Update [2005-5-3 19:47:33 by BooMan]: No one has been listing their own blogs so that I can create a BooTrib Member Bloglist and put the link in the Blogroll. Just link to BooMan on your blog, and I’ll link to you in the BooTrib Member Bloglist.
Hey folks. I have been doing some research and some number crunching. And I have discovered a few things. For this site to be successful I estimate that we need to get to an average of 3,000 individual visitors per day. Once we reach that level of traffic, the site will start to appear on a variety of different blog trafficking monitors, and we will get tons of free advertising. This should cause a small explosion in traffic. And the advantages of the SCOOP software, and the recommended diary features, will give this blog a big advantage over a lot of sites in that traffic range.
For me to maintain this site, I not only need to sell advertising, but I need to sell it at a higher price. It is an unfortunate reality, but I am not independently wealthy.
Currently, we are averaging 1,315 visitors a day. That is very good for a site that is not yet two months old. In fact, we’ve seen a 33% uptick in traffic in the last two weeks. But I need to get to 3,000 fast.
We currently have 780 users. I am very surprised at how quickly we have grown the registered user base. I’d like to make a push for 1,000 users as part of a plan for getting to the 3,000 visitor goal.
So, I’m asking for your help. If you know anyone who advertises on the internet, tell them about Booman Tribune. If you maintain your own blog, please put Booman Tribune on your blogroll, and submit your blog domain in the comments. I will collect all your blog domains and create a BooTrib Blogger link for the blogroll.
If you know any tricks for how to bring more traffic to the site, please let me know about it. It would be fantastic if you could write a nice review about the site at Amazon.
As for new members, if you know good bloggers that would like to contribute diaries, or if you have friends from dKos that haven’t made it to the site, or know anyone who might be interested in having their ideas published… please invite them to become members.
BooTrib is off to a great start, and I love the small feel, as I know many of you do as well. But if the site is going to be viable, it has to grow, and I think we can get to 3,000 visitors and 1,000 members if we all pull together and give a little push.
I really want to thank everyone in advance. We have maintained such a nice atmosphere, and everyone seems to get along very well. You are all trusted users to me, and we’ll need all of you when the trolls finally make their appearance.
Thanks again,
I haven’t put you on my blogs roll because I don’t know how to do it, can anyone help, I have eblogger for host of blog.
I will be happy to do it once I know how.
Booman what about sending emails to DK users who have listed emails and invite them to join site. Or as we are going through the sites pick out writers that you like and send them emails.
The Az Democrat State Party has a Non-Traditional Campaign Director, I’ll ask him if he has made contacts with other online bloggers and see about generating some interest that way. I’m enjoying the site, thanks for setting it up BooMan.
Alright, submitted an Amazon review. I even gave it a 5 out of 5. π
Okay, I tried to be a good team player, so I clicked on your Amazon link to write a nice review. In turn, I received a creepy message: “Operation Aborted”, and something about my Internet Explorer being unable to go to that site. (I doubt that the problem is on your end of things with the link, but I felt the need to suck up and let you know that at least I tried.)
I tried to use Tiny URL. I guess it didn’t work. Maybe the link will work now, although it sure is ugly.
And thanks again both for telling me about the broken link and your willingness to help out π
If you truly appreciated my contributions, you’d give me a 4. Please. I mean it. Really. Not kidding here.
Just so I can call it a night knowing that Booman gave me a 4. (Because for this brief moment in time, I don’t give a rip if I’m a shameless ratings whore)
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
And for that sir, I thank you. I am now positioned to have pleasant dreams. Good night.
Just a quick confirm to let you know I finally earned my mojo this morning with off the charts praise on Amazon. (Unfortunately, I got so wrapped up in writing my glowing comments that I was 10 minutes late for a conference call- oops)
Here’s my question: How do you look up other people’s comments regarding this site? For the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out. Thanks much!
My last comment was clear as mud. It should have read: How do I look up Amazon reviews of the Booman site? I’m too stoopid to figure it out on my own.
