Archbishop John P. Foley, Rev. Thomas Reese, Monsignor John Strynkowski, Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, Raymond Flynn, Judge Anne Burke, Jon Meacham and Chester Gillis.
Face the Nation
Guests: Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, (Former National Security Adviser), Monsignor Brian Ferme, (Dean, School of Canon Law, Catholic University Of America), Peter Steinfels (New York Times Religious Columnist).
This Week with George Stephanopoulos
From the Vatican. Among his guests will be Bishop William S. Skylstad of Spokane, Wash., president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer
Wolf looks at the political and cultural impact of John Paul II’s papacy, and how the pope will be remembered.
Fox News Sunday: Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Rep. Jane Harman, D-Calif.
Call me a bad citizen, but I cannot bear to watch any of those shows. I admire those who do because sometimes they get some interesting info.
I’m with you Susan. I never watch them anymore unless by some chance someone like Dean, Boxer, maybe Sharpton might be on. Mostly it’s just a bunch of hot air, propaganda and stupid answers to stupid or inane questions.
These shows don’t accomplish anything to my way of thinking except give jobs to mainly idiot hosts and have all sorta turned into ‘crossfire’ debates-in other words signifying pretty much nothing.
If someone does happen to say something interesting I can always read the transcript. And save myself all the aggravation of hollering at timmy russet through the tv or any of the rest of them.
Maybe if one of these shows had a real reporter as a host who had people with opposing views from the House or Senate and structured an honest debate to give facts to the american public then maybe I’d watch. With the end view of the show being to get the public more involved personally into changing laws etc in the country or protest for livable wage. Now if a sunday show would do that ..