I received something strange in the mail yesterday. It all has to do with an odd little passage in the Book of Acts:

Acts of the Apostles (19:11-12)

11 So extraordinary were the mighty deeds God accomplished at the hands of Paul
12 that when face cloths or aprons that touched his skin were applied to the sick, their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.

“Face cloths” has often been translated as “hankerchiefs”. And a paper hankerchief is what came in my mail. The letter also contained a self-addressed stamped envelope, a flyer with testimonials, and a letter explaining how to use the hankerchief, and donate money.

Here are two testimonials:

Dear Prayer Ministry, I walked into my house and your letter was laying on the table waiting for me. I had a hurt in my back and my head was hurting me too. When I opened your letter and read it…and found my Faith Hankerchief…Jesus started a Miracle in my life! I felt [like] a different person. I felt the spirit of God…” M.B.

[I’m hoping this is not Meteor Blades]

Florida- “I put the Hankerchief in the Bible…and I sent it back to you. I received a check for $3,500…I received a check for $2,500.00…” O.C.

Here is how it works:

(1)PRINT YOUR NAME AND YOUR MOST PRESSING PROBLEM, BY FAITH, IN THE CENTER OF THIS BIBLE HANKERCHIEF. Yes, that’s what I said…print your name, by faith, in the center of the hankerchief AND THE NAME OF SOMEONE ELSE WHOM YOU REALLY LOVE THAT NEED’S GOD’S HELP. Print their name under yours. (2)Then, OPEN YOUR BIBLE TO THE BOOK OF ACTS, CHAPTER 19, VERSES 11 AND 12, if you have a Bible. If not, it’s okay, God sees. (3)Then, LAY THIS BIBLE FAITH HANKERCHIEF (with your name printed in the center of it) ON THIS SCRIPTURE. (4) Leave it there for TONIGHT ONLY!


In the morning, I am supposed take the faith hankerchief out of the Bible and put it in the SASE. Under no cicumstances am I to keep the faith hankerchief and “break the flow of God’s Spirit”. They will provide me with a free spiritual gift, they will pray over my hankerchief, and they assure me that I will be the recipient of a “special miracle blessing”.

Of course, I am encouraged to donate some money. And I have a variety of options for what I want my miracle to be. I just check the boxes.

Some options are:

A closer walk with Jesus
To stop a bad habit
A New Car
A Better Job
A Money Blessing
A Home to Call My Own
My Children