(Note to Man Eegee – you’re certainly generous with the mojo!:^)
try this
and I just read the reviews and they are really really nice. Thank you.
Thanks – you just gave me an idea. (Although – please be warned that I had a total of three hours of sleep last night, so this might be complete lunacy) Throwing all caution to the wind. . .here goes:
The link you provided has a section titled (something along the lines of) People who visit this site also like such and such site. Is there some way you could set up a link along the lines of a google bomb, where you list a bunch of different sites, and through those sites we recommend BT?
Consider it a community thx for rating the site. It’s cool to see everyone working together to build traffic for the BooMan.
I wasn’t sucking up to YOU, Diane π
But seriously, thanks for your words of wisdom on Shirl’s thread. (I don’t want to engage in any hijacking, so I’ll leave it at that)
Good night!
I am sure Shirl won’t consider it hijaking if you respond on her diary, matter of fact, I know her offsite and she is great. If you want to talk, the three of us might converse on her diary, I just im-ed her to read your entry. OK,
BTW I didn’t think you were sucking up to me, that came as a surprise when you said that, I was trying to figure out what you meant.
Sorry, I was just being a shithead. (And now doubly so, because you’ve mentioned that you like expletive-free comments :-).
I really, really, need to go to bed now. (But thanks for the invite, nonetheless)
I have a couple of questions.
Can Scoop (or something) do email lists?
Do you have access to a programmer, or maybe you don’t need one… does the rss feed thingy only do the front page?
The people who have come to the site from Air America… do you have an approximate percentage of how many signed up?
Where is the Boo merchandise store? Surely the frog deserves to be on stage.
If you had a (on BooTrib only) “snark this specific object/merch” contest, would anybody come? Free mug (or something) for the winning entries.
When will you start posting about stuff like “The Denial of Death and the Myth of Sisyphus”?
May I make a copy of the frog?
Okay, past my bedtime. Will check back in the morning.
Best done after coffee, of course. Just throwing out ideas thought of last night… luckily I wrote the questions down or I would probably have forgotten what I was thinking of.
1. Don’t know if you can do email lists, but if so, maybe something people can sign up for along the likes of “What you can do today”. Short, no more than a screen full (I get these email thingies that are screens of text and links… mostly I just ignore them.)
Everyday have one simple thing that people can do today.. example, the $100 (or $10) for the genital mutilation thing (we still need that translated, btw, does anyone speak French?). Or the goat/cow thing, or the saving of hotel toiletries for battered women’s shelters, or so on. People can send in tips to be included, plus we can search out things.
I would suggest one humanitarian thing, one political thing. And then maybe 3 links to ‘sample stories on the Trib today) linking to either interesting front page or diary stories. With the humanitarian and political action items, people are likely to forward the information to others, as well.
On that note as well, you might consider making the deadwood thing a boo trib exclusive, and asking people who are boo tribbers, but visit kos, and who are interested, to put in their sigs… “Don’t forget, Deadwood Fanatics on the BooTrib tonight” on whatever day it is.
7. I need the frog. Will make a little thingy for my site, and to pre advertise the collaborative project, inviting people to participate from that end.
Okay, done with this volume. Just a few suggestions, if any of them appeal I’ll be happy to help flesh them out. If they don’t, no worries. I think of others.
I don’t know the info you need translated but you can try this translating site, or I can do it if you point me to the area that needs translating:
At this site you can also get a toolbar for translations on Word, and it is cheap and easy to use. I think it was $9.00 for three months. The site translates many different languages.
I had the program on my desktop and used it to translate info for our company’s workers into Spanish; you type your letter or info in English, hit the translate button, and in seconds the Spanish version is displayed on Word. Or you can translate into any of the many languages available…..
Hi Diane, the translation I was referring to his for this diary by susan, here: A Hundred Dollars Helps End Genital Mutilation . The site where one can help is in French, so we were looking to get it translated so that we could add that too. It’s not much text, or anything.
