How does one detect liberal bias? Kenneth Tomlinson, chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has the answer to that question:
So simple! Merely track the guests on one of the most liberal leaning shows on PBS and then use that to paint the entire network as bereft of balance. Brilliant! PBS is in the White House cross hairs; their lining up wingers to smash it like every other social program they despise. But what happens when your pronunciations of bias conflict with reality?
Tomlinson’s decree is not the first time the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has attempted to hang the label of liberal on PBS. The CPB hired its own pollsters in 2003, looking for statistical backup for it allegation of bias:
Finally, more than half (55 percent) said that PBS programming was “fair and balanced,” with strong support for its “high quality programming” and as “a valuable cultural resource.” NPR received an even higher approval rating for its programming, including perceptions that it is “fair and balanced” (79 percent of respondents). There was also strong support for government funding of public broadcasting (with only 10 percent of those surveyed believing that the annual $1.30 per capita funding was “too much”).
Whoops! No confirmation of perceived bias there. Let’s try something else. Like destruction of the agency from the inside:
The CPB, of course, is responsible for allocating funds not only for NPR and PBS, but also Public Radio International. In an interview yesterday in the New York Times Magazine, Ferree, when asked what PBS shows are his favorites, admitted that “I’m not much of a TV consumer.” He then tossed off some of names of a few PBS staples, like “Nova” and “Masterpiece Theater” before admitting “I don’t know.” Ferree has also apparently tuned in once or twice to the “Newshour with Jim Lehrer,” because he confides to Solomon that “the Lehrer thing” is “slow.”
And it just keeps getting better. Asked if he perhaps prefers listening to NPR to watching PBS, he states flatly: “No. I do not get a lot of public radio for one simple reason. I commute to work on my motorcycle, and there is no radio access.”
You may recall that Ken Feree was head of the FCC’s media bureau and designer of the FCC’s attempt to change federal rules governing media consolidation. Hmmm, the acting president of the CPB does not even watch PBS or listen to NPR. How can he be expected to make decisions about public broadcasting if he does not even consume it?
There are also indications that the White House is aggressively inserting itself into the management of PBS:
There is more evidence of coordination between CPB’s Tomlinson and the Bush White House:
This is a typical Bushco pattern, most starkly seen in higher level regulatory agencies. Pack the leadership of ‘rogue’ agencies with sympathetic political appointees. Create new operating guidelines outside the agency and then insert those appointees in key management roles to implement those guidelines they had just written. Recipe for disaster, at least in terms of the editorial independence that PBS has enjoyed until now.
Mr. Tomlinson’s efforts have not been limited to targeting Bill Moyer’s. He was instrumental in creating a new show on PBS that has a decidedly conservative bias:
Public television executives noted that Mr. Gigot’s show by design features the members of the conservative editorial board of The Wall Street Journal, while Mr. Moyers’s guests included many conservatives, like Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition; Richard Viguerie, a conservative political strategist; and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.
So now we can see that allegations of liberal bias are baseless. But that will not stop bulldozer heading for PBS:
Mr. Tomlinson said that his comment was in jest and that he couldn’t imagine how remarks at “a fun occasion” were taken the wrong way. Others, though, were not amused.
“I was in that room,” said Ms. Mitchell [Pat Mitchell, president and chief executive of PBS]. “I was surprised by the comment. I thought it was inappropriate.”
Hat-tip to Susanhbu for research assistance.
Here is a related link:
“The far-right-wing majority directors at the Corporation for Public Broadcasting have a secret they don’t want to tell the American public. CPB board Chair Ken Tomlinson and his cronies have kept the results of two “National Public Opinion” surveys under wraps. These documents, buried in an annual report to Congress but neither released to the press nor shared with PBS and NPR, reveal that the overwhelming majority of the U.S. public is happy with PBS and NPR programming. Such conclusions are bad news for the GOP-led CPB board, which is pushing an agenda designed to reshape public broadcasting programming to suit their own ideological biases. Consequently, CPB has refused to make the poll data public…”
A sign of the decline of Kos — I know that’s blunt, but Brian’s diary deserves to be in the Rec list! — only three recommendations so far.
(i’m laughing)
becomes a euphemism for “intelligent” radio, you know you’re living in a Fascist State.
