Cross posted at the Wake-Up Blog
In today’s Tallahassee Democrat, FL State Rep. Susan Bucher has a nice analysis of Wal-Mart’s costs to taxpayers. Among the more important quotes are these:
“It might be tempting to dismiss this issue as a larger one of corporate welfare, or to argue that we’re singling out Wal-Mart unfairly. But facts are facts: Wal-Mart does not just shift health-care costs onto taxpayers, it does so at a level well beyond that of any other employer.”
“That is, the retail behemoth deliberately cuts corners on employee health care, forcing a disproportionate number of its employees into state programs in order to receive health care for themselves and their families.”
“Finally, his response is entirely disingenuous. [Wal-Mart CEO Lee] Scott acts as though public programs are a better deal for workers, when really they’re simply a better deal for Wal-Mart. It’s not that Wal-Mart can’t afford to do better. It’s that Wal-Mart chooses not to.”
With such high costs to taxpayers, isn’t it time for Wal-Mart to wake up?
Link to full article here.
Oh, they can definitely afford to do better. They just don’t want to, because in their mind, there’s nothing wrong and no reason to ‘to better’.