Thanks for the link to the translations site… I’ve not used it yet, but it’ll be good to have, especially if it does a better job than some of the very odd translations one gets from things like Babelfish.
Following is the translation to the page that was linked in article.
economical of certain traditional practices on the health of the women and children to participate in the research of ways and average to promote the health of the women and the documentation””
Donc j’ai utilisé le programme de traduction pour traduire ce commentaire dans français et je vous espère tout appréciera faisant ceci aussi,
You will have to go to translator to see what I just said.
And I do much appreciate it… great find, that site. Even if it’s not exact (and it may well be), it’s good enough to see what we need to.
At the moment, it looks like they dont have much information at all, which will make it difficult to get people to send them anything. I did find an email address on one of the sites they link to, so may try that, to see what they can tell us.
Thanks much for doing the translation :).
I do speak French, though I’d have to look up technical terms. So if there are parts of the auto-translated stuff that don’t make sense (there usually are–sometimes comically bizarre), just email the French and English text to me, with the parts you need clarification on highlighted, and I’d be glad to help!
BTW, Booman, I know I got at least one other person to join up here. (Hey, it’s something!)
Wow, great, SlackerInc. I haven’t gotten around to running all the stuff through the translation thing yet anyway. Here is what it’s about: Susan’s original diary-
A Hundred Dollars Helps End Genital Mutilation
And here is the site where apparently there is more information on how to help:
Niger: Présentation des organisations et liens -but they don’t make it easy. They do have other sites to click through that seem related, but none of them seem to say much.
It would be great if you could go through when you have the time and just get an overview or something, and let us know. Thanks much.
Oh, that’s all? I thought it was like thousands of words, which is why I was asking if you could just select certain parts. I can translate something this short, right now. (French is in bold, my translation in italics.)
“promouvoir l’éducation sexuelle pour une jeunesse en bonne santé”
“promoting sex education to ensure the good health of young people”
Niger: Présentation des organisations et liens
Niger: an overview of organisations and links
Comité Nigérien sur les Pratiques Traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des femmes et des enfants (CONIPRAT)
Nigerian Committee on Traditional Practices which affect the health of women and children (NICOTRAP?)
(That “CONIPRAT” thing, which is sort of an acronym but not really, arises from the French and isn’t really translatable–but if one were to try, “NICOTRAP” might work. <g>)
BP 11613
Tél : (227) 75 34 72
(Contact info)
Le Comité CONIPRAT est créé en 1989 et a pour mission de:
The CONIPRAT committee was created in 1989 with a mission of:
recenser les pratiques traditionnelles ayant effet sur la santé des femmes et des enfants
making an inventory/census of the traditional practices which affect the health of women and children
de sensibiliser l’opinion publique sur les conséquences médicales, sociales et économiques de certaines pratiques traditionnelles sur la santé des femmes et des enfants
raising public awareness of the medical, social, and economic consequences of certain traditional practices on the health of women and children
participer à la recherche de voies et moyens pour promouvoir la santé des femmes et des enfants
researching (or maybe helping sponsor research? not clear what sense of participer they mean) ways (voies and moyens both mean “ways” so it seems redundant to say “ways and ways” KWIM?) to promote women and children’s health
diffuser de l’information et de la documentation
distributing information and literature
Maverick Leftist
Bon travail, Alan !
“participer à la recherche de voies et de moyens pour promouvoir…” translates into: “contribute to finding ways and means for promoting…”
“diffuser” translates into “disseminate”
If you need any more help from a french Boomaniac, just ask…
Thanks SlackerInc and Melanchthon!
It’s what I was afraid of… no real information. Here is a page of links (all leading to pages with very short text)… could one of you possibly click through them and see if any of them tell how one can help, and what sort of thing they have set up for people to send money?
If all else fails, there is an email address, or maybe possibly other organizations doing this that we could look up.
Thank you so much for your help.
Well, Melanchthon is far more qualified than I, but since he hasn’t responded yet, I went ahead and perused those links. It seems they all just consist of descriptions of the activities of each agency. I’d think you’d probably need to contact them (contact info is at the left)–and you might suggest they make it easier for people to help!
