WakeUpWalMart.com has just launched a new “Mother’s Day Specials” section.
While there, you can sign the pledge, declaring that until Wal-Mart starts treating their women employees fairly, you will not buy your Mother’s Day gifts there. WakeUpWalMart.com will deliver all the signatures from the pledge to Lee Scott, Wal-mart CEO, on the “Mother of all Mother’s Day Cards.”
You can also purchase discounted Mother’s Day flowers, send Mother’s Day e-cards, download Wal-Mart on Women facts sheets and other education tools to distribute and discuss in your community and among friends and colleagues.
Wal-Mart must stop discriminating against women, and your help is needed. Please sign the pledge today:
I can’t thank you enough, Ex, for spearheading this and keeping us updated on it. {applause}
No thanks necessary. After working on the campaign for something I believe in, I tried a couple other jobs but just couldn’t deal with the lack of passion and adrenaline, and i have found it again with this project. If anything, i should be thanking those of you with so much else on your plate for being interested in issues like Wal-mart enough to take action and continue to read my diaries. So thank you 🙂
You’re welcome!
I passed the link to Wake Up Wal-Mart on to a few coworkers today, and have begun spreading the Wal-Mart evils in earnest. I hope to be able to do my small part – and I started by taking my patronage away from my local Wal-Mart. I live in a small town, and the new Supercenter is about all we’ve got going, but I have found other places to go – namely, a Target not too far away.
Thanks again, Ex.
It was a real joy to do this! Thank you for your constant hard work on this. And I sent it on to lots of people.
Really great idea Ex. Thanks for the link, hope lots of people hear about this and sign pledge.
I read something the other day and now can’t remember where about Wal-Mart…buried in some bill out of Congress that Wal-Mart headquarters I believe is going to get a certain amount of taxpayer money to build new road to their headquarters. Have you heard that?
Well they choose not to pay their own employees enough money or offer them affordable health care, so would you expect them to pay for roads? Me neither.
What’s next? Asking the taxpayers to pay the CEO’s salaries cause they do such a public service by providing all these jobs and everything?
Hmm… I think you may be on to something here. I think I’ll expand on that in a blog entry over at the Wake Up Blog in the next couple of days, if you don’t mind me pirating of course 🙂
Sure, be my guest. I’ve been to the blog, just never left any comments. It did seem that one guy might have been a shill for Wal-mart from his rather party line Wal-mart comments.
yeah we’ve had plenty of that. thankfully, it seems like we are getting more traffic these days, which is leading to more people who agree with us that Wal-Mart needs to change. Also luckily, this group seems to be more well spoken (well written I suppose) and armed with the facts to refute the BS being spewed by the pro-Walmart types.
I’ll make myself a note to go check out the blog more often so can leave some comments and add to the traffic for your site. That’s my plan anyway. Just keep up doing what you’re doing. The site looks really good, facts are laid out very well, easy to understand. I don’t get out a lot but when I do I somehow try to get Wal-mart into conversation and lay out some facts about it…mostly appeal to the aspect of how taxpayers are subsidizing this billion dollar profit machine/unlivable wages.
Signed as well – and thanks for keeping up with the Wal-Mart stuff.