Reporters Sans Frontières (Reporters Without Borders), the media freedom watchdog group, has published its report on the toll of the Iraq war for journalists, and it is gruesome:

Iraq is the world’s most dangerous country for journalists and the place where the most are kidnapped. 56 journalists and media assistants have been killed there since the fighting began on 22 March 2003 and 29 kidnapped.

The Iraq conflict is the deadliest inter-state war for journalists since the one in Vietnam, when 63 were killed, but over a period of 20 years (1955-75). During the fighting in the former Yugoslavia (1991-95), 49 journalists were killed doing their job.


The media was targeted from the first day of the fighting in Iraq, when cameraman Paul Moran, of the Australian TV network ABC, was killed by a car bomb on 22 March 2003.

Go read the rest of that press release, and the full report here (pdf, 12 pages), it has more detailed information on who was killed, where, and by whom.