I thought I couldn’t get anymore pissed off at Bush, then this:
Bush singled out the 1945 Yalta agreement signed by Roosevelt in a speech opening a four-day trip focused on Monday’s celebration in Moscow of the 60th anniversary of Nazi Germany’s defeat.
This piece of shit doesn’t even deserve to utter Roosevelt’s name.
Bush has no concept of history. The world was ready for the war to stop, and regardless of what was to happen in the future, the Soviets did beat the shit out of Hitler’s army on the Eastern Front at a loss of 27 million of their citizens. But the Allied forces were in no position to make any demands at Yalta. Roosevelt recognized that a deal with the devil to secure global peace was a reasonable compromise. This is something fratboy silver spoon Bush is completely unable to comprehend.
What Bush fails to recognize is the parallels that he shares with Stalin:
Anyone who doubts that Iraq is in America’s sphere of influence simply needs to recall that, soon after the invasion, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz issued a memorandum that restricted the bidding on contracts to rebuild Iraq to “companies from the U.S., Iraq, coalition partners and force contributing nations.”
And what does Bush mean by the “vain pursuit of stability?” If this is not an indicator of the radical nature of Bush the man, nothing else is. The Iraq war was fully intended to reset the global chess game. It had nothing to do with bringing peace to the Middle East; quite the opposite. He fully intended to create an environment of chaos, better to hide the plunder of American treasure and create unstability in world oil markets. The end result is the lining of his patrons pockets. Exactly what they wanted.
Can’t bush go one dam day without uttering either a monumentally stupid statement or outright lies..like we won’t appease tyranny…yeah all the countries we are overlooking human rights violations/torture and who have dictators that he says are our allies. Jesus the man is living on a whole different planet it seems.
The only silver lining on this piece of shit, is that he is his own worse enemy. As is many of his gang. They consistently swagger around, as if there is no law, and even an owned media, can only spin so much. With each arrogant utterance, he pisses off more people. As has often been said, America will fall from within. This will apply to the bush administration as well. Sadly the damage that they are doing to our country, may take a lifetime to correct. The time is NOW; to shit on bush, and his robber barons. If only whales could fly.
I’m not so sure he wanted chaos when you consider “mission accomplished”. I don’t think he was bright enough to realize he would loose control. The bases will become the double-edged sword in the long run, but we will need to give up even more rights for this to work. What would happen over there if we left now? Can the US maintain this over the long run, and how long will the international community play along? We are spending more on the military than ever before, yet we are not finding enough soldiers. In the meantime this bumpkin completely ignores the surreal attention-getting maneuvers from N. Korea.
As they threaten Iran on a daily basis, and shake their fist at Putin. There is this:
Article: B-2 bombers, F-15E fighters in Guam, Aegis ships in Japan
“The U.S. military is beefing up its military capabilities in the Pacific by deploying high-tech aircraft and Navy vessels amid worsening assessments of the prospects of an early solution of the North Korean nuclear standoff.
B-2 Spirit stealth bombers and F-15E fighter jets were deployed in Guam recently on a rotation basis. Experts noted the bombers and fighters have the range to strike North Korea’s nuclear facilities and high-profile stocks of missiles in the event of any conflict.
The U.S. military plans to introduce two newer Aegis combat system vessels in Japan this summer, replacing one Aegis-equipped vessel and another old destroyer, making the total number of Aegis-equipped warships seven.”
LINK: http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2005/05/06/200505060007.asp
Took a bit for me to download…
Wrap up to article: “When a diplomatic chief says the issue is difficult to get resolved diplomatically, then the remarks indicate it is already a serious situation,” a Korean military official commented.
For giggles there is this cartoon: http://www.buckfush.com/images/bush_Riga_Insults_Russians.jpg
The cartoonists often saying more in one cartoon; than the talking heads say in a year.
