Just off the AP wire:
So says DeLay’s Internet Web site. It describes that 1994 campaign treatise, credited with helping the GOP end four decades of House rule by Democrats, “a written commitment that presented to the people an agenda for the House of Representatives.” More below:
In a direct-hit news conference today, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi went after the Congressional Republicans:
“Ten years ago, the Republicans, in their Contract with America, claimed that they had to restore the trust between the American people and their representatives in government. Here we are today with the radical right-wing Republican majority that is destroying that trust, and doesn’t want to play by the rules. In fact, this Republican majority wants to be above the law.
“They want to be above the law when it comes to respecting minority rights, which are part of the law of our land, and witness what they are doing now in the Senate to try to stifle debate by eliminating the right of the filibuster. …
I can’t find a copy of Harry Reid’s superb comments at today’s news conference which I watched on CSPAN. Reid quipped that Republicans want new rules such as “six strikes and you’re out,” and another that lets the pitcher throw 8 balls before a batter can walk to first base. As soon as I can find a copy, I’ll share it with you.
The early evening AP story, “DeLay Likens GOP Contract to Magna Carta,” continues:
The document was the foundation for the newly elected Republican House’s agenda in 1995, which included legislation to limit welfare, require a balanced budget and limit to six years how long people could hold office in the House. Some, such as welfare restrictions and a child tax credit, made it into law.
Others — like the term limits — were later abandoned by the same politicians who had adopted them as a platform or were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. One contract item turned aside by the high court was the proposal to give presidents line-item veto authority.
In this past Saturday’s radio address, Sen. Harry Reid said, “[I]n the past weeks, we’ve seen Republicans in Congress abuse their power in too many ways.”
Republicans are trying to increase their power even if it means ignoring rules that go back to America’s beginnings. They seem to think that they know better than our Founding Fathers. Somehow, I doubt that’s true.
By the way, DeLay apologized for his remarks about judges today:
“I said something in an inartful way and I apologize for it,” DeLay told reporters who jammed a conference room in his Capitol office suite. “I’m sorry I said it that way and I shouldn’t have said it.”
truly become a GOP “Contract ON America” for a slow and painful death….
Or, maybe it’s a GOP “Cataract for America”…. What’s the matter? Can’t everybody see what’s going on here?(sorry… had to be done…)
took the words right outta my mouth…KUDOS….
Raw Story copy of Harry Reid’s prepared remarks for today’s news conference with Nancy Pelosi
Magna Carta? Declaration of Independence? Bill of Rights? Are you shitting me? Hubris on the hoof.
Magna Carta was a bill of freedoms extorted by the Barons from bad King John. Only hundreds of years later was it used evolutionarily to apply to others. Who knew at the time it was hot stuff? Who knew that the Declaration issued by those rebels in those jerkwater colonies would become a ringing document? The Bill of Rights? When Delay and his cronies snort and whine about it’s provisions and coverages? And want to apply it selectively?
Give me a break. Delay is a puffed up Toad. Comparing their “Contract with America” document to famous great documents which evolved to their greatness is pure effrontery. Lucky for the Europeans he’s never heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
Mark Fiore has a new DeLay cartoon up. Its good.
And isn’t it amazing what changing those small words do. I particularly despise the replacement of shall with should in major environmental laws.
more like a gag…
This is what happens when the GOP believes their own hype (ie lies)…kinda sad really…and delusional
Wasn’t that the same “contract with America” that passed those House ethics bills that said that Congressmen under indictment couldn’t serve?
Wasn’t it DeLay who pushed to get that changed?
Wouldn’t this therefore be like DeLay changing the Declaration of Independence to read, “we hold these truths to be self-evident, that some men are created equal?”
but fundamentalist wingnut fascist pod-people Republicans are created more equal than anyone else.
And gays, people of ethnicity, non-Christians and women are certainly not as equal as everybody else.
and Tom DeLay ranks right up there with other prominent Americans like Benedict Arnold, John Wilkes Booth and Boss Tweed.
Contract with America my left hind butt. Please mark this speech as the point at which, finally, irrefutably, Tom DeLay has lost touch with reality.
Contract with America my left hind butt…
Still chuckling.
also inspired BushCo groupie Mini-Me Berlusconi’s election manifesto “Contratto con gli italiani” (Contract With the Italian People), which he drags out and brags about on every possible occasion. At first glance it might seem smaller in scope (only 5 points), but his real agenda — a total self-serving overhaul of the whole system, including Constitutional changes — is very similar to what the Repugs have in mind, and are currently implementing, in the U.S.
As the Financial Times described it in a good analysis of Berluska:
Needless to say, he continues to claim that he is fulfilling his promises and is totally on schedule with them; of course, the spin is intended merely to keep his hold on the Prime Minister’s chair, whether the Italian people are happy with his performance and results or not.