Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid called President Bush “a loser” during a civics discussion with a group of teenagers at a high school on Friday.
“The man’s father is a wonderful human being,” Reid, D-Nev., told students at Del Sol High School when asked about the president’s policies. “I think this guy is a loser.”
Shortly after the event Reid called the White House to apologize, his spokeswoman Tessa Hafen said. Reid spoke with Bush adviser Karl Rove, asking him to convey the apology to Bush, who was traveling in Europe.
Wash Post: Free Reg
Someone should tell Rove.
Sticks and stones
may break my bones
but your damn WMDS goosechases and your wars for nought (read: profit & lies)
are going to absolutely fucking kill me and mine
Thanks BooMan!
his only two mistakes were to forget to use the adjective ‘fucking’ and that he apologized. Although the apology is almost as funny as the original comment.
is that the guy wasn’t sent to a all expense paid trip to camp X-ray. ‘Cha never know with those people who Rove hangs around with…
If I don’t laugh, I might not stop crying. 😉
Here’s my chance to say:
Thanks for the Booman Tribune Mr. Booman. I can actually read the diaries, live my day, think on what these incredible people shared, thought, gifted, denounced, cried… and then later still come back after some time, consideration, and my own sharing – and post because the diary is … still there and still being read.
I love “the other place” it’s just sometimes it’s like a type of Future Shock ala Blog style. BlogShock(?)
Here I can let these stories direct, steep, sink in – I can think about them… and breath while reading them. I guess it’s the “Mommy” in me. Needing to feel the… need to give each diary TLC attention 🙂
Rambling – must be time for Rum.
the frog pond is placid. Especially on Saturdays.
are where you find the most willing to do some skinny dipping.
I have two very personaly yet highly political diaries…that have been leaving cranial claw marks since I haven’t let them out. I’ve been thinking about doing them here.
Long story short: I’m basically a special ed advocate who made some changes then someone somewhere called CPS. That was a nightmare. I MUST diarize it. But there’s a lot of shakes, alot of agencies involved. I recieved a beautiful letter from the folks here at Area Board I on Developmental Disabilities… but so much involves names… and I’m still shakey from it all. I’d rather have had an intruder enter my home and force a gun in my mouth than what we went through as a family last February.
The report has been filed as “FALSE” possibly due to retaliation from our involvement on issues. Was either a school or medical (red flag report) what’s odd is that with Special Ed, I’ve also been very active in regard to health care here locally…
Diarizing that possibly CPS is yet another tool for the “the man” is scary, at best.
Oh and last year this time – someone with a red flag tried to report us for lack of health insurance…
yeah yeah, I’ll diarize it but … I have no idea how to clear the names without it seeming “Bullshit”. (?)
I ran across a very heated CPS debate on “the other site” earlier this week. I’m not in a position to speak for all on BT, but if you have a personal story clawing at your cranium, it’s best to get it out there. And if you’re not in a position to name names, I for one, certainly understand the need to protect the innocent (or not, as the case may be).
Given the nature of the situation, and possible ramifications to your family or others, you needn’t worry about potential loss of credibility if you can’t fully disclose certain aspects of the issue. (Your emotional well being is far more important, and I highly doubt that anyone on this site will hiss or snark if you need to cautiously block the sourcing.)
Thank you for your kind words and suggestion.
Husband thinks I should just write it all out, too. 🙂
Just another ill-advised outburst from a man whose tongue often outraces his brain. Democrats should strongly suggest that this red-faced screaming maniac think before he speaks, lest our party be saddled with even more embarrassing statements and–
It was Harry Reid? Sorry, got my RWCM memes mixed up.
turn on CNN. They have the wife that got outraged by her husband’s online porn habit again.
Paula Zahn narrates. This is the best.
and then she gets so angry that runs away to New Mexico, where she is molested by Michael Jackson, before being killed by Scott Peterson.
didn’t she become impregnated by Michael Jackson?
yes, and she named it apple/lourdes/hazel/phinnaeus/rumer/scout/coco/jett.