Anyone feel a draft ???? :>(
Thanks for the info. They’re not entirely stupid, but they ignore this in terms of who they chose to present as a threat to the public. I guess if N. Korea does anything we’ll just send a few bombs over and call it a day. (Hopefully the accurate ones that won’t land on China.)
you know, that’s the thing–I really think that he believes he hasn’t lost control. That to his coke-fried brain he really thinks things are going rather swell over in Iraq and we’re winning the war, etc etc etc…why look we just captured that bad bad man who was so important. I’m sure his advisors will forget to tell him that story turns out to be a big screw up once again.
his breast under his left coat lining, wear his Texas Rangers cap at 90° angle, stare at the limitless horizon, and tell our boys we’re marching onward through Eastern Europe to liberate Moscow before the winter of ’45 sets in!
Where LIES Waterloo?
Creationism is Bush’s Doctrine of Deceit in his Fantasy World.
Does George leave His Master’s Bedroom quietly every night at 10PM, to practice his next move on the battlefield, with tin soldiers in the WH attic and Condoleeza at his side?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
Since today is the 60 years anniversary of Nazi Germany’s surrender, it’s fitting to quote an asshole that actually knew some stuff about warfare:
The voters forgave Chimpoleon for flaunting Rule Two; will he soon see fit to screw Rule One as well?
of the Netherlands during their stay in Limburg province. “The Bush administration will distance itself from the Neo-Conservatists.”
CONDI: “The US needs to listen to its European partners and join in cooperation to tackle world issues.”
Is this heresy? George, Condi needs spanking.
Or, far away from home base, Condi got hit by the free air of European Liberalism. This is her second tour of Europe as new Secretary of State, maybe she IS intelligent and apt to learn facts.
Too bad, is Karen Hughes still writing George’s historic speeches about Yalta?
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
if it turned out Condi would be the end of George’s reign.
And like the Soviet presence in Eastern Europe, it is a safe bet that American soldiers will be occupying those bases fifty years from now.
I have a strong feeling we won’t be still occupying those bases fifty years from now. We are on the road to has been status and whether we like it or not, our days of imperialism and conquest are behind us. BushCo just doesn’t realize it yet because they live in the past and are trying to tie us there.
In other words, they are so 20th century and we are so over people like them.
That does it, I’m moving to China. I’ll take my authoritarianism up-front, thank you…
Ok, obviously that speech got my blood boiling but I calmed down before I posted a comment because I knew that more than outrage was needed.
sacrificing freedom in the vain pursuit of stability
This is almost an exact replica of Condi Rice’s statement in her opening speech at her confirmation hearings. Transcript from here:
Clearly the “six decades” refers to the 60 years after WW2 was over. So is this Rice’s hand we see moving in Bush’s speech above?
Considering her frequent testimony in her hearings and elsewhere of her “expertise” in Russian affairs, I think so. The problem is that she got into the pool right as the Soviet Union collapsed and thinks she “understands” it when she doesn’t. She was in Moscow a couple of weeks ago and spoke absolutely atrocious Russian in an interview on Echo Moskovy. I spoke better Romanian when I was interviewed on the radio here and I’d only been studying the language a few months.
Russian culture and thinking is very complex and not easily summed up in black and white statements. I think Rice has convinced Bush she is an expert on all things Russian and it looks like she is disastrously wrong. And while some of his domestic stuff has been ingenious (probably crafted by Dr. Rove), it looks like he’s put all his foreign policy eggs in Rice’s basket and the idiotic bluster above shows what a huge mistake this is.
Putin’s recent State of the Union address (available in English on his website) is worth reading in full. His lamenting the fall of the Sov Union has been mentioned in many western papers. What Rice doesn’t seem to get is that neither Stalin nor Putin is going to be bullied or cowed by words, much less tanks and planes. Putin is not only smart but he knows how to play hardball – you don’t get to be KGB chief any other way. And I promise you he knows that revenge is a dish best served cold.
