in 2000! I stumbled across a op/ed piece written by the Cato Institute’s Director of Natural Resources, Jerry Taylor. The column, titled Bush Energy Babble, was published on the New Republic’s website September 30, 2000, just days prior to the election. This libertarian think tank’s scathing review of Bush Energy Policy could just as well have been written in April of 2005.
Reading this op/ed piece has given me an eerie feeling, as if time has stood completely still since Bush was elected. Join me below the fold for some of the more salient quotes….
See last night’s bullet points there?
*increasing domestic production
*opening up some public lands to the industry
*promote natural gas (would that be solid or liquid?)
*additional tax credits for renewable energy and energy efficiency (like that of a Hummer?)
*more R&D for “clean coal” technologies
*cash transfers to the poor (????????) didn’t hear this one last night but imagine the uproar if he had!
Taylor continues the smackdown on the myth that it’s OPEC’s fault:
Second, government policies that restrict drilling on attractive public lands in Alaska and off America’s coasts aren’t primarily responsible for our heavy reliance on imported oil. This is: It costs between $5.00 — $7.50 to produce a barrel of domestic oil versus about $1.50 to produce a barrel of Saudi crude. As long as the Persian Gulf nations have a lot of $1.50 a barrel oil laying around — and they do — they’re going to dominate the world market whether we allow drilling in environmentally sensitive areas or not.
Third, you get the impression from W. that America is some sort of latent Saudi Arabia, sitting atop a vast pool of oil that for some inexplicable reason is being left to the bugs and bunnies. In reality, however, there simply isn’t enough oil in Alaska or other publicly owned lands to significantly expand the world market. Currently, the United States controls only 2.8 percent of the world’s proved reserves of petroleum. Adding Alaskan oil fields now off-limits to the industry in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) might increase that figure by about 50 percent.
So Cato Jerry is saying that the concept of drilling in ANWR would benefit American consumers is not reality based, American oil is statistically and economically insignificant, and American oil companies benefit more than foreign oil sellers when the world market price rises.
Libertarians describe themselves as market liberals, but they generally find allies in the far right (with the exception of some social policies). At the writing of this op/ed, I think they were right on in shredding Bush’s energy policy 6 years ago! They recognized the strangely symbiotic relationship between American and foreign oil producers. At no time in our history should our understanding of this relationship be more clearly shown than the relationship between our country’s president,(at his core, an independent oil man) and the de facto leader of the foreign oil cartel. I highly recommend reading the entire op ed, because this writer had the ability to see the future.
well, at least he’s consistent in his ineptitude. Anyway, I strongly disagree that time has stood still since 2000. In 2000, we were respected by much of the world, we didn’t have the entire media pandering to the Christian Right, and we could still tell ourselves GWB would be a one-termer.