MR. McCLELLAN: I’m not telling them. I’m saying that we would encourage them to help —
Q You’re pressuring them.
MR. McCLELLAN: No, I’m saying that we would encourage them —
Q It’s not pressure?
Q Are you asking them to write a story about how great the American military is; is that what you’re saying here?
MR. McCLELLAN: Elisabeth, let me finish my sentence. Our military —
Q You’ve already said what you’re — I know what — how it ends.
MR. McCLELLAN: No, I’m coming to your question, and you’re not letting me have a chance to respond. But our military goes out of their way to handle the Koran with care and respect. There are policies and practices that are in place. This report was wrong. Newsweek, itself, stated that it was wrong. And so now I think it’s incumbent and — incumbent upon Newsweek to do their part to help repair the damage. And they can do that through ways that they see best, but one way that would be good would be to point out what the policies and practices are in that part of the world, because it’s in that region where this report has been exploited and used to cause lasting damage to the image of the United States of America. It has had serious consequences. And so that’s all I’m saying, is that we would encourage them to take steps to help repair the damage. And I think that they recognize the importance of doing that. That’s all I’m saying.
Q As far as the Newsweek article is concerned, first, how and where the story came from? And do you think somebody can investigate if it really happened at the base, and who told Newsweek? Because somebody wrote a story.
MR. McCLELLAN: I think Newsweek has talked about it. They took it —
I usually don’t visit Drudge, but my daughter sent me this link, and it’s pretty interesting stuff.
Chat about whatever!
Only in my dreams is this the McClellan Memorial – I wish him no harm – just bon voyage.
They get Dan Rather – probably suckered Newsweek – and lord knows how many others – they pay pundits…aaaargh! Fascism is alive and well…censorship say hello from the White House.
Need more wine to go with my whine…
have some cheese and crackers to go with that wine!! LOL We are not whining my friend…it is the sound of despair.
Sweet, sweet, sweet…
Even better, then. I was just about to start a diary on why today has been such a great day.
Back later.
Wonderful descriptive diary! BooMan is the hero of the story, btw … he did the interviews and most of the writing. That’s why — I think — he’s drinking tonight :):) (He’ll kill me for saying that. Just teasin’, Boo!)
Well, then we’re two… 😉
But don’t you agree, great day in the news?
I was talking to a friend last evening saying what a great day this was. We are slowly exposing this turds for who and what they really are…lying spinmasters but I think they got so caught up in the spin it made them dizzy and they fell down today big time. I don’t know about you folks but I cannot fathom how Scottie Boy can sleep at night. Having to stand up there on a daily basis and lie for this fascist regime has got to be taking a toll. Jeez, haven’t we all lied at some point in out lives? BUT I know that I always felt guiltier than hell afterwards. I told my son when he was a youngster that if he lied he would eventually be caught and that his consequences would then be much more severe than if he had told the truth in the first place. Hmmmph…he stopped lying to me.
I’ve been hearing strange cracking, crunching, snapping sounds all day. Not sure, but it might–maybe, just perhaps–be the sound of the American media re-engaging their spines.
All fingers crossed.
My friend Norma just sent me this:
Hold a grudge, much? Geez, get over it
The owner of two Kentucky theaters has refused to show the new Jane Fonda film “Monster-in-Law” because of the activist role the actress took during the Vietnam War.
Ike Boutwell, who trained pilots during the Vietnam War, displayed pictures of Fonda clapping with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft crew in 1972 outside the Elizabethtown Movie Palace to show his disapproval. The marquee outside Showtime Cinemas in nearby Radcliff reads: “No Jane Fonda movie in this theater.”
Both theaters are just a few miles from the Army post of Fort Knox, south of Louisville.
“I think when people do something, they need to be held responsible for their actions,” Boutwell said. “When you give the enemy aid, it makes the war last longer.”
We should continue to hold a grudge against GWB for shirking duty
in Vietnam, for not showing up at the guard and for driving while drunk,
and ever
and ever…
And Norma just sent me THIS!
Tuesday, May 17 2005 @ 05:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Contributed by: Stranger
No wonder they shut down the meeting in less than a half hour. Coleman’s nuts are probably still in his throat.
