Pat O’Brien, the longtime host of Access Hollywood, has apparently had a major fall from grace. I only discovered this because I saw Dr. Phil talking about the fiasco on Larry King Live: transcript. Dr. Phil was promoting his major primetime CBS special, where he will confront Mr. O’Brien, on tape, about his dirty mouth and his drug and alcohol problem:

The hour-long special will air Wednesday at 8 p.m. (ET).
O’Brien, host of “The Insider” syndicated entertainment newsmagazine, is expected back at work Thursday after undergoing treatment in an alcohol rehabilitation program. He exited the program April 24.
A recording of obscene phone messages left by what sounds like O’Brien’s voice hurtled around the Internet while he was gone and became frequent water cooler talk.
O’Brien will talk about how he will deal with his colleagues when he returns to work and how to approach life without alcohol, CBS said.
He’ll also appear May 5 on the syndicated “Dr. Phil” talk show.
Apparently I have missed out on one of the funniest celebrity humiliations since Bill O’Reilly threatened to take falafel sandwiches into the shower.
***none of this is work-safe***
Download Pat O’Brien’s Dirty Voice Mail Messages
See a whole web site dedicated to Pat O’Brien’s cocaine habit and dirty phone calls
Go here to watch a silly movie about Pat O’Brien’s sexual advances/harassment.
These are the things I miss while trying to take the world seriously.
Here’s another: Stuck in Rehab With Pat O’Brien
If this is audio is real – he is going down.
Do people like this not realize there is an internet? Have they not seen the “Star Wars Kid”? (,1284,59757,00.html)
it’s real. Also, watch the movie, it’s the best way to catch all the dialogue. And it’s brutal.
I was thinking, “Things I Miss While Blogging” would be a post like “Let’s see . . . I spend so much time here – I miss my family, showers and clean underwear.”
But no. It’s a coked up celebrity with no sense.
Do you think she may have a case? He was pretty subtle. 🙂
yeah, I could use a change. And a shower. And some time with my wife.
But, somehow, I missed this total meltdown and all these websites and movies, and Howard Stern going off…
“You’re so fucking hot” has become a major cultural meme, and I’m just clueless reading about war, and policy, and stuff…that…matters.
But then again I’ve always been a little behind when it comes to popular culture. I just got a pet rock.
Thanks for the laugh tonight. Between this and the new dKos troll, it has been an entertaining night.
Since I manage to miss all TV except for a few shows like CSI and West Wing, I miss all this stuff.
If it isn’t in the NY Times or Guardian or on a blog I probably missed it.
you and I need an intervention.
Our friends will sit us down and make us read a People Magazine (or whatever is the hottest new gossip mag), watch True Hollywood Stories, and listen to some Top 40 music.
Before you know it, we’ll be hip again.
where we never check our undies because, after all, who needs ’em? HOT today; thunderstorms all around.
Back on topic: Who is this guy?
BTW, while I’ve never listened to Howard Stern I DO know his nickname — “Shock Jock.” Or is that already passe?
Know both “Dr. Phil” and Oprah from TV surfing.
Oh well, things I miss when doing nothing. [Pull your head out of that book!]
As I tell my students, “My pop culture IQ is about zero.”
Just what are his credentials beyond being a stock broker?
On thin ice here, because I realize the guy is popular but I think he is a heavy handed amateur when it comes to psychology.
Thanks for the description of the sleaze, I’ll wait for the ‘tame’ South Park version.
Because I am a fan of Dr. Phil, I am posting his bio found here:
mopre info at the link above.
I’m not one overimpressed by academic degrees but this is absurd!
“Psychologist, life strategist (what the hell IS that, BTW)), television host. Born in 1950 in Whocares Oklahoma, and repeatedly dropped on his head until the age 5, Dr. Phil (He IS a real doctor! In SCIENCE!) was raised in Oklahoma and Texas – noted centers of culture and intellectual life of the US of A. He grew up to be a football player, as opposed to the other 5,000,000,000 Oklahoma and Texas boy-kids who grew up playing football, and was awarded a football scholarship to the Univeristy of Tulsa – a noted powerhouse in the NCAA – and finished his degree at Midwestern State University (Gosh – I’m impressed!) a leading institution in … what? Exactly. But anyway, in JUST FOUR YEARS!!!!!! he “picked-up” a Masters (in SCIENCE!) and a Doctorate (in SCIENCE!) at the … wait for it … University of North Texas!!!!!!!!!!!! (Wow! Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Sorbonne — you missed your chance! YOU could have graduated Dr. Phil but, NOOOOOOOO, you let the University of North Texas steal him from right under your noses.)
Sheesh. If you are going to brag about your academic career you need something to brag about.
It’s a case of what’s is is is and what isn’t, isn’t, isn’t it?
I hope you are not saying that an education is not worthwhile and should not be mentioned unless it is a high brow institution from which one has garnered an education.
I don’t agree with everything Dr. Phil says, (and that goes for a lot of people), but I was pointing out to sybil that he does have a degree in physchology.
and I was a little cranky this AM and, perhaps, too quick with the snark.
Did you hear his, uh, take on the handcuffing of the little girl? He described her as being totally out of control. Um, I don’t think Dr. Phil has been around young kids in a while … anyway, it was all very stupid.
And is he having a tiff with Oprah? Larry was asking him about that, but I wasn’t really listening.
in “Ordinary People” –
He is very smart, soft-spoken, gentle, insightful, and in the end he tells the boy he wants him to live, “Because I’m your friend.”
Often, all it takes to turn around a desperate person is
for one person to say that.
Judd Hirsch. He was fantastic. So was the movie. Did Robert Redford direct it?
Yes Robert Redford directed it. Here’s something on Dr. Berger:
I’m not sure how he feels about this woman. Is he into her or not? What exactly does he want to do to her?
By the way, what is this word “fuck” he keeps using?