I really want to curse the professor who first lured Rice into learning Russian and thinking she could be an “expert” on Russian culture and affairs. Because that innocously ignorant student is now running the show for the entire administration.
I would bet even money that if someone dug up her old term papers, you would find this “theory” that Roosevelt traded “liberty for stability”. Anyone want to dig them up?
My feeling that since bush seem to believe he can publicly keep dissing Putin is as you say..revenge is a dish best served cold and that Putin is going to extract full revenge somewhere along the way on bush…maybe something to do with Iran.
But bush’s continued ignorance toward Putin is like some stupid macho little boy swatting at a hornets nest and then thinking he can outrun the wasps.
I hadn’t particularly thought about the Condi connection here but think you’re absolutely right, thanks for pointing this out.
As I understood, taught at Denver University about his native Czechoslovakia and the Soviet occupation.
At age 15, Rice began classes with the goal of becoming a concert pianist. Her plans changed when she attended a course on international politics taught by Josef Korbel, the father of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. This experience sparked her interest in the Soviet Union and international relations and led her to call Korbel, “one of the most central figures in my life”.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité
I’m pissed, gonna have a smoke.
Reading this I remembered how far back the plans to attack Iraq were discussed. This article is from CBS, but other media carried the story at the time. Describing the depth of information:
“Everything’s there: Memoranda to the President, handwritten “thank you” notes, 100-page documents. Stuff that’s sensitive,” says Suskind, adding that in some cases, it included transcripts of private, high-level National Security Council meetings. “You don’t get higher than that.”
“From the very beginning, there was a conviction, that Saddam Hussein was a bad person and that he needed to go,” says O’Neill, who adds that going after Saddam was topic “A” 10 days after the inauguration – eight months before Sept. 11.
“From the very first instance, it was about Iraq. It was about what we can do to change this regime,” says Suskind. “Day one, these things were laid and sealed.”
= = = = =
He got briefing materials under this cover sheet. “There are memos. One of them marked, secret, says, `Plan for post-Saddam Iraq,'” adds Suskind, who says that they discussed an occupation of Iraq in January and February of 2001.
= = = = = =
Based on his interviews with O’Neill and several other officials at the meetings, Suskind writes that the planning envisioned peacekeeping troops, war crimes tribunals, and even divvying up Iraq’s oil wealth.
O’Neil was “uncomfortable” about the environment, operation, of the WH. Far from a neophyte, he compares BushCo with past administrations:
This is what O’Neill says happened at his first hour-long, one-on-one meeting with Mr. Bush: “I went in with a long list of things to talk about, and I thought to engage on and as the book says, I was surprised that it turned out me talking, and the president just listening … As I recall, it was mostly a monologue.”
He also says that President Bush was disengaged, at least on domestic issues, and that disturbed him. And he says that wasn’t his experience when he worked as a top official under Presidents Nixon and Ford, or the way he ran things when he was chairman of Alcoa.
Five years out and anyone paying attention now has enough information to “map” his intentions. Macro-view. The almost 800 nominees under his control are drawn from the hard-right and/or radical christian wings of the Republican Party. Bolton would complete the circle of lunatics.
This revisionist bullshit will be added to the top of the steaming pile. We can only hope the stench will be strong enough to be carried around the world.
Quote from speech by Jan Peter Balkenende at Margraten
“President Franklin D. Roosevelt said that freedom is incomplete without freedom from want and freedom from fear. He also said, “The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.”
The truth of what he said in 1941, can still be recognized – must still be recognized – here, at Margraten, on the eighth of May 2005.
We must not leave anyone behind. We must never take freedom for granted. We must keep working with our partners in the West and East.”
Queen Juliana was recipient of award in 1982!
Franklin D. Roosevelt — Four Freedoms Award
VIDEO link to Dutch News broadcast – forgive the moments when Dutch is spoken.
Oui – Liberté – Egalité – Fraternité