Most of them are similar, focusing on contraception, women’s health, etc. But I thought it was particularly cool that Family Care International Niger (FCI/Niger) brought up breastfeeding and the sharing of “women’s work”, and Groupe Nigérien d’Action pour une Maternité Sans Risque (GNAMASARI) seems to be specifically oriented around maternity and prenatal health care. (At least that was my impression from quickly skimming them; Melanchthon may have to set me straight again, LOL)
Maverick Leftist
I really appreciate it, your efforts and Melanchthon’s (and diane’s translator link)as well. I’ll see about emailing them and possibly they can either provide more information or point to where their actual action efforts are located.
If no one there speaks English, I’ll come running back for help from you guys π
The list you were mentionning come from the REPRO-ADO website. REPRO-ADO is a program of The German Foundation for World Population (DSW) , a development co-operation organization working at international level. Focussing on demographic development and reproductive health, DSW helps young people to avoid unwanted pregnancies and to protect themselves against HIV/Aids.
Here is a map of the countries. where they support local NGOs. When you click on a country, you find a description of the situation and two links on the left. The top one leads to a list of local NGOs they support. Some of them have got links to their website. Unfortunately the CONIPRAT link doesn’t work and they seem to have no e-mail address. The only way to contact them is by sending a letter or phoning them (in French and during African daytime hours!).
I did quite a lot of research and, although CONIPRAT is quoted many times, I only managed to find what follows:
CONIPRAT is part of the
Inter-African committee on traditional practices
And here is, from Amnesty International’s campaign against female genital mutilation, a list of African organisations against harmful traditional practices
I hope it will help. If you need any translations, just ask…
Thanks so much for doing all this work. It was sort of frustrating, hitting a blank (for us, lol) wall there. This will help greatly in finding out who to contact or how, and where people can join in.
Much appreciation and kudos. I’ll see what I can find out π
If you want me to call them, I can try…
No, we can try email first. They may not actually have anything set up yet, although I am not sure why they wouldn’t. There was one email address on this site Association Nigérienne Pour le Bien Etre Familial (ANBEF), although I don’t know what that says.
If they don’t know anything, they may know someone who does. I wouldn’t call though… likely to be expensive and frustrating. Thanks for thinking of it, though!
Niger is a small country. You can ask people at ANBEF if they know Mrs Salamatou Traoré (it is the name of the contact for CONIPRAT on the list I found on Amnesty’s site).
Good idea. I bet most of the organizations work together in some way anyway.
I’ll drop them a line… do you know if English is widely spoken there at all? Or, how about if I write an email explaining what we are looking for… would you mind then translating it and sending it back to me, and I’ll just send it to them in English and French, just in case?
I don’t think English is widely spoken in Niger. Just forward me the text you want to send them: I will translate it and send it back to you.
I sent it. Thanks!
I sent it back. You’re welcome!
Besides Amnesty International, I have identified several other organisations developping programmes against female genital mutilation, two of them having a US section:
GAMS – Groupe femmes pour l’Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles (Women’s Group for the abolition of female genital mutilation and other harmful practices affecting the health of women and children). The GAMS is the French section of the Inter African Committee (IAC), of which CONIPRAT is a member
Research Action Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women (RAINBO)
Foundation for Women’s Health, Research and Development (FORWARD)
Thanks for the kind word, Melanchthon. I was wondering if you might come along and set me straight! LOL
Maverick Leftist
Thanks for all the ideas and effort to put them down.
On the mail issue: of course my database has the email address for each member that they used when the applied for a password. But I also sent that password in an email with an express guarantee that I would never send them another email or give their email out.
So, I’m limited to those who choose to share their email. I’m also an anti-spam kinda guy. But there could be a way for people to request such an email.
On the RSS feed: right now it only does the Front-Page stories. I’m not sure how hard it would be to create an RSS for just diaries. Probably doable.
