Making fun of Gary Bauer’s daily rants is like shooting fish in a barrel:
Imagine for just a moment that you are on the political Left. Recent years haven’t been good to you politically. Al Gore went down to defeat in 2000.
In 2004, you threw everything, including the kitchen sink, at President Bush. George Soros and other billionaires put up hundreds of millions of dollars to get the vote out. Michael Moore produced the ultimate propaganda film blaming the president, instead of bin Laden, for September 11th. Even Dan Rather got involved by trying to influence the election with a fake memo given to CBS by a Bush-hater.
And what happened on Election Day? You lost big time. Now you are really mad–in fact, you are on the verge of “losing it.” You want revenge.
Go to any left-wing website and you will see that anger. And you will see something else–a rock-hard determination to destroy the Bush presidency and to hold on to the federal courts–the last government bastion still controlled by the Left. The election may be over, but to the Left the battle still rages, and they aren’t about to concede.
Standard freeper nonsense so far. Now comes the victim complex:
Go to any left-wing website and you will see that anger. And you will see something else–a rock-hard determination to destroy the Bush presidency and to hold on to the federal courts–the last government bastion still controlled by the Left. The election may be over, but to the Left the battle still rages, and they aren’t about to concede.
That is why we now are at such a crucial time in the culture war. The Left is in full screaming mode, and they are counting on Republican knees to buckle, as they have so many times in the past.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay is being politically crucified in large part because he is serious about the social agenda and wants to end the dominance of the courts. That is why John Bolton, the president’s nominee to be ambassador to the United Nations, was dragged through the mud yesterday on Capitol Hill. He is serious about reforming that corrupt body, whose bureaucrats tried to stop the U.S. liberation of Iraq while stuffing their pockets with Iraqi oil money.
That is why a dozen judicial nominees are languishing in the Senate–because most of them are serious about stopping the three-decade long court driven “ultimate makeover” of American culture that is replacing our Judeo-Christian heritage with moral relativism. That is why Senate liberals are threatening to block all Senate business if the Republican majority dares to reform the filibuster rules currently being used to stop the confirmation of those judges–all of whom have majority support.
And, of course, all of this is just a rehearsal for the “mother of all battles,” the fight over a Supreme Court vacancy when it occurs–probably just months, if not weeks away. Tens of millions will be spent, and our side isn’t ready.
DeLay’s being crucified, check. John Bolton’s nomination is in trouble, check. Ditto off-the-deep-end judicial nominees. Supreme Court battle possibly coming in weeks?
Wait a minute.
Does Gary Bauer know something we don’t?
Well, speculate away. I’m getting back to letting Bauer submarine himself:
You have to hand it to the liberals. They spent a few weeks after the election going through the ritual soul-searching, but then they did what they do best–attacked and attacked some more.
Meanwhile, Republicans, winners of several recent elections, are nonetheless having one of those moments of supreme self-doubt. Privately some are whispering that DeLay should be dumped; as if that would stop the media savaging of Republican and conservative leaders. Others are hesitant to move the marriage amendment forward; even though the issue remains undefeated at the ballot box. Others are nervous about changing the filibuster rules; fearful the liberals will actually keep their promise to shut the Senate down. In short, once again, the losers are acting like winners, while the winners act like losers!
Let’s hope and pray the party of Lincoln and Reagan recovers its nerve fast.
Uh, wait a minute.
Who does that sound like a parody of?
Gary has really let me down by omitting this fine hero of rapture-readiness and freedom-spreading.
Shame, Gary! I am sending a very irate email to Landover Baptist right now!
maybe Gary is just anxious to get the party started, and wants Billy dead sooner rather than later.
I’ve had a soft spot for Gary Bauer ever since he fell backwards off that stage.
because he looks like an ugly middle aged woman in drag. Yuck.
or their decisions, nor does the right wing, and therein lies the problem.
they usually excercise sound thinking and render good judgement…oh, I see what you mean.
a rock-hard determination to destroy the Bush presidency and to hold on to the federal courts–the last government bastion still controlled by the Left. The election may be over, but to the Left the battle still rages, and they aren’t about to concede.
That’s right, WE AIN’T ABOUT TO CONCEDE! I’m spoiling for a good fight.