Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I played where ever the boys told me to. Then 1st base in HS gym games. The girls din’t like me though. I threw the ball too hard, like a boy.
Best game? Twilight single header while camping out, using broom for bat and crushed beer cans for bases. I love this game.
I played catcher, but it was because I had bad knees- just like we saw on TV (see above comment by BooMan).
BTW, BooMan has gone head first into first base in a keg league game (for the uninitiated, each base is represented by a keg of beer). What is truly odd is that this occurred at first, wheras it would be perfectly normal at third.
If anyone is to learn anything from this observation, Karl Rove should send BooMan a case a day (you are reading this aren’t you Karl, you Kocker Arbiter.)
I have heard an eyewitnesses from W’s time at Yale state that they saw W cheat at intermural baseball. The man has violated the sanctity of America’s past-time and we should paly a round of Keg ball (Dixie cups, maybe? for us oldsters-) to purify the sport.
I do beleive that there are sufficient Philadelphian bloggers to wage a BooTrib-MyDD vs. DKos challenge match. I dare you to throw down the gauntlet!
I loved the first clip because that cat looks like a clone of our baby. What I didn’t like was the clip with the cat running into the bathtub. If you listen to the background noise, it seems that the cat is being chased or scared into jumping into the full tub.
This is an odd one – a British court has frozen all of Zambia’s assets in
the UK for failure to pay a debt to Romania from 1979. What’s interesting
in the article is that a firm called Donegal International brought the
suit against Zambia, Donegal acting as a sort of international version of
those companies in America which buy outstanding credit debt and try to
collect it.
read Soj’s awesome blog
Two guesses- this is a warning shot for the U.S. Treasury and W, a reaction to his recent comments suggesting a default of Federal sovereign debt held by the Social Security fund. Or, Donegal has some damn fine lawyers.
The report denounces the UN administration of the southern province of Kosovo, calling for the Albanian majority territory to be granted a form of independence. The loose union of Serbia and Montenegro in the common state helped into being two years ago by EU policy-makers, is also deemed a failure and should be scrapped, the report says.
Basically, aside from reaming Lord Ashdown for his role in Bosnia, the report that has come out is arguing that furthar Blakanization of the Balkans is a good idea. (It probably is, especially given the impending intergration of Europe to the point where the EU can be a marginally effective guarrantor of individual rights).
But this has an interesting effect- it truly forces the issue of European Federalism having a component that acts as a check on the political power of the populous states. A European equivalent to the U.S. Senate could become irrovokably weighted towards Central/South East Europe if this plan is implemented.
Qui Bono? If we credit Jerome a Paris’ demographics diary, Italy and Germany at the expense of France and the UK. (Unless of course France and Spain suddenly grant independence to Basques, Catalans, and what not. And Downing Street could always pass the Queen a note saying that it was no longer militarily possible to retain Corwall. (A nice way to get back at Camilla as well!)
In a move that’s being referred to as an historical event, Republican MN state senator Paul Koering announced he is gay. I admire his timing in doing so, because MN is facing an ugly constitutional amendment in the next election – not only banning gay marriage, but banning civil unions and moving toward eliminating all equal rights for gays.
I always had a good stick and glove, but no control when I tried to really throw hard. It sailed like “Wild Thing” from whatever baseball movie that was. I never learned how to grip the ball with just a couple fingers. Alas, I got cut in high school and promptly won the “parking lot award”, you know, the slacker who skipped more classes than anyone. In adult softball, I was able to hide this deficency by playing second base where my throws were the shortest on the field.
I was the catcher, and I learned early the proper placemnet of the “cup” ouch……
Did you like to come out at talk to the pitcher on the mound?
I had a guy do that all the time for no reason, just cuz he saw it happening on TV.
after the incident without the cup, I stayed a great distance from the pitcher…LOL
I played where ever the boys told me to. Then 1st base in HS gym games. The girls din’t like me though. I threw the ball too hard, like a boy.