BTW, I think a diarist whould be careful to name sources in the content of the diary because the reader likes to feel secure in knowing up front that they’re credible. The New York Times is one you used. Are there others?
While you check, readers can throw darts at
Mr. Tomlinson
Sources can be found by clicking on the hyperlinks. Sources for information contained in this post include:
*The New York Times
*The Columbia Journalism Review Daily
*The Center for Digital Democracy
A diary of mine on dKos was recently cited in the CJRDaily as the reason an AP reporter changed some of the elements of his story on Rick Santorum stumping for SS deform in PA. The reporter failed to identify students he interviewed for the story as representatives of Penn College Republicans and College Democrats in Pennsylvania. After I raised a stink about it on Kos, the reporter rewrote his story to correctly identify those two students. You can find the CJR story here.
Yes, I like to see those names of pubs as well as have the links. You know, a security blanket as well as a litmus test (Do I really want to link to to read the rest of the article?).
And now I’m off to follow the CJR link — impressive stuff!
Just another notch in the NeoCon’s gutting of the ability of media to offer unfettered information to the public. It doesn’t even surprise me that Ken “my tonsils only regurgitate Bushisms” Tomlinson has chosen to hide anything positive about NPR or the Corp for Public Broadcasting. He is after all a Bush syncophant and would rather cut off his tongue than dishonor the Bushhead or Karl Rove’s talking Head, I always wondered if Karl stopped to suddenly would GW’s head come out of Karl’s Ass or mouth, they both look so much alike. The Repuglicans and that is only meant for this bunch of thugs who have taken over our government, are systematically going to disassemble as much as fast as they can and decimate as much as possible without any concern over who, what or how many get hurt in this pattern of destroying what they have despised for over 60 yrs. And of course making sure that their corporate masters see what they have done so they can get those great jobs working at lobbying the House and Senate to give them as much welfare as they could possibly ever need, oh wait, that hole will never get filled. I can only hope that Americans, moderates, conservatives and liberals, will stand up the these thugs and remove them from office as soon as possible. They are turning our country into something which I don’t recognize as America anymore.
Just one Liberal’s opinion
think lying down when what is touted as fair and balanced is pushing crap like this:

holy shit. I meant to write here. That is freaking astounding.
Oh high and mighty Faux News, truly Fair and Balanced, yep yep yep, fair and balanced like a Carnival midway game, always slanted toward the house. lol. And Assman, I can never tell if he is talking out of his ass or mouth as they both look so much alike and the stench coming out it is bad from both. Thanks for the humour today, I really needed it.
that is fucking amazing.
that new military channel.
Thanks to the Republicans cutting funding for PBS and NPR over the last decade, the CPB has a lot less influence now. Many of the programs I watch don’t even seem to get any funding from the CPB.
According to the CPB website only 15.3% of Public Broadcasting funding comes from CPB. Most of that goes directly to stations.
PBS itself only gets 24% of their budget from CPB and federal grants.
PBS is the least biased network. Lehrer’s show is excellent in it’s coverage of Iraq.
Now the Righties have moved the rest of the networks so far right that the truth seems biased.
But what really pisses me off is the way many people on our side threaten to cut off any support until the network does have a liberal bias. If we stop funding programming – they win. We make PBS, PRI, and NPR more dependent on funding from corporations. Less public funding means that they will be able to gain control of programming and we lose one of the few voices we can almost trust.
We buy into the Right’s control of the issue one more time to our detriment. That frustrates me.
The public stations are not perfect, but our solution (cutting funding) seems to be the most destructive things we can do.
You may have a point, it’s kind of a no win situation unless you can fund independent media and pbs. I have a limited income, honestly, extremely limited so I shifted funding from pbs to pacifica after the Buster debacle. (When PBS caved in after about six seconds to a demand from gov. to drop the episode with a gay family in it.)
I wrote and told them why, and I can’t bear to turn over my little hard won extra cash to yet more right wing television/radio.
I know it’s not a perfect solution but it’s the best one I can come up with for myself.
no easy answer here. I understand your decision on the Buster fiasco (I didn’t remember that one last night)
I frankly don’t know what the answer is but I would hate to lose some of the programming on PBS.