A little levity on the perceived persecution of the Christians in America.  Gratefully written by “Merlin Missy” and posted at Slacktivist on May 8, 2005.  I hope that covers the copyright issue.

And this glorious example of the Art of Rant from Merlin Missy:

Of course Christians are persecuted in the United States. After all, everyone knows Christians can’t marry other Christians (except in one state but nobody recognizes Christian marriages anywhere else and it’s not like those are real marriages anyway), can’t adopt ot become foster parents after they truthfully answer the “Faith” question on the questionnaire, can be denied housing and jobs for being Christians, and are regularly the butt of jokes where practitioners of other religions (especially Jews) are portrayed as kind and giving. In many parts of the country, Christians are afraid of walking down the street because they know people will shout at them for being Christian. They don’t dare walk into some bars, knowing that their conservative clothing or a slip in conversation might make them a target for “beat the Christian in the backroom.” When a Christian commits an act of terrorism against an abortion clinic, Christians lock their doors in fear of retaliation by complete strangers. Doctors who practice and promote Natural Family Planning are listed on websites with “Wanted” posters and regularly receive death threats. Halloween and Beltaine are paid days off regardless of a person’s faith; anyone who asks to take a vacation day for Christmas or Easter is grilled suspiciously by coworkers and managers. Schools for other faiths are everywhere; there are only one or two Catholic schools per state and they don’t advertise after three were firebombed in one year. The ruling party and all three branches of government have dozens of people who have made public statements that Christians are destroying this country and that the practice of Christianity should be banned by the Constitution. Christians are barred from military service. Every Christian has a friend or relative who was killed or imprisoned during the last world war because they were Christian. When Christians complain about the treatment they receive, they’re told to move to another state / country with their own kind. People regularly picket the funerals of Christians with signs that read “The nameless forces that randomly shaped the cosmos into an appealing pattern hate Christos!” The word “christian” is used as an independent adjective to describe something stupid and/or undesireable. Christian girls who ascribe to Paul’s teaching that women must keep their heads covered when they pray are suspended from schools for violating the “no hats” policy. The only movie most people have even heard of that features Christianity is “The Faith,” a horror film that shows teenaged girls praying for bad things to happen to their classmates and committing cannibalism (using a phrase made trendy by the movie: “Body and Blood of Christ”). Politicians regularly end statements with “And Allah bless America,” and when called on it, they claim they mean all gods when they say Allah. “In YHWH We Trust” is written on our money. Teenagers who tell their parents they’re interested in Christianity, or believe they might be Chrisrians, are told they’re “going through a (rebellious) phase” and are often sent to counselling to “fix” them. The first response people often make when they hear someone’s family member is a Christian is to say “I’m so sorry.” Christian clubs at colleges don’t advertise their meetings because atheists regularly show up and hand out copies of “On the Origen of Species.”
Or you know, not.