On Air America: I don’t know how many people have signed up from Air America. I do know that about 800 people have come here through links at Air America.
On merchandise: Wolverine Writer is looking into this for me. Hopefully he will have some good advice soon. I’ll tell him the best customer is Nanette π and that you have some creative ideas.
On Philsophy: I’ll probably keep that stuff in the diaries section. Have you read Camus?
You may make a copy of the frog.
Thanks a lot.
One thing… on the email lists, I wasn’t sugggesting using the emails from people signing up on the site. Gasp! that would be spam! Plus, you want to reach people who are not yet signed up and who may never, but who might want to keep in touch and visit from time to time. Just a small thing on the side asking people to sign up for the email list.
If you give them something of value (BooTips!) and not just a promotional type thing.. like the humanitarian tip or something, they’ll be more likely to send it to their own email lists, and others will visit the site. That way you’d have people doing your promoting for you.
RSS feeds for the diaries might be fun too, but I was thinking of something more targeted. I don’t know if it would work though, or how to make it work, so will leave that til another day.
Quite possibly, the Air America people are not bloggers or familiar with blogs, especially Scoop ones, so when you set up the opt in email list and the “new? welcome and start here” thing, that might make some a bit more comfortable and likely to stick.
Great news, on the merchandise. Will look forward to seeing what he comes up with and I might even be persuaded to give him some ideas, but as we all know, I’m a bit shy about that.
I’ve read Seamus… does that count? Keeping it in the diaries is okay, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be philosophy (although that is great fun, sometimes) but can be full discussions on issues and solutions and things, BooTrib Manifestos, and how to save the world by Christmas and stuff.
Thanks for the frog! π
I’d like RSS feeds from the diaries too, and wish Kos had that feature.
At the risk of seeming like a total idiot, what is an RSS feed, and what can you do with it?
See right side of page, near the bottom, rss feed and click on it…
For Opera browser users we also have a link panel that shows all the links on any page…
Also I can get newfeeds delivered to my Opera all mail, mailbox, as well as rss feeds on this site. Don’t know if you can do that with other browsers or not.
I’m not a techie, so will give you the “was clueless too til not that long ago” explanation.
RSS feeds pull posts from the site and allow people to keep updated on what is going on on the site. You’ve maybe seen those things from Media Matters around? Their updates and such, in boxes usually on various sites. that’s done through RSS feeds. So, when someone posts, their posts also immediately (or soon) show up on the feeds of whoever has signed up for them. Or something like that.
I’d like RSS feeds from the diaries too, and wish Kos had that feature.
In the way of piling on feature requests, it would be very cool if I could get an RSS1 feed from BooMan Tribune. The front page RSS2 feed at:
Does not work for what I doing. If you already publish an RSS1 feed BooMan, I sure as heck cannot find it.
Well I can do one positive thing and that is get my sister to sign up. I doubt she will ever post(although she should, she’s one of the smartest most interesting persons I know) but I will get her to sign up and check in every day..or else…what are big sisters for anyway but to make little sisters do what we want them to do…so there you have it one whole new user coming up.
Do you think I should bring up diary on Tell us about you again, seems like it helps people to get acquainted to this site and feel comfortable. Just say when!
When did you do your last one?
It was down by Sat, I think, but I could just bring up the last one, it only has 38 entries on it…
that is your tag line on all e-mails you send as well as on this site.
A jumping frog trailing banner that says “Shake your Boo-T liberally at the Booman-Tribune” (URL) would do it for me.
Actually, I just changed my dKos sig to this:
Equally smart, more cosmopolitan, less crowded: join Booman Tribune!
Although dKos is becoming more and more a read-only site for me, and barely even that.
Thanks Sirocco, and for your pimping in your diary today.
My pleasure. And thanks for your reco – the only one besides SusanHu’s! Not to mention that two of three comments so far are my own… dKos is becoming a frantic rat race of hastily written two-para entries on painfully prosaic topics. And the only front pager there that does anything for me, including Kos, is Plutonium Page. So I really am glad your site came around.