Best game? Twilight single header while camping out, using broom for bat and crushed beer cans for bases. I love this game.
Sandlot softball with a bunch of military brats until 7th grade. Usually 3rd base – bad knees so I got out of catcher.
Sandlot in a real field though – first and second were old stuffed pillow cases. Third base was anywhere near the blackberry bush!
Played once or twice as an adult – last time got beaned by a third base line drive…beaut of a black-eye out of that one!
little field, big ball, strong people swinging aluminum bats…
but it’s fun with a keg of beer.
I played catcher, but it was because I had bad knees- just like we saw on TV (see above comment by BooMan).
BTW, BooMan has gone head first into first base in a keg league game (for the uninitiated, each base is represented by a keg of beer). What is truly odd is that this occurred at first, wheras it would be perfectly normal at third.
If anyone is to learn anything from this observation, Karl Rove should send BooMan a case a day (you are reading this aren’t you Karl, you Kocker Arbiter.)
each base is not only represented by a keg of beer, but the price for advancing a base is to drink a full cup of beer.
That was not a slide, it was a face-plant.
Well spun- then or now, I am not sure.
or perhaps I was so in the can that I mistook first base for home plate.
It hardly matters. The point is that keg ball is fun, but it’s not a sport for lightweights.
I have heard an eyewitnesses from W’s time at Yale state that they saw W cheat at intermural baseball. The man has violated the sanctity of America’s past-time and we should paly a round of Keg ball (Dixie cups, maybe? for us oldsters-) to purify the sport.
I do beleive that there are sufficient Philadelphian bloggers to wage a BooTrib-MyDD vs. DKos challenge match. I dare you to throw down the gauntlet!
a passin’ out drunk good time. I’m in.
my advertisement is running on Soj’s website. Cool.
This is hilarious.
Cats Gone Wild.
I loved the first clip because that cat looks like a clone of our baby. What I didn’t like was the clip with the cat running into the bathtub. If you listen to the background noise, it seems that the cat is being chased or scared into jumping into the full tub.
read Soj’s awesome blog
Two guesses- this is a warning shot for the U.S. Treasury and W, a reaction to his recent comments suggesting a default of Federal sovereign debt held by the Social Security fund. Or, Donegal has some damn fine lawyers.
Link to Guardian article borrowed from Soj,
Basically, aside from reaming Lord Ashdown for his role in Bosnia, the report that has come out is arguing that furthar Blakanization of the Balkans is a good idea. (It probably is, especially given the impending intergration of Europe to the point where the EU can be a marginally effective guarrantor of individual rights).
But this has an interesting effect- it truly forces the issue of European Federalism having a component that acts as a check on the political power of the populous states. A European equivalent to the U.S. Senate could become irrovokably weighted towards Central/South East Europe if this plan is implemented.
Qui Bono? If we credit Jerome a Paris’ demographics diary, Italy and Germany at the expense of France and the UK. (Unless of course France and Spain suddenly grant independence to Basques, Catalans, and what not. And Downing Street could always pass the Queen a note saying that it was no longer militarily possible to retain Corwall. (A nice way to get back at Camilla as well!)
in an amatuer wood bat league in SF. If I had my druthers, I’d be a 2B, but we need help all over the place, so I spend time in left, 1B, C too…
In a move that’s being referred to as an historical event, Republican MN state senator Paul Koering announced he is gay. I admire his timing in doing so, because MN is facing an ugly constitutional amendment in the next election – not only banning gay marriage, but banning civil unions and moving toward eliminating all equal rights for gays.
I always had a good stick and glove, but no control when I tried to really throw hard. It sailed like “Wild Thing” from whatever baseball movie that was. I never learned how to grip the ball with just a couple fingers. Alas, I got cut in high school and promptly won the “parking lot award”, you know, the slacker who skipped more classes than anyone. In adult softball, I was able to hide this deficency by playing second base where my throws were the shortest on the field.