It’s Saturday night and the site is pretty dead, so how about we have a discussion of our favorite topics we like to discuss.
I’ll start it off with my list:
Iraq, and the people there, because I have a friend there.
Iraq and the war affects on the soldiers, because I care about them and what will happen when they come home.
I also care about how they are treated in medical system and in general.
Iraq Torture or torture in as a policy, and why isn’t someone held accountable for it and if it has stopped
I also like diaries that invite comments of personal stories or experiences.
Ways to convert the Repubs to our side.
What’s on your list and why?
Bye the way who thinks this is the best blog ever and why?
I am sending out three cheers to Booman.
The poverty and healthcare of children in this country. I don’t believe we are even in the top ten of industrialized countries for care given to children. I recently read that half of the children in one of the southern states had released report that 50% of the children there lived in poverty. Half the children in a state in America live in poverty. I find that disgusting, horrific, appalling, anything you want to call it for this country to have children in this country reduced to this unthinkable ‘statistic’.
I can think of quite a few others but this really trumps all others. No matter how much time I spend on trying to keep current on Iraq the above topic simply overwhelms as it so incredibly wrong and detrimental to these children and the country.
Very important issue, maybe you should write a diary on this. I think we have problems in the whole area of children, from health care, to education, too autism, and on and on. Its hard to pick one area that more important than the other.
And it not just children either, low income families have many problems getting adequate health care.
Definitely you sound like the perfect person to diary on this. Think about it.
I was trying to make a poll but couldn’t figure out what exactly to put on it, any ideas, make list or suggestions and I will add, I think that is possible.
I keep thinking I should write a diary on any number of topics but have yet do my first diary anywhere. Partly due to the fact that a subject like the child poverty issue would require to a degree some links being posted. Being fairly computer illiterate I have yet to figure out how to do that.
Here is how to post links, you just highlight the address in the bbar at the top of the page, right click and then choose copy, go to the page you are writing and then just right click paste. It will automatically become a link when posted.
the is the generic version, I don’t know how to change it to the fancy version.
Ho about writing a diary of how you feel about the children issue, with maybe just a link to stastics, or some such thing, and then invite a discussion.
We can all get the facts, just do a google, but the most interesting diaries to me are more personal ones.
Maybe why you feel this subject is important should be added to and suggestions for a solution. Maybe solutions are most important to request. Much too much time is spent on discecting issues, more time should be spent on finding or seeking solutions. That is my humble opinion.
Why not give it a try. I just posted my first diary ever a few days ago and now I have done a few. Its scary at first, but you can always delete it if you don’t like it, that’s what I always say to myself.
Remember you are an expert on one thing and that is how you feel.
Add the following to your post:
< a href=””>Booman Tribune< /a >
take out the spaces and it becomes:
Booman Tribune.
I was soooo glad to discover firefox, some genuis’ dKos extension. Makes me look good! See here
for links.
thanks everyone. I will try and do this sometime in the near future when I get up my nerve and see what happens.
I’m glad you’re still here.
The religious theocracy taking over the country which goes in tandem I believe with education…or the lack of education being offered. As the fundamentalist viewpoint definately eschews thinking therefore education becomes more and more devalued. Leading to any lack of critical thinking in turn leading to the downfall any country being a leader for the world.
What you said with the inclusion of the rise in hate crimes and hate legislation with the same root cause. Gay rights/ women’s rights and the erosion of both, well, of human rights in general, they’re all the same in my mind. Just some of us feel the effects sooner rather than later.
International stories, more to learn than to post on, I’m greedy for learning. The longer I type the more issues arise that I’m interested in, I should stop now.
One last thing, financial news/poverty news-same thing in my neck of the woods. This could be because after reading about the bankruptcy bill and being outraged I see that several credit card companies are already raising their minimum rates…why am I not surprised?
Going out to enjoy the spring for a few hours, needed break.
I agree and that is all pretty much tied together in my mind. The fundamentalist theocracy and rising hate crimes/speech especially against gays is becoming overwhelming under this administration. Gay rights(human rights) is also an issue that is personal especially as my best friend is gay. She’s more than a friend really, just part of the family.
Intentional or not when more/more people are living in poverty or barely above it they don’t have the time/energy to do much but survive and that seems when more and more rights get taken away while we’re not paying attention.