A few weeks back I had a recommended diary at Kos suggesting that Democrats start using what I called That word, the U word, UNAMERICAN to describe the Conservative assault on our values, our institutions, our poor, our middle class, and every citizen’s civil liberties.
Well, it took a while but my Senator from New York has finally accepted the siren call of the U in his Democratic Response to Bush yesterday:
(Text of Senator Schumer’s remarks after the fold)
. . . They lash out at the time-honored independence of our judicial branch and they seek to undermine the tried and true tradition of the Senate in which the minority party has rights. And unfortunately this small group has tremendous influence over the Republican party and seems to be dictating its politics and policy.
. . . Some of the remarks made by these extreme groups and their allies are dangerous and un-American.
They’ve compared independent judges to the Ku Klux Klan.
They’ve said that the threat posed by judges is more serious than the threat posed by bearded terrorists who fly into buildings.
They’ve invoked Stalin’s evil slogan, “no man, no problem” in talking about judges they disagree with.
If these were just abhorrent statements alone, there would be less to worry about, but the people who have said them are influential people in and out of the government.
They seek to muzzle independent judges who they do not agree with. They seek to change 200 year old rules in the Senate in the middle of the game, because they are not always getting their way.
Now if we can just get other Democrats to use it and keep using it. The U word resonates with people at a very visceral level. The more we label these fanatics with it the more we’ll start to reap the rewards. I sincerely believe most Americans do not cotton to the beliefs and programs these ideologues are pushing but they need a handy name to describe what they dislike about them. The U word is that name.
Keep it up Senator Schumer. And encourage your colleagues to keep the pressure on these Un-American Activists on the Right.
We share a Senator! He’s really been good lately and I think the U word is both true and grabs peoples attention. The phrase I find I use lately in regards to the theocrats is “spitting on the constitution”, the image just makes people angry and it certainly gets their attention. Now, if we can just keep at it!
of the word, but I prefer ‘crooks’ ‘criminal’ ‘corrupt crony capitalists’ ‘cookoo crazed kleptomaniacs’ and to get away from the ‘c’ words, ‘Fristians’.
Make no mistake boys and girls, the religious reichwing that has overtaken the party of Lincoln is out to create the perfect theocracy to bring on the end times. Armageddon, the time for all good Extremist Christians to devastate the earth, you know that scorched earth policy, so when the good Christ comes back he can see what good christians they have been. Except that is not the true christian way, these fakir’s, con artists and criminals disparage the true Christian, they will pay in the end and I am pleased as punch that their God will settle that score. These un-American, nazi pogrom loving, theocratic stalinist, fascist loving scum sucking slime balls have diverted power to themselves and are truly an evil influence on our lives. They corrupt everything they touch, look at or speak about and the lies and falsehoods that spew forth from their mouths has a stench that is unequaled by any environmental pollution that Bushco and company could every spew forth. They want to steal away our freedoms, to dictate who, what, when, where and why of my freedom to be an American. My father-in-law must be rolling over in his grave, a WWII fighter pilot in Europe, another friend WWII Iwo Jima veteran Marine gunny, must be rolling his eyes and saying what the f*k are these a*holes thinking. They are thinking what a perfect way to end the world, we gain control of the USofA and nuke everybody so when God comes back we can show him exactly the kind of Christians we are. The kind that ignored everything good, positive and loving that the New Testament showered up all good christians. I hope that my children will not have to live in a theocracy run by the likes of Dobson, Robertson, Falwell and their ilk, just typing their names makes me want to take a shower.