through this type of decision with my mom and it is truly the most paunful experience but it was OUR families decision to stop the insanity of lifesupport on a brain dead woman.
Listening to these idiots that have never seen this woman, are not doctors or family members over rule the 19 judges that have heard this case over the last umpteenth years literlly makes me sick. One even said that “Terri is on the verge of talking”. Hey Jimmy/Jeff are you listening? Talk about divorced from reality. We are in imho very trouble and deep waters fols. Watch out it could be your life next this is just the beginning. Guess I wasn’t speechless afterall. Thanks for posting this. I have felt isolated all day with my thoughts and thats trouble.
and this frist/weldon “Diagnose” by way of a CD sent to them is uttterly grotesque and i am ceratn a violation of their medical licensing guidleines, but then again, the are republican cngressman. whatever they say, goes…
ain’t that the truth!
your art is eloquent beyond words. Thank you.
thanks. as always.