I liked a gilas girl, but I think I must have missed her departure.
She was never a prolific poster, so it’s hard to say when she quit, if indeed she has…
I totally missed that you had a diary today, even being on and off most of the day both at kos and here.
Will check it out in a few.
Thanks! But it’s just a repost of the Hitler thingy, so you’ve seen it already.
Just back now.
I fully agree with your ‘rat race’ observation above. I still read quite a bit, but rarely comment anymore – activity so low that I lost my TU a couple of days ago.
That’s a shame – you always liked nuking the winger trolls! π
Hey people, let’s give ask mojo whenever we see him over there.
Well, that’s very kind.
But if I get desperate to go to the hidden section, it is easily resolved with an early post on C&J.
what I really could use is a volunteer or two to do what I can’t seem to find time to do.
I need someone to take Pastor Dan’s community guide, and Markos’s FAQ and tweak them to fit this site.
Also, I need a guide to how to use this site for people who have no experience with dKos or BooTrib.
Anyone with too much time on their hands?
I don’t have too much time on my hands… in fact, I quite successfully avoid doing the stuff I’m supposed to do (but it still needs to get done ;).
However, since I’m always blathering on about “do this, do that”, I’ll volunteer to help in some way. I’m not especially known for my clarity or being concise, but I can offer suggestions, type up stuff, and then someone else can pare it down or something.
I’ll take a look at the FAQ and the community guide, and between me and others, we should be able to come up with something for this site.
you can email me for any suggestions, or for answers to questions. Thanks Nanette!!!
I can help with a First-Time user guide. I can speak from a fresh perspective. π Let me see what I can come up with and you can review/change anything I’m missing or misunderstanding…both real possibilities.
Try looking at this before you get started: http://scoop.kuro5hin.org/guide/C_Frequently_Asked.html
will do. I’ve got some free time this week.
Hi Booman, I finished the first draft of a prospective Newbie Guide. I emailed it but then read that your account was down. Let me know what you want me to do. It was fun!
I got it. I’m getting ready to crash for the night. But I’ll look at it in the morning. Thanks a lot for all your work. I’ll email you my thoughts on it. π
Sounds good, cya on the flipside.
I feel you on this Boo, I really do.. I’ve been writing my best quality stuff for more than 365 and I’m happy to be getting 331 regular readers π
I think more straight up pimping on DKos will help boost readership… clearly this place is an offshoot of that place. A few other sites (Last Hurrah, LSF) have branched off from the DKos root and done fairly well.
If u got the $ maybe you could buy a straight up ad on Dkos… he gets the results u might be looking for.
Nu stiu afara din asta…
I have an ad up a dKos in the classified section.
I hope that I am bringing you some more readers.
I’d link to your more often, but your site is read-only.
Also, you article today is so good I’d love to have you post it here.
And for all you bozos who don’t know who Soj is? You should. Go Flog the Simian.
Just looked at your ad on DK and I never noticed those ads before. Can you put the frog pic, in your ad, I think that would get people’s attention better, I would think.
I can put the Frog picture in for an extra $500.
Would that ad 500 be for one month, or what. What about doing a pic, with the ad in it(part of pic), would that be more or less cost.
It could be something simple like come frog march with us, or some of the other things suggested above. Sometimes you can say a lot with one line in a pic.
Maybe you could sell coffee mugs, to raise money. With 1000 club on them or some such thing? Or the Golden Oldtimers club.
Just thinking.
Might be a good idea to do a pic with something printed on it and then it would be easy for us to copy and paste on sites.
Boo — if by “read-only” you mean that Soj’s blog doesn’t provide for comments, that’s not the case. There are abbreviated instructions for posting comments at the end of each post. More detailed instructions are available in Romanian once the javascript-activated page has opened up. Comments appear to be limited to 1500 characters (a few fairly short paragraphs).
I’ll add my voice to the chorus of Flogging the Simian boosters. For anyone who’s interested in news that goes essentially unreported in America, it’s truly amazing.