“Senator, I am not now, nor have I ever been, an oil trader. and neither has anyone on my behalf. I have never seen a barrel of oil, owned one, bought one, sold one – and neither has anyone on my behalf.
“Now I know that standards have slipped in the last few years in Washington, but for a lawyer you are remarkably cavalier with any idea of justice. I am here today but last week you already found me guilty. You traduced my name around the world without ever having asked me a single question, without ever having contacted me, without ever written to me or telephoned me, without any attempt to contact me whatsoever. And you call that justice.
I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims did not have weapons of mass destruction.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to al-Qaeda.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9/11 2001.
I told the world, contrary to your claims, that the Iraqi people would resist a British and American invasion of their country and that the fall of Baghdad would not be the beginning of the end, but merely the end of the beginning.
Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong and 100,000 people paid with their lives; 1600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies; 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever on a pack of lies. …
Oh this was such a beautiful reading experience Susan! Thanks so much for posting it. I would have paid money to be there; to see the look on the face of that grinning moron, Norm Coleman. It will be interesting to see what kind of press it gets. What happened to Carl Levin, that he agreed with Coleman?
I wonder if Scott felt a little “divorced from reality” when some of the mice roared. Could you tell who persisted in asking the awkward questions? David Gregory? John..?
Just found yet another “gem” from Gary Bauer:
Who, indeed, could have been so treasonous as to damage his country’s reputation so he could score points <s>off</s> with Newsweek?
Will no one protect us from these traitors? Hmm…
Ahhh … and look at Bauer’s source. The New York Post which, if I’m correct, had a HUGE headline today that said “HOLY SHIITE!”
The Muslims in NYC should have a sit-in in their offices.
who has debunked the story, witnesses at Gitmo?
or retracted. or whatever.
Some warlord henchman told NewsWeek that they had seen a reference to desecration of Korans in a particular Pentagon internal document.
That henchman later said he was not sure that particular document was where he saw the reference to it.
I think Scott can relax on that one.
HA! Well worded.
Did someone in the press really ask the first question? If so, why aren’t there more like her?
Powerline (cough)
Dunno how we find out who asked. Look at CSPAN all night?
Here’s the White House link … maybe a couple of us should read through it all?
I looked at the transcript and it doesn’t say who asked the question. I watched the video but they didn’t show asked the question and I didn’t recognize the voice. Maybe someone else would? Here is the link; the question is asked 6 minutes and 11 seconds in.
If you’ve never been to, you’ve missed Holden’s Obsession with the Gaggle, a daily take-down of Li’l Scottie and his drivel. Read today’s Newsweek edition here.
Can you describe First Draft to me? Is it a place for people to write drafts? Or is it a blog with a clever name?
It’s a blog with a clever name– started by four of the Atrios commenters: Holden, Pie, Athenae, and Tena. They do a nice job of pulling together daily outrages by the Bushies, and I’ve become Obsessed with Holden’s Obsession with the Gaggle. Even Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post links to Holden on occasion.
(I LOVE your work Susan!)
If your head doesn’t explode first…
I get a dose of the gaggle every few days or when something is big that the WH is spinning.
….too much and my head wants to explode from the spin from little Scotty.
from the same press briefing;sid=2005/5/17/193319/281
McClellan is the absolute worst. He drives me crazy. I hope he goes down in a disgrace of flames. His words are vile, evil and dangerous. I can’t even watch him anymore. I can’t believe he gets away with it. I can’t believe he drives me this crazy. He’s quite successful with that. I think he should be punished Clockwork Orange style.
Forced to watch over and over again, how the Democrats succeeded in creating most of the USA’s social safety nets. Then forced to watch Barney tapes, then back to social safety nets. I personally find him so repugnant that I can only read transcripts of the press conferences.
When even he has nothing positive for Republicans, it’s a happy day!
Reporters rip Bush spokesman
Senate defies Bush to pass highway bill.. veto threat
Buchanan: ‘The conservative movement has passed into history’
KY governor’s office searched in probe
And he doesn’ even touch the Galloway story. I’d say today ended up being a pretty good day to be on the side of truth and justice, wouldn’t you?
GALLOWAY + commentary about his testimony and Norm Coleman’s lack of preparedness