[This comment, by the way, comes in at 631 characters (with spaces).]
No, I meant that I cannnot cut and paste her articles. I can link to them, but I can’t grab text to incorporate into my own diaries, which I would do often if I could.
You can use the Ctrl+a for selection of all text of page, and Ctrl+c for copy.
Need to paste according to own preference, I usually paste as non-formatted text in a word-processor and proceed from there. Is that what you tried to do?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Is it possible to insert the code for the “Recommend (or email) to a friend” thing into the Scoop software? Preferably so that people can recommend individual postings, diary or frontpage, but if not, at least to recommend the entire site.
is the best new thing on dKos lately. There, I use it as a way to just read the diary without having to wait for 300 comments to load. But it’s also very useful when one wants to send out a link to a story, but is a little worried that the recipient will be put off by the comments.
Not really a problem here, so far, since diaries don’t collect 100’s of comments in a few hours, and also b/c there’s very little contentless ranting in the comments. (One of the main reasons I like it here.) But it might be useful in getting people to explore the site from following links sent to them by friends in emails. I have one friend that is just now beginning to visit both dKos and BooTrib on his own, after MONTHS of sending him stories and links. (It was Jerome a Paris that he really took a liking to.)
Sorry, don’t maintain a blog. I’ve been thinking about starting a tech blog specializing in reviews of cheap and/or off-brand gadgetry that rarely makes it onto the radar screen of the ZDnets of the world. Living in Silicon Valley as I do, via local stores I have access to a wealth of craptacular gadgets imported under brand names nobody’s ever heard of.
If anybody here thinks that’s something that you’d be interested in seeing, let me know. I need some pressure to get me motivated.
If/when I get off my ass and fire up the site, I’ll be glad to link to Booman Tribune, of course.
Done. Here’s our Eastern Panhandle (W.Va.) Grassroots for Democracy blog if you wish to link to us.
it’ll go in a link like Markos has for dKos reader blogs.
and I WILL link your blog to my painting site when I get it going. It’s up now but I have not yet submitted it to search engines.
I can also link your blog to my email.
Best of luck with the numbers.
If for some reason the numbers do not give you enough financial return, have you considered a subscription fee
like Salon.com? Say $20-25. USD/ per year?
There is an article on Blogs and newspapers in the April 21, 2005 Economist. Entitled, “The Future of Journalism: Yesterday’s Newspapers” the article provides a useful ‘meta-marketing’ discussion of the relationship between blogs and newspapers – by extension all mass media.
Money quote: “Whereas 56% of Americans haven’t heard of blogs, and only 3% read them daily, among the young they are standard fare, with 44% of online Americans aged 18-29 reading them often, according to a poll by CNN/USA Today/Gallup.” The important part of this is the statistic ‘44% of the 18-29 cohort,’ the age group advertisers salivate to reach.
While the article won’t help you in direct marketing efforts – the subject of this thread – it would (should?) spark some thoughts regarding the best way to keep a visitor here longer than the average 5 minutes and some thoughts on turning the casual visitor into a regular visitor.
has this at the end of their home page:
MediaChannel is responding to the crisis of our times. We are adding news from diverse sources to demonstrate that the world can be covered in a better, more democratic way. We welcome your comments; use our contact form or email info at mediachannel dot org. Your donations will help us survive. Please consider becoming a sponsor of MediaChannel’s Global Movement.
Perhaps donations would suit BooManTribune better than
a subscription.
FWIW: some folks block Alexa functionality as spyware …
I just signed up. I lurked a bit when you first started then forgot about you. Now I’m back. And here I find an apropos diary for my first comment.
(“Referral” was through a SusanHu comment at Kos… I clicked a link in the comment, arrived here, looked around a little, tried to log in, realized I hadn’t actually ever made an account. The rest is obvious.)
My uid is 797. Sounds like some sort of futuristic Boeing craft.
we have a new user lurking named ‘sco’ who is lucky number 800. Congratulations ‘sco’!!
And see if he can be goaded into revealing